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Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by hepBoova, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. hepBoova

    hepBoova New Member

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    bought some throttle body cleaner from repco to clean the butterfly on the girls commodore while its in bits.


    not mine .. but it looked like that or maybe worse.
    anyway .. this stuffs ingredients are 33% MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) and the rest 'hydrocarbons' .. now not sure if the magic stuff is the MEK but a direct spray with this stuff is instant degunge and shiny aluminium left behind, spray enough to get a little pool and it doesn't seem to be that effective. SO not sure if something is very rapidly evaporating or whether the spray can itself is the effective pressure spray.

    It does have me interested in trying this on an atty though, I thought MEK was really nasty till I had a look in the wiki for it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butanone .. not something you want to drink or snort. but likely that miniscule traces of it are not going to .comse kidneys to explode or something.

    If it can clean that baked on tarry sicky horrible mess with a single spray, there may be hope for cleaning tank attys yet...

    stay tuned :)
  2. gymbuoy

    gymbuoy New Member

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    stoney i use mek to melt and mold pvc sheet flooring.pretty toey stuff. just my two bobs worth.
  3. SeampTop

    SeampTop New Member

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  4. snarks01

    snarks01 New Member

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    hmm, i replied this morning, no idea what happened to that..

    I suggest that floorzone has already inhaled more of it already than I ever will, its soluble in cold water so a MEK wash or soak and then a rinse with cold water would get damn near all of it out, then a dry burn to dry and if there is more than a few micro g left I would be surprised.
  5. Invetaneata

    Invetaneata New Member

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    didnt want to offend stonester just know this gear neat is toey.but as you say cleansed and burned should be fine.
  6. lorenza

    lorenza New Member

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    not offended matey, inhaled enough of it meself in the last few days cleaning up the throttle body on the car.
    managed to spray myself in the eyeball with heavy duty degreaser this arvo, that was fun.

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