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I am New at all this..

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by bubberdub18, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. bubberdub18

    bubberdub18 New Member

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    Hi all, only just got into Vaping 30 days ago and haven't looked back at having a cigarette since.
    I have a question regarding flavours, I am looking at buying some and wondering where the best place would be in canada since I am new I just have been buying from ebay..
    I have found a site saying it's 80% / 20% based , my question is which I should buy?
    I bought a liter of 100% pg nicotine from overseas and I currently mix it up on 18 ml nicotine , so in the 30ml bottles I am making I put in 5.4ml of 100% pg nicotine , 1 ml water and the rest I fill it up with VG.. What would my percentage be classed as and which type of flavoring should I be looking at buying ..
    Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question....with the flavour I bought off ebay which is called Enjoylife ejuice it's 65/35 PG/VG and all I do is just add a few squirts to my glass when topping it up every 2 days..

    Any help in what I should be doing or buying would be appreciated.


  2. wbcaudillo1

    wbcaudillo1 New Member

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    Go here and download the juice me up free software.
    eJuice Me Up - Best eJuice Calculator
    Search this forum, there are plenty places to buy juice flavours in canada, already mixed as doublers, or concentrates.
    Probably best to start with custard or something most people like.
    The temptation is to buy tobacco flavour, most people try that, and quickly look for a different flavour.
    I vape a 50/50 pg vg mix.
  3. tjongucqrbai

    tjongucqrbai New Member

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    House of Vape for doublers and T-Juice and Pink Spot concentrates. Very good stuff.

    Juice Factory for more concentrates than you can poke a stick at. Good prices and biggest range in.com.

    Doublers get mixed at 50%. Concentrates typically from 5%-20% depending on brand and how strong they are.
  4. ratajeozzd

    ratajeozzd New Member

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    I am not understanding any of this.
    All the 80/20% is that PG/VG or VG/PG.
    You say 100% PG nic but at how many mg nic?
    Then you say you mix at 18 ml nic.
    And why are you putting a drop of water in?
  5. Floovekly

    Floovekly New Member

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    I've seen charts which say you can add water, I've never tried it.
  6. PaulinaTh

    PaulinaTh New Member

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    My friend told me to put 1ml of water in since I put in so much VG

    Sorry for confusion
  7. inwathy

    inwathy New Member

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    Thank you for your reply :) I bought a few different flavours to start with and won't be buying tobacco flavours .
  8. kamcio7

    kamcio7 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for the heads up , will look into them now :)
  9. tayschrenn

    tayschrenn New Member

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    Diluting with water may be useful in tanks where the thick VG doesn't wick too well.

    If you put too much you may have issue with overwicking or leaking, best to start very low and test and then work up if needed.

    Not needed if you drip though.
  10. Emma Jean

    Emma Jean New Member

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    So really I don't need to add 1 mil of water when I make my mixture...
    Since I am using 100 mg/ml nicotine base for now I am not sure 50/50 will work for me ...
  11. The JW

    The JW New Member

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    Ok so you are using 100mg nic PG based and then VG for the rest.
    Do you have juice concentrates and if so at what percentage are they for recommended usage.
    You can of course just add about a 5th of the 100mg nic to your ebays no nick juice or even slightly less but will only lose slight flavor
  12. friedolinforever

    friedolinforever New Member

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    Since I am new to this I started with the Eleaf istick with a silo tank , which my friend put me on as I'm clueless with everything else , I will stick with the electric mods for now till I learn more about vaping and making my own coils etc .. So for now just bought replacement coils off ebay to get me through the next few months as I learn more and upgrade in future ...
    I will read posts on here and websites and learn as I go.
    Appreciate all the comments thank you. :)
  13. Driver

    Driver New Member

    Likes Received:
    I might try that thank you, since I just got onto flavours and bought the ones off ebay which are 65/35 PG/VG ( no nicotine ) I just squirt some of the flavour to my tank after I fill it up with the pre made liquid from the 30ml bottles.
  14. Meghan P

    Meghan P New Member

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    Yep. Good idea. See also Why add water to eJuice?

    There is a juice mixing calculator linked in my sig. I wrote it, so I highly recommend it. ;) Though note that it is not set up to account for other mixing liquids than PG & VG. No water and no alcohol (which will be in tinctures, and provides a higher thinning ability than water) ..

    As to flavors I'd recommend to go for the more concentrated flavors based on the facts that:

    • You want a high VG mix, possibly with a little water to thin it.
    • Most flavors come in a high PG mix, since it carries flavors better.

    By getting a more concentrated flavor, you get more options for altering the final ratios of PG/VG/water/ethanol.

    Concentrated brand flavors I've tried and liked include U4IA, T-Juice & The Flavor Apprentice, all available (the last two widely so) in canada.
  15. nesofesmins

    nesofesmins New Member

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    Your Ebay 0 nic flavours are probably single flavor meaning adding to them you will lose some flavor.
    Add about one part 100mg nic to 5 - 6 parts of the ebay juice for now to have something to vape with nic.
    You have 100mg nic so good time to also have plain [no nic] PG and VG so as you can dilute the 100mg nic to something lower.
    Then you can work out doublers and tripler flavors as well as concentrate flavours
  16. Amy Y

    Amy Y New Member

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    Thank you for the info and will check out the calculator and those sites for sure .
  17. RIP

    RIP New Member

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    Cheers for the tip , my friend told me to add 2.7ml of the 100mg nicotine to each of the 15 ml bottle until I buy ones with higher PG mix and of course know what I am doing.
  18. elaineph18

    elaineph18 New Member

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    Your ebayers are already 65/35 PG/VG and then the nic is PG so why are you needing more Higher PG
  19. deanbngaws

    deanbngaws New Member

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    That is what he told me to do, but I just been topping up my glass tank with a little
    Flavour for now just so I can taste the flavour
  20. ArTeMiSs

    ArTeMiSs New Member

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    Hey Gbomb. Yes, adding 2.7ml of 100mg nic to your 15ml bottles of juice will get you to a 18mg target strength (roughly). I say roughly be.comse you've got the right idea. Of course if you want to be accurate, you would take 2.7ml of juice out first.

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