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Stainless steel 306 driptip

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by ashlin4metal, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. ashlin4metal

    ashlin4metal New Member

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    I wanted a stainless steel 306 drip tip, but couldnt find one readily available, so I thought i would make one to last me until they are available. This mod comes from a ECF thread and is very simple. This is a good 510 to 306 driptip adapter, so you can use all your 510 driptips with 306 atomisers.

    1 with 2 pairs of plyers pull the atomiser out of a dead 510 att (cover the atty cover with something so you dont scratch it)
    2 put your 510 driptip on
    3 take the plastic atty cover that a 306 comes with off and put it in the 510 up to the drip tip, mouth side out.
    4 cut it off flush with the end of the 510 cover.
    5 put on 306 atty
    All done

    In the pic I left the 306 atty out a little on the bottom, otherwise it looks just like a 510 atomiser. Another pic with it on my new woody.

    View attachment 154
    Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
  2. Dan F

    Dan F New Member

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    Note - Pretty happy with my 510 to 306 drip tip adapter, until i went to change atomisers and ripped the guts out of it be.comse it is too tight, which was the problem i was also trying to fix as the nhaler 306 driptips were too tight. Oh well back to the drawing board, I need to mod my mod.
  3. MGR234

    MGR234 New Member

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    moved the remainder of the replies to a new thread :) they where pretty OT lol

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