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306 Carto using 400 SS Mesh

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by soulreaver2371, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. soulreaver2371

    soulreaver2371 New Member

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    Thanks @ zainwolf for his thoughts on making a carto using 400 SS mesh....I just made a carto from a 306 atty using 400 SS mesh rolled up inside the outer of a XL DC carto. The outer was of course to big to fit the 306 but I had a long delrin 306 drip tip that was useless be.comse it was a very loose fit on the 306 and I was able to sleeve the carto outer with a section of this. Be.comse it was a very tight fit in the outer it ended up being too tight for the 306 but a quick ream with 7.7mm drill soon fixed this. The roll of mesh is 3 pieces about 150mm long & 20mm wide rolled up together. It's much like dripping with a 306 but lasts much longer.

  2. Greek Godess

    Greek Godess New Member

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    sorry John do you mean you used the DT between the carto sleeve and the atty?
  3. tmmaurizio

    tmmaurizio New Member

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    Yes I used a section of the drip tip between them as a sleeve.
  4. eastmanmary29

    eastmanmary29 New Member

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    Very interesting. How much for a handful? :D
  5. Time Frame

    Time Frame New Member

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    Hahahaa.....I never intended to start producing these and I only have the mesh. If you want to order some 306s that are on special at HC now and the long delrin 306 drip tips they have and you have some dead XL DC cartos then send them to me and I'll make some up for $3 ea plus postage.

    Edit: actually the carts that come with the 306 can be used for the sleeve so no need for the drip tip
  6. dregge8

    dregge8 New Member

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    I'm gonna try it with a SR eGo Mega kinda like the doughnut idea using SS pipe screen, just taking that a step further... Won't need to carbonize it since it won't come in direct contact with the coil. People are using this stuff instead of silica/fiberglass wick these days and say it wicks better.

    Plus I really love the idea of a carto that could last months instead of days :) with a bit of care! A serviceable carto would be even more win if it could hold a decent amount of juice without leaking anywhere.

    I've been doing a lot of reading on ECF lately :) thinking of getting a metal lathe in the near future haha

    ASIANESE New Member

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    Ok cool I'll buy a few and post em. Would shorter cartos be a problem? I don't think I've got many ex-DCs left. Maybe I should send you an i06 to try as well - might alleviate the need for the sleeve
  8. jer15811

    jer15811 New Member

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    Shorter just means less capacity
  9. numarevancia

    numarevancia New Member

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    just my 2c,
    have used the plastic cover from a 306 atty to adapt 510 tubing to size to make a 510 drip tip adapter for some LR 306's that I debridged and dewicked.
    Works reasonably but you need to keep the atty wet as these baby's get hot enough to give a burning plastic taste that I'm pretty sure is coming from the piece of tubing.
    Found that a 306 cartomiser tube (stainless or strip the black sticker material off a black one) will fit snug in a 510 tube, if you then very slightly flare the end it will seat nicely on the brass ridge closest to the battery connector. Not sure if it's tight enough to make a carto.
    hope this makes sense, camera's offline at the mo so can't show pics
    all the best D1g
  10. freakfar

    freakfar New Member

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    Haven't noticed any burning taste like that as the 306 I'm using is still intact and the mesh seems to keep it wet enough. I also used the 306 cover as a sleeve on a second one I made and it's a nice snug fit.
  11. coisadefazer

    coisadefazer New Member

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    cool. might have got some plastic shaving stuck in the thing, thought I cleaned it out enough but could be wrong,
    wasn't carto style (no mesh) though and could have got dry, but de bridged and dewicked and def didn't taste like burning wick
    cheers mate
  12. jjesixqdan

    jjesixqdan New Member

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    How are you faring with this Johnny? Might be interesting for making up some kind of tank setup that can use good attys without diminishing that famous taste.

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