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Can someome please double check my maths for my doublers.

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by karenee, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. karenee

    karenee New Member

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    I have some Vapoureyes doublers arriving tomorrow or the day after, and I should have 100mg nic arriving at the same time.

    So i need to make 15ml of pg/vg with a nic of 20mg so it ends up being 10mg after mixing wit the doubler.

    Nic 3ml
    PG 6ml
    VG 6ml
    = 15ml of 20mg nic juice.
    + 15ml Doubler
    = 30ml Juice at 10mg.

    Correct or not ?

    Also, after giving it a really good stir and shake, how long should I leave it before vaping ?

    Thanks in advance :very_drunk:
  2. madart

    madart New Member

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    you are correct assuming your 100mg nic is 50/50, also different juices take different steeping times. Try them now and again after 2 or 3 days and see if there is any difference.
  3. Scott S

    Scott S New Member

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  4. skrb

    skrb New Member

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    Try making 300ml, that way any slight errors in measurements, will be less critical.
    Then spread it across 10 x 50ml bottles, (30ml of juice plus 20ml of air in each bottle).
    The air may help steeping.
    Throw them in the back of the fridge, and try and forget about them.
    Next year you should have some pretty good juice, if their is any left by then.
  5. woodhzgu

    woodhzgu New Member

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    I cant remember what the pg/vg ratio is in the doublers but i will account for it. i just wanted to make sure that 3ml was what i needed to make 10mg after all the mixing.

    @wayno, my nic is in pure PG. I prefer PG anyway. i'm used to 75%PG, 25VG. Ive never thought of using water or vodka.
    @snidely, i will be doing that as soon as i get my bottles.
    Can I store pure PG and pure VG in the freezer as well ?

    These calculators are confusing me but i will get the hang of them.

    @DAD, too slow ! :)
  6. fdsvbidike

    fdsvbidike New Member

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    Easiest way to check is to work it out by mg ... so 3ml @ 100mg/ml contains 300mg nicotine. Your end volume is 30ml, so 300mg/30ml is 10mg/ml
  7. flyboy490

    flyboy490 New Member

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    I saw maths.. my brain just shut down. There is a reason i am aiming for 10mg and not 12 :)

    for 12mg
    Nicotine base 3.6ml
    VG 4.39ml
    PG 7.01ml

    I only have those plastic pipettes to work with so if i can get close to full numbers then i will be more accurate.
    I vape like a chimney anyway so 10mg is a good goal.
  8. windowsxp02

    windowsxp02 New Member

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    What juice did you buy mate? Most of Mo's juice is 50/50 and what PG/VG ratio did you want to end up with?
  9. greatwhitenorth28 AM

    greatwhitenorth28 AM New Member

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    i was going for 75% PG and 25% VG with a overall nic of 10mg after mixing with the doubler.

    I only ordered Mo's Vanilla Custard and Roasted Strawberry.
    I had to buy a couple of bits of hardware too.

    I've already spent January's vaping budget so im waiting for a Christmas sale and then spending the money I will get from my Dad before I get it... and then I will cut back on spending.

    I just checked my order. I have screwed myself over... I ordered 250ml of VG and didnt grab PG at the same time.
    arg! :stupid:

    why the hell am i so stupid when it comes to ordering. im really angry at myself now.
  10. eastmanmary29

    eastmanmary29 New Member

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    Zip over to the chemist and buy a couple of 1 3 5 & 10 ml syringes
  11. Robert Plankton

    Robert Plankton New Member

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    If you've got those juices it simple then mate..3ml of nicotine, 12ml of PG will get you 10mg nicotine at 75% PG.
  12. bananas in pyjamas

    bananas in pyjamas New Member

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    yeah but now i gotta wait for PG to arrive.
    I thought i bought a bottle of each.
  13. Mildredaar

    Mildredaar New Member

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    Hi all i know this is an old thread but i came across it and started reading ,my aim was to buy doublers from vapoureyes and just add my own nic to them .After some consultation with morris i ordered 36 mg nic in a 50/50 base .now from what i have been told if i purchase a doubler 15ml in a 50/50 base if i add the nic that i have in the ammount of 15ml then i should end up with my target strength of an 18mg e juice .The reason i did it this way is that at this point in my vaping journey i am not confident enough to start trying to mix up wild juices and so i will do it this way first as it appears to be fairly simple(does that reflect upon me?) as my journey continues i may look into doing my own flavours ect but for now ill stick to what i can achieve .The ammount i have worked out is around 66 hits so thats a few bottles of juice and i am sure i will find out what i like and dont .

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