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Dead eGo USB charger?

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by dizzyjnry6041, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. dizzyjnry6041

    dizzyjnry6041 New Member

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    My week old charger looks to be misbehaving.

    It worked fine for the first 3~4 charges but now the charge light never turns green, it just flashes between red and green slowly, although it does seem to be charging batteries:confused:

    I've left both batteries on charge overnight and they are working, but I have no idea how much charge they have.

    Any suggestions? Or should I just ask HC for a replacement?

  2. alnats

    alnats New Member

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    Hi Hurfi, I am also new to vaping, but it does sound like a .comlty charger. I started off buying my hardware from HC and had a few problems as well, so I decided to only buy my hardware in Oz. The prices are fairly good and postage is much quicker than China. Saying that, HC are pretty good for replacing .comlty equipment. It is up to you, but if I were you, I would check out the canuk sites as well. Hope this helps.
  3. Heron By The Sea

    Heron By The Sea New Member

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    This is why someone needs to open a Parklea Markets stand (not saying there aren't already but they're all shady dealers)
  4. oikos

    oikos New Member

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    Give the batt and charger contacts a wipe with a tissue..... Sometimes fixes such issues
  5. jacflash

    jacflash New Member

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    You might also need to raise the centre pin on the charger slightly if it isnt making contact. A small flat blade screw driver or razor blade should work.
    If i was getting another one id go for an canuk reseller, there roughly the same price and faster delivery.
  6. Braimug

    Braimug New Member

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    forgot to mention cleaning, it is really important to make sure that all threads are clean and the battery and charger ends, so they make good contact. Just thinking about it made me clean my charger and I got a big green mess from around the thread, even though i always make sure i clean my batterys before charging.
  7. qh1dtexAha

    qh1dtexAha New Member

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    Green? Sounds acidic....
  8. J.A.

    J.A. New Member

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    Thanks for the replies...I'll order a new one locally, although the charger has now started working again strangely.
  9. rereedoks

    rereedoks New Member

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    it may be the actual plug pack is not a high enough voltage under load.
    the ego chargers are a simple analog cct and its unlikely to get better, I would suggest that using another USB power supply would speed up the charging a LOT.
    I use a iphone charger .. its 5.6v and will fully charge an 900mAh ego in a little over an hour and a half I reckon. The original supplied charger took over 4 hours for a 650 but the same charger was 2 hours on a USB port on my laptop.
    There is no specific current limiting on the charger that I can see there may be some in the ego itself, but it basically detects the cell voltage and goes green and shuts off if over X volts, likely 4.2 but turns on at some other slightly lower voltage ... say 4.1V (this is called hysteresis in electronics)
    With the red/green thing its as its nearing full charge, with the charge current going in the cell voltage rises above 4.2 so charge light goes green and shuts off, the devices then cuts off the current but the cell volts drops below the 4.1v again, so light goes green and current back in.. eventually the cell builds up to say 4.11v with current off and the light stays green.

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