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A weird challenge for the mixers out there

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by tsaitek, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. tsaitek

    tsaitek New Member

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    G'day Guys n Ladies , I have an interesting challenge for you to consider and would love any and all advice you might be able to give .

    I have no sense of smell , nothing nada zilch , and have had since birth. No Olfatory Nerve. This is not to say I do not "Taste " things , I do , but probably in a vastly different way to which pretty much everyone else does .
    I started vaping way back about 4 years ago , when there was pretty much nothing fancy available , but I always drifted back to the analogues , simply be.comse vaping did not quite stack up to how I required my nicotine .
    So after a long break from e-cigs, I decided to take the plunge again as things have improved greatly .
    Currently am happy with eGo and clearomisers but have a VV device on the way as well . Currently analogue free for a month , and can see me actually sticking with vaping this time .

    Now heres the guts of the matter .

    Pretty much every flavouring used in commercial e-cig mixes appears to be perfume or scent based , I can say this with certainty , as there are very few flavours I can actually taste that are anything like what they describe themselves to be .
    Menthol works , be.comse that is a true flavour , rather than an olfactory driven response . As do some mints ( I really wish I liked the mints , but in truth , not so much )

    Ok so fellow vapers Riddle me this , do you know of ANY juices which actually have "Tongue " taste , rather than scent taste ?
    In order to appreciate the difference , think back to when you have had the worst headcold ever , and all your food tasted like crap or was tasteless.
    Was there ANY vape you had that still tasted strong?

    I can appreciate this is asking a lot for those of you that have all your senses to comprehend or help out with .
    Taste is very subjective , and is in reality for "Normal people" over 90% scent driven rather than your tongue .

    To give you an idea , the strongest vanilla flavours out there , I get NOTHING , just a harsh as hell throat hit , without any of the flavour or smoothness , a strong Dekang Coffee, I get just the faintest of caramel sensation at the back of my mouth . Things like pear, apple, fruity mixes ... absolutely nothing , in fact I often have to add a little Glycerol( VG ) to smooth them out and add some sweetness to them to make them vapable .

    Funnily enough , Std tobacco flavourings , do taste a bit like analogues , be.comse they often use actual tobacco flavour , so to me it has a comparable taste to analogues .

    I dont expect a miracle answer here , but Any suggestions have got to be better than wildly buying juices and being continually frustrated by the fact there is NO actual taste for me as described .

    I am perhaps the most disabled man in the vaping community :lol:
  2. Vegas Matt

    Vegas Matt New Member

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    well we have another member with no sense of smell either, she is pretty much an exclusive menthol vaper as well..
    she may chime in if she is around.
  3. azerus

    azerus New Member

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    If i recall correctly zens private stash is all natural additives, but I have not tried it personally.

    Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
  4. flyynn

    flyynn New Member

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    Cheers for that Stoney , hopefully she does pop up :)
    Long time lurker, first time poster, but a definate admirer of your work

    STEALEPLOTT New Member

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    Hi Fatman, welcome :)

    I have a head cold at the mo and I'm vaping a menthol, bit dulled but I can taste it. But ... have you considered vaping unflavoured? I do about 25% of the time, and for the "tongue taste", increase the nic slightly?

    There's also the option of using concentrates at greater than normal strength, but I understand that may not help in your case.
  6. Mafia

    Mafia New Member

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    I understand what you're saying Fatman but of course have no idea how it feels to be you. That said I can only offer something that seems relevant to me.

    I have found that one of the most 'true to life' flavours I have had recently and is quite strong is the Lime Spider from VapingMad, who have a sub-forum here on AVapers. Pretty cheap and worth a try.

    I am a menthol vaper and can highly recommend the Arctic Ice from VaporBomb in the US.

    Another 'tobacco' style flavour that has something going for it is ShireMalt from e-pipemods in the US.

