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base recipes

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by furgetabowdit, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. furgetabowdit

    furgetabowdit New Member

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    whats everyone using for their dessert bases? i usually vape creams with fruit in it. im sorta new to diy and i cant seem to nail anything. so for instance, for a strawberry cream, what creams should be used? do people add vanilla or custards to the mix?
  2. Janet R

    Janet R New Member

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    I use sweet cream for my strawberry and cream.
  3. Eldelm90558

    Eldelm90558 New Member

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    I've been using FW Whipped Cream, FW Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and TPA Marshmallow at a ratio of 3:2:1 :) I need to mix up 10ml of it to reduce stuffing around...
  4. albures69

    albures69 New Member

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    Go easy on the Sweet Cream. I find (nowadays) if it's over 3-4% it tends to dull down the other flavours and as it steeps can make things too sweet and overpower. Also I've read somewhere that too high a % and it lends a "soapiness" to the taste as in not a soapy flavour but texture (I'm presuming that's what's meant). I just cannot get a handle on the premixed strawberry & cream premix concentrates, so I usually go something like 10-13% strawberry and 2-3% sweet cream. Lately I've been adding 2% Whipped Cream to add a bit more creaminess without the sweetness, however, strawberry is one of those flavours that gets lost unless you bump it up. So final recipe looks like 14% Ripe Strawberry TFA, 2% Sweet Cream FW and 2% Whipped Cream FW. 2 drops of Smooth per 10ml.

    Now, I have mentioned the Ripe Strawberry as TFA purely for convenience, however my usual Strawberry concentrate mix is 50% Ripe Strawberry TFA and 50% Sweet Strawberry CAP as I have found a combination of these two to be a great strawberry taste. I started using these two over 12 months ago when someone else on the forum here (can't remember who) mentioned the combination of these two as the most realistic strawberry taste they had tried and they were right !

    That is a great idea :)

  5. Lane

    Lane New Member

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    good info here

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