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Australian company selling ejuice with nicotine

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Eldarqq, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Eldarqq

    Eldarqq New Member

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    Would it be legal to set up an canadan business selling ejuice (with nicotine), that ships from another country? (One where nicotine ejuice sales are legal)

    What about selling ejuice from canada, shipping from canada, but only selling to overseas???

    I really want my own juice company, but live in canada :(

    Any way around our current laws?? Register the business overseas and only ship overseas, perhaps??

    Thanks! :D
  2. NinfaFrench

    NinfaFrench New Member

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    I've got six.

  3. chexers450000

    chexers450000 New Member

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    there are few sites that do this already, but none of them have done well.

    think of it like this,
    why order it with nic, when no matter what flavor you come up with i can get it from someone else with 0 nic and add my own.
    then i can 100% trust the amounts are correct
  4. 45654

    45654 New Member

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    Really? Which ones?

    Id actually prefer to buy my juice with nic to be honest.


    I doubt it. Technically you are still selling it in canada. Also, I don't see how you would make this work well if
    you are genuinely doing that but are living over here. Why cant you just do what other canadan vendors do?
    Why does it have to have nicotine?
  5. zpkh1gcvosp

    zpkh1gcvosp New Member

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    you will have to google it.
    canuk laws are real fuzzy on this subject and i dont want it to come back and bite me in the a$$ at a later date.
    That and technically id be helping you get nic juice in.coms that would be an AVF ass kicking
  6. wadeypops

    wadeypops New Member

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    Yes there is. How much money do you have to invest knowing that you will be working within a legal grey area and could possibly lose all your stock, equipment, and have to pay fines and legal costs?

    Did you mean your own juice manufacturer or vendor selling OS nic juice in.coms?

    If you're planning on manufacturing your own juice, you may want to stand out from every other person mixing flavours from TFA and similar sources. You might want to look at acquiring equipment for various distillation and extraction procedures. You may need sources for organic fruit, herbs, or whatever your flavouring source material is.

    Just saying that it isn't that easy, plenty of people have contemplated it before, and if it were, we'd all be doing it. That's not to say your doomed to failure, of course you could succeed, but you may need time, money, diligence, damn good marketing, and a lot of luck.
  7. Shay P

    Shay P New Member

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    I would think this is f.comght with danger if you do not actually have a physical presence located offshore ... i.e. if you plan on setting up a dropshipping enterprise , I for one would not be supporting the presence here on AVF of such a business . I would think you would have to do what other businesses are doing and having a branch of their company actually set up in the country of origin and meeting local tax/ legal criteria .... now not wanting to get too personal , but from your OP it sounds like you want to add on your cut to an existing product already sold O/S and make some easy money .
    To sell from canada to overseas you would need the regulatory framework in place to possess nicotine, manufacture food grade products, and export it ... again sounds like you are looking at options for no cost/high profit IMO

    If you already do not realise this , then to me it confirms the motivation ... we need responsible people doing stuff in canada , people who are willing to make sure they meet the letter of the law , rather than skirt it and hope for the best , endangering the whole community .
  8. assifub

    assifub New Member

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    This i want a double like button FM
  9. almdeminv

    almdeminv New Member

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    Why would you want to bring this sort of pressure upon yourself ? Leave the nic issue up to the buyer ,as have been told before this is illegal to supply nicotine in canada without the correct liscences ect in place .Do you really want to do this ? as for skirting around the.comthorities mate you are asking for trouble ,are you prepared to put up a video of your processing fascility as 5 pawns have done remembering it is legal in some states to manufacture juice with nicotine in it where as here it is illlegal .I think this may be your ambition to be the only canadan supplier of juice with nicotine but then if your flavours are not so good then people will go with overseas sellers or ones where they add there own nic .There are places that import from overseas and sell retail already here ,admitadely they are in a certain range of standard flavours some of which leave a lot to be desired but for my money i would leave the addition of nicotine up to the individual where it at the present time is legal to import nic for personal use rather than get involved in an illegal enterprise that could backfire on you with severe ramifications,my opinion only for what it is worth .
  10. The Fat Man

    The Fat Man New Member

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    Boy crispy

    you seem to know alot about it have you tryed before or do you have a shop already :app.comse:
  11. wzymdxk56g

    wzymdxk56g New Member

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    Also one of the main attractions of buying locally is the speed you get the goods. If your products are being shipped from overseas
    that would make buying from you just like buying from any other overseas vendor.....but with a dodgy aspect and less reputation. I
    think you will struggle.