    Another flavour you could try - but may not like - is licorice flavour. The one I have tastes like aniseed. Black jelly beans come to mind. It is a strong flavour but also seems pretty natural.
  7. Judas Rabbi

    Judas Rabbi New Member

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    I reckon Lime flavours will do the job, much more of a tongue taste than most flavours.
    JW - Mojito and VK - Lime are 2 that are particularly strong Lime flavours.
  8. Adominixaa

    Adominixaa New Member

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    Firstthing that sprung to mind after reading your OP was Tobacco Absolute, it is a VERY VERY STRONG taste, so much so that any more than 3 or 4 drops(after it is already diluted) in a 30ml bottle will overpower other flavorings.
    It has a grassy tobacco note but can make other flavors taste better. I have a juice at present with a small amount of it in it & just tested it by holding my nose pinched & definitely tasted something on the tongue, although it was pretty weak tasting.

    So maybe for you 5-10 drops in a 30ml unflavored juice would work or maybe a few more drops. The version I have is Perfumers apprentice, which came pre-diluted in a 4ml bottle, from an canuk vendor.
  9. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I found I could taste "cinner" (cinnamon) from juicewhore on my tongue. I suppose we would have to vape with a peg on our noses to kinda experience what you go through :) Lets hope we can find you some juice.
  10. Mafia

    Mafia New Member

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    I didn't think about cinnamon, since it is proven to crack tanks lol but PA cinnamon hot shots(or hot dots?) would have taste, it has the heat on your tongue.
  11. Alien

    Alien New Member

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    Thanks for the quick replies and warm welcome :)
    I was just thinking today , " Hey at least when I get a real crappy flavour I probably dont notice it anyway " LOL
    So thats my tip of the day for all of you out there , wait til you have a shocker of a cold , and vape your least favourite liquids to get rid of them !
    For me there are no BAD flavours , just some have a weird mouth feel , or not so pleasant aftertaste ( like an bitter oilyness in the mouth )
    Menthol is great , but it messes with your mouth long term .
    My current way of coping with a crap mix is to suck on some XXX Strong Mints during a good vape :D

    I like the lime and licorice avenue, will have to find a place to grab them from .
    Cinnamon sounds interesting , as cinnamon is one of the real life flavourings I can readily identify in something , might have to sacrifice a clearomiser or two in the interest of science !
    Most of my supplies I get from OS vendors , but does anyone have a preferred local vendor for doublers or concentrates?

    Hmmm I might be onto something here .... New specialty business... "Headcold Vaping !"
    So when you are crook , you can still have something with taste LOL

    Appreciate all the input guys , keep em coming :)
  12. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I would recomended menthol eucalyptus drops from Vapeking. Nice strong flavor and throat hit.
  13. ImammaRat

    ImammaRat New Member

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    I am just putting together an order from VapeKing for next week , Added some menthol Eucy and a lime doublers to try :D ... Thanks Alca !
  14. prettycoolchick38

    prettycoolchick38 New Member

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    Lime Spider from Vaping Mad might be a good one to try, strong lime taste that stays in your mouth for a while after.
  15. di0nysos

    di0nysos New Member

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    Hangsen Tab Blended has a nice tongue taste also Ritchie's Turkish tobacco which has a very strong taste.
  16. glomora

    glomora New Member

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    YAY!!!!! WELCOME ABOARD!!!!! You are 2nd anosmic vaper I have found, we are a rare breed indeed [​IMG]


    LIME or LEMON I get the sour tones but no taste as such, just that sour twinge on the tip of my tongue
    Dekang RY4 is not too bad kinda metallic with a tobacco hint
    I left my kit at a friends but in there there is a bottle of banana nut bread... cant really taste it but it is my sweetest vape and i like sweet
    JUICE WHORES GINGER was good but was hit and miss when i tried it.... some hits were like vaping nothing and then you would get a few hits that knocked your socks off with that peppery ginger hit..... THE ONES THAT I TRIED WERE TEST FLAVOURS NOT NECESSARILY THE FLAVOUR THAT IS ON SALE NOW.

