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EL TORO/House of Liquid ejuices

Discussion in 'Vape Reviews' started by Entistcus, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. Entistcus

    Entistcus New Member

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    Finally! After being opened by Customs (a little slip in it said "Customs and Border Protection found nothing of concern in your parcel or letter and did not remove any items") and waiting 3 weeks it's finally here! Well, at least it's steeped reasonably well! I would've been tempted to vape before it was steeped otherwise.

    First juice: El Toro Virginia 50/50 PG/VG, 12 mg/ml.

    It's quite clear, a light yellowy colour which surprised me; pleasant light smell on opening.

    Vaping: needs low voltages, 3.8 on my Comet; any higher and it starts to taste burnt.

    Woah, nice throat hit, full bodied but smooth. Moderately smoky, slightly sweet on the exhale; very mellow. Like a fresh packet of golden virginia tobacco just opened. A bit like a good Dunhill or other higher end cigarette. Closer to an analog than anything else I've ever tasted. This could easily be my all day vape, as long as the PG doesn't dry my throat too much (been avoiding PG for the last few weeks).
  2. nady

    nady New Member

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    Hey VoG, HoL juices will kill Comets pretty quickly, the gunk that builds up on the coil of an atty or carto is quite a bit more than non-steeped juices. So you will notice a drop in vapor production on your comet much sooner than normal.
    As far as I know, the HoL juices are 50/50 PG/VG but to me they don't seem to be that high in VG, they seem to have less, I don't know why that is but there is just something about them that doesn't produce as much vapor as my 70/30 PG/VG mixes but I am told they are 50/50.

    Haven't tried the Golden Virginia yet but the other El Toro flavors are quite similarly very analog tasting juices too. On Xmas day I was vaping the Guevara Reserve & getting quite drunk, it could have been a good quality cigar I was vaping, it was so close in taste.
  3. dregge8

    dregge8 New Member

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    I know these are reknowned for being atty killers but I was surprised at how light the colour was and I was having to stuff around with my cotton wicking vivinova so I thought, what the hell, lets just charge the comet and have a go. Eager as a bull in a cow pen. I have heard that Georgio is introducing a new ultra filtration system so perhaps this surprising lightness reflects this new system and it might be ok after all.
  4. All the juices are light in color, that I have got thus far. Not sure if he has introduced the filtration system yet or not but none of the juices were what I'd call dark in color before the new system either.
  5. Riptneize

    Riptneize New Member

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    Well, been vaping the Guevara on the Vivi most of the day but with a cotton wick that was a bit too thin for the bigger coil that I made (experimenting with the boundaries of cotton wick thickness vs coil). So wasn't really able to hit it well and it wasn't performing at it's best so I won't review that one yet, although it certainly is good from the limited experimentation I've done. However, I was pretty amazed to see the coil was pretty clean when I took it apart this evening. This is despite pushing the volts up to 5 for a fair bit of my vaping time in an attempt to get more vapor (although as I said the main .comlt was going too thin with the cotton wick). This could be an indication I've got some of the stuff with the new filtration system.
  6. Momosclan

    Momosclan New Member

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    The Guevara

    A very complex juice. Again, the same light almost greenish yellowy colour, although darkening as I've vaped it all day.
    This one's at 18 mg. Vaping it on a standard silica wick on the vivinova at 2.4 ohms.
    Much more punch. Very interesting changing the voltages. At low voltages it's quite mellow, not sweet at all though, and very tobaccoey. As you get into the high 3's and low 4's it gets a bit of a sour grass taste that I don't really like. But up in the high 4's around 5 volts it goes, KABOOM! Vicious throat hit and smokey cigar flavour, really similar to a great cigar. A bit harsh on my PG sensitive throat to vape all day though. I can see the potential for a real analog replacement at high volts. I'm too scared to push the volts any higher. It's ferocious!

    I'm finding an interesting phenomena with these juices, that if I vape them at night I don't get the insomnia and palpitations I sometimes get when vaping cleaner juices. Perhaps it's the non nicotine alkaloids.

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