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Phoenix RBA

Discussion in 'Vape Reviews' started by ocz1.4, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. ocz1.4

    ocz1.4 New Member

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    been vaping on a budget so heres a cheap option.

    I hear its risky buying from vaporbreak but that has not been my experience.
    perhaps just buy one or two of these though..

    I have used virtually nothing else since getting my 2, the original heater is pretty good but they really come alive with 7 or 8 turns tightly wrapped on a 2.5mm wick, incredible flavour, I pick up nuances of multiple flavours that I can't taste AT ALL in a carto tank. Outperforms a 306 dripping atty for me .. easily.

    speaking of dripping .. grab some if these little bottles too..

    leak free unless the top silicon cap comes off.
    it has happened in pocket but did not leak anyway .. i love these bottles.

    back to the atty ..

    few issues, bit of a fiddly job to mount a new wick, use a magnifying headset if an old prick like me. mount heater diagonally across the atty .. much better.

    another hassle, best to remove drip tip when dripping, it can run liquid down between the outer and inner shells, pretty much stays there till you unscrew.

    the pin on the bottom starts to push up easily after a while, push down on the higher atty pin on the raised section to push back down.
    yet to get one in pieces, i think the top of the inner section is push fit ring.

    so some hassle but for $5.50. hell, who cares and its a good device generally.

    on the basis of how much i like these, i have now bought a couple of A7's from mountain oak vapors. will report later..
  2. chtsoli0i

    chtsoli0i New Member

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    Yep I like my little Pheonix's too , and like you Stoney I havent had an issue yet with Vaporbreak ( 6 orders so far , no probs , juice a bit iffy , but you get what you pay for)
  3. helias7up

    helias7up New Member

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    yeah Im happy with with my phoneixs from vaporbreak but wont buy from them again thankgod for paypal recovering my funds on my last order from them but I still lost out on 2 orders that arrived with half items missing , you guys have been lucky but i belive its only a matter of time b4 you get burnt
  4. watcher112

    watcher112 New Member

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    These are the same as the VM Bulls from VapingMad yes?

    They are great little atties, and have been using them exclusively for about 4-6 weeks, I have 3 from Elise and am waiting on another 3 from vaporbreak (as well as another little rebuildable and some pre-coiled wicks). A "helping hand" with magnifying glass and a good light source really helps me to recoil these too.

    Edit: I drilled out the airhole to 1.2mm on my first one, get more vapour and a slightly airier draw
  5. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    this is a pita vendors renaming as there own
  6. creature666

    creature666 New Member

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    Ordered 5 of these on December 5 still waiting for them. Tracking says still in China, 2 emails sent no reply yet, but i have used them before.
    But i agree with lastchance i don't know why some venders even ones overseas rename the exact same thing, it does .comse more confusion.

    Just got them in the mail. tracking still says in china though
    Phoenix on a sidewinder
  7. Jack Benoit

    Jack Benoit Member

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    iTaste MVP 2.0 iClear 30
    Snake oil from Seduce Juice, pear/coconut/cream
    Сhаrасtеristiсs :

    - Stаinlеss stееl
    - Саpасity 3.5 ml
    - 22 mm аt thе bаsе
    - 47.5 mm in hеight withоut thе drip-tip
    - 24K gоld plаtеd аdjustаblе соnnесtоr
    - Аdjustаblе аir flоw ring 10 саn sеttings (2 x 2 x 0.5 mm tо 2.5 mm)
    - Аssеmbly twо pоlеs
    - Mаdе in Switzеrlаnd

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