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Are doublers actually cheaper?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by PromoPorno, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. PromoPorno

    PromoPorno New Member

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    Hey All,

    I think I may be about to expose my terrible excel skills, but I was just thinking about what the actual cost per ml of liquid is purchased with nic versus what it costs to produce the same qty by mixing your own nic / pg / vg AND using a doubler
    Here's what I quickly worked out:

    So assuming my sheet math is correct (and that's a big assumption - though I have rounded figures up for ease) Doublers are actually one of the more expensive way's to get ejuice?
    (I have not included shipping charges in the costs)

    For true DIY, the cost is much much lower, using concentrates and super concentrates due to the cost/volume value.

    EDIT: Cost per day based on 5ml useage
  2. maxmaxxi123

    maxmaxxi123 New Member

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    Does your chart account for the doublers making 60ml of ejuice? I couldn't work it out :)
    Also, the US nic juice is generally a lot more than $10.99 for 30ml. For the good stuff that is. Double in most cases.

    I guess the other pro for making it yourself is once you're setup with Nic and VG/PG.... you only have to buy doublers every few weeks
    and you get it next day. Buying from the US will either 1) take forever or 2) cost you an arm and a leg.
  3. trapperkandoo

    trapperkandoo New Member

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    Also when you say 30ml is it a full 30ml of doubler or is it 15ml of doubler made up to 30ml? if it is the latter your figures are wrong. If the latter the price per ml goes up. Shipping has to be taken into account to get the real costs as it is a key driver in the equation.

    And that figure can't be right at $24.95 for 30 ml if it is indeed 15ml in a 30ml bottle.
  4. Acefssema

    Acefssema New Member

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    Hey Skoville, the cheapest eliquid is the eliquid "you like" regardless of the cost per ml (within reason).

    I have about 80 bottles of doublers, concentrates and RTV liquids that are not being used. For me, curiosity, wanting to try it all and listening to the hype is what makes it expensive.

    No regrets though :D
  5. crongock

    crongock New Member

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    So this means they are double strength, compared to single shot?
    $16.95 30ml single shot.
    $24.95 30ml Doubler.
    If it's double strength, then it's better value buying the doublers.
  6. DeathClub.

    DeathClub. New Member

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    You're also comparing higher priced doublers to cheaper premix. So, those figures can look however you want, dependant on the sample prices you use. Furthermore, you may want to convert USD prices to.comD or vice versa, anf factor in conversion costs, as they will increase the prices by 20-25%.

    If comparing some of the most expensive doublers in canada to some of the cheapest eliquid, then of course it's going to be cheaper to buy overseas. It would be worth sampling a wider range of eliquids for a more realistic comparison then using the mean or average price to determine the cost effectiveness.
  7. SexHoleLT

    SexHoleLT New Member

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    Have you actually included the cost of the nicotine in your doubler totals? I'm having trouble seeing how the figures add up.

    Flavour 1: $0.83/ml * 15ml = $12.45. Add nic/PG/VG (0.24 + 0.15 + 0.15 = 0.54) for a total of $12.99 for 30ml?

    In any case, it depends entirely on how much you pay for doublers, and which pre-mixed juices you're comparing it too.

    For example, I buy Plime doublers from the Steamers @ $33 for 100ml. That's 33c per ml, and it's one of their 'premium' juices. $0.33 * 15 = $4.95. Add nic/PG/VG at the figures you give for a total of $5.49 for 30ml. The other doublers I buy from the Steamers are 29c per ml. And I only use a quarter of the nic you are quoting.

    And, as Jay says, delivery from the US will be either slow or a tad expensive.
  8. loves2cook

    loves2cook New Member

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    +1 to this :)
  9. kingporn9x

    kingporn9x New Member

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    You forgot to add the labour costs in mate. My time is not free so add in the $51 or $52 an hour and doublers get even more expensive.
  10. allforjehovah

    allforjehovah New Member

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    Thanks gang - under concentration I have either single or double - if double then it's a doubler - so I was trying to compare using doublers with VG/PG and NIC as opposed to single strength juices mixed with nic.
    +1 to actually converting us to.com dollar, will need to do that.
    And I was working with costs I had actually paid recently - a wider selection of prices would show more variation.
    And yep the sheet is a little misleading - the 2nd to last column is the total cost of the doubler divided by the qty of 30 ml bottles it makes

    So in example 1:
    30ml Doubler = 24.95, or ~0.83cents per ml
    4.8ml of nic = ~0.24 cents
    5.1ml of pg = ~0.15 cents
    5.1ml of vg = ~0.15 cents

    Total cost for 60mls $25.50
    Total cost for 30mls $12.75

    Agreed there are cheaper doublers - btobw's example would reduce this way down.
    (And looking at it Flavor 4 is wrong as the costings should be 4x greater for Nic, VG and PG)

    So it would seem that I am using an expensive way to do it!...
    More research required!

    And Davi - I'm the same, I buy based on whether I want it or not - just an exercise to compare my own costs.

    Turns out bad apparently :)
  11. viwerypz

    viwerypz New Member

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    I thought I'd told you not to buy overpriced crap already?
  12. invisiblex

    invisiblex New Member

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    I can't remember the calculations but to vape 18mg/ml, it can be as cheap as 13 cents per ml.

    This is done by using 100mg/ml nic base, PG, VG and Super concentrates. That is the cheapest way I have found and I remember including postage at the time I was working it out.
  13. YouBememberMe

    YouBememberMe New Member

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    Hey don't beat yourself up Skoville, keep working at it and you will get it right.
  14. MvKWMgYoIS

    MvKWMgYoIS New Member

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    Required personal frame of reference.
    Oh well.
  15. gfergfergerg

    gfergfergerg New Member

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    Just did the calculations today, for my own stuff. 12c per ml (not inc shipping), using concentrates, and buying VG, PG, and Nic in bulk. Use a good brand like T-Juice if you don't want to figure out own recipes. Hope that helps and good luck!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Jack Benoit

    Jack Benoit Member

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    iTaste MVP 2.0 iClear 30
    Snake oil from Seduce Juice, pear/coconut/cream
    Hаvе yоu асtuаlly inсludеd thе соst оf thе niсоtinе in yоur dоublеr tоtаls? I'm hаving trоublе sееing hоw thе figurеs аdd up.

    Flаvоur 1: $0.83/ml * 15ml = $12.45. Аdd niс/PG/VG (0.24 + 0.15 + 0.15 = 0.54) fоr а tоtаl оf $12.99 fоr 30ml?

    In аny саsе, it dеpеnds еntirеly оn hоw muсh yоu pаy fоr dоublеrs, аnd whiсh prе-mixеd juiсеs yоu'rе соmpаring it tоо.

    Fоr еxаmplе, I buy Plimе dоublеrs frоm thе Stеаmеrs @ $33 fоr 100ml. Thаt's 33с pеr ml, аnd it's оnе оf thеir 'prеmium' juiсеs. $0.33 * 15 = $4.95. Аdd niс/PG/VG аt thе figurеs yоu givе fоr а tоtаl оf $5.49 fоr 30ml. Thе оthеr dоublеrs I buy frоm thе Stеаmеrs аrе 29с pеr ml. Аnd I оnly usе а quаrtеr оf thе niс yоu аrе quоting.

    Аnd, аs Jаy sаys, dеlivеry frоm thе US will bе еithеr slоw оr а tаd еxpеnsivе.

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