    @ Hoofprint, its all good. I wasn't asking be.comse I wanted help getting nicotine. I was just sceptical of your comment and in a bit of
    a shit stirring mood :D Thanks anyway.
  12. kingjav6789

    kingjav6789 New Member

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    It is illegal to sell or supply nicotine in canada so there is no legal way around having nicotine in your e-liquid in canada. Unfortunately the laws here are very tough, most countries in the world don't have any laws on selling nicotine. I think the law was made to stop people growing tobacco plants, however i hope the laws change in the future where there is a c.comse that excludes e-liquid as they do with tobacco products and NRT's under various conditions however since the health department don't approve of e-cigs that will be a battle already lost.
  13. oikos

    oikos New Member

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    Hi shanea no dont have a shop but i have done a hell of a lot of research on it ,not trying to be a know all just passing on what i know and also what i have researched, 5 pawns i think is only one who have a video on there processing plant but it is one hell of a setup no backyarders there .It would be good if we could all get onto the game but then we would burn it out in a very short time ,there is a company here in oz that states that it practices the iso 9001 standard for production of its juice and by there accounts they are the only one to have this certification here .
    By making that statement they are legaly bound to practice this standard otherwise there accreditation will be removed, and they are checked at various times to ensure they are meeting the guidlines of this standard ,me im only going to be a backyarder dont intend to sell just for my own recreation and pleasure .To my way of thinking if this person wants to try to flout the laws to try and get in on the game and claim to have the only e juice company in canada that supplies nic in its juice just gives the zelots more ammunition and a louder voice to try and pass legislation through govenment to shut down the whole box and dice .
  14. Erycladdy

    Erycladdy New Member

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    There's also a video on the vaporshark juice line.
    It's on their website somewhere, looks real professional to. I think there's 4 people running it
  15. XxXanYniiXxX

    XxXanYniiXxX New Member

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    well said FM, couldn't of said it betterer :app.comse:
  16. crissmor

    crissmor New Member

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    I'm not condoning it be.comse it is against the law but there are some really great canuk Vendors that onsell prepackaged nic containing eliquid to canadans.

    There is one I know of that does it for purely altruistic reasons. She has got to an age where she is extremely sick with copd from smoking but has plenty of money. The mark up is very small and she provides excellent support for smokers wishing to make the switch. She speaks to you on the phone, emails you, meets up with you if you are local and basically goes above and beyond what any stop smoking service might do.

    Our laws are ridiculous. Yes, there are unscrupulous greedy irresponsible vendors out there just in it to make a buck but there are also selfless, kind, helpful vendors willing to get fines etc. to ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to get off the fags.

    I know it doesn't make it legal, but I know in same cases it surely makes it right. ;)

    Edit: Sorry forgot to mention. The other reason she is so great is that she doesn't require paypal or credit card transactions. Many of her customers are pensioners without either. She will take direct credit transfers and speak to them on landlines.
  17. rachelsy1

    rachelsy1 New Member

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    I believe I know who you mean, Davi; as I expect many people here would too. I completely condone it, though of course it isn't up to me to condone or forbid. Many laws are wrong, such as those in question here regarding nic sales, and many others are only there to make money or protect the status quo. It is up to each individual to decide whether to obey or break laws, and to accept the potential consequences of their actions.
  18. adamasjunoray8460

    adamasjunoray8460 New Member

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    That's a slippery slope....
    I've had discussions with the department of health about this.
    Forget it, focus on concentrated flavours and mods.

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