    Sadly vaping seems to require a sense of smell so to date the only thing I have found to be consistent is menthol and SHOCK HORROR Dekang Menthol is my favourite, I dont need fancy I just need something that works (additives like tobacco etc are lost on me anyway) Vaping menthol on a variable voltage device is pretty handy too be.comse when you increase the volts it increases the punch in the menthol so if you need more flavour just crank up the voltage :D

    If you do happen to find something else that works please be sure to give me a shout :D

    (OOOHHH and crule of me to mention but I got given some really old dekang green apple that was very yummy and was the only thing that got me off menthol for more than 5 minutes but I cant find it any where.... the current dekang stuff is not the same I tried it [​IMG] )

    Ohh and on the anosmic topic did you ever get tested for idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism it is more common in males than females but is the reason I have no sense of smell. Anosmia is one of the indicators. It is very rare and most doctors have to stop to ask me what it is lol, I just tell them i am missing LH/RH and they go "ahhh... i see" and nod

    OOOOHHH I dont know why but dekang strawberry messed with my menthol, vaped strawberry for a short stint one day but swore I could taste it in my menthol for days after.... it just highlighted something in my menthol I wasn't noticing before.
  17. Pinkdog

    Pinkdog New Member

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    Awe shucks you remembered [​IMG] lol
  18. sunnylv702

    sunnylv702 New Member

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    Heavens I never heard of anyone having no sense of smell and I was a nurse for 35 years. Just had to google anosmic.
    I feel for you both- unable to smell flowers etc
    If you vaped plain nic and sucked on a nice lolly does that help ? Or is your sense of taste affected too in some way ?
  19. bap 1963

    bap 1963 New Member

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    Heya GirlyPantz !!!

    Am I the second including yourself , or is there another vaper about lurking lol
    I am anosmic due to ( yep you guessed it ) .... Kallmanns Syndrome !!! ( or a specific form of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism )
    I admit you are the first female I have come across ever with the same condition :O but then again , as you mentioned its pretty rare , in real life I do not know of one other out there , apart from those who post on the web ... Statistically , there should be 2 or 3 blokes in canada with the same type as myself , but they arent putting their hands up to be counted !
    Like you no doubt , my diagnosis was a kind of fortunate accident , when I was 25 I was being examined and treated by an endocrinologist in Melb for symptoms , it was only when he had his carpets cleaned and apologised to me about the smell , that the penny dropped with him , when I casually mentioned I have no sense of smell whatsoever ... I could literally see the lightbulb going off over his head ! Unfortunately for me , that was a pretty late diagnosis , but we shant go into the uglies of that on a public forum LOL

    I am exceptionally glad to meet you , its funny , but smell is about the only sense that cannot be described by someone , being blind , you could use the analogy of colour being hot or cold etc , touch , as in rough or smooth etc hearing as in pressure waves etc , but smell can only be described as likening it to another smell .... no-one ever has yet managed to put it in a way that makes sense to me . Also Smell is highly linked into mental processes and memory etc , it can be a frustrating world , even if you dont know why :)
    I presume I am touching on things you already know lol

    Its also why vaping can be sooooooo frustrating , to hear everyone loving this flavour .. Ooooh try this lol it will knock you socks off ... and knowing you are never going to experience that .... grrrrrrr arrrrghhhh lol

    After posting today I sent off a mail to a well know juice maker here in.coms ( who shall for the moment remain anonymous be.comse I havent consulted them about sharing their details ) They were super friendly , and have agreed to supply me a range of doublers that are extra strong , and are to be organic based . steeped and steam distilled , with the volatile oils cracked into smaller molecules , this might give some tongue taste , rather than perfumed trickery that most places use .
    I will originally try 10 or so flavours ( including a few that arent on the market yet and are in the R&D stage ) all in the hope that something might gel :D
    I am gonna have to delay the reported testing a few weeks , as I need to get some high mg unflavoured nic from overseas to use as a base .

    I totally know where you are coming from with the menthols , they are the only commercial vapes presently that replicate anosmically apart from some of the strong tobaccos ( and they are hit and miss)

    I have found Dekang Hilton to be the closest to analogue vape as far as my tongue taste goes , add a little VG to sweeten and its better than a stinky Peter Jackson Red LOL
  20. cotjnymoul

    cotjnymoul New Member

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    I have no idea what "idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism" is Girly Pantz but damn it sounds impressively long and complicated. :D

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