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Clearo Shootout

本帖由 smilenow2015-11-20 发布。版面名称:Vape Reviews

  1. smilenow

    smilenow New Member

    You guys know that I think that the Comets from VapeKing are one of the best clearos around, but I love testing other gear in the faint hope that I'll find something that is superior. They are mostly trouble free though and easy to use, but occasionally I get peeved with filling with a syringe ;)

    Anyway, I bought some VM Mini Clearomisers from VapingMad when I pre-ordered the cheap rebuildable, along with 10ml of Lime Spider. Came 5 in a box, with “Innokin” marked on the box, and “Tidy Clearomiser” ticked on the options side. To compare them side-by-side, I used a standard 80PG20VG mix @ 20mg/ml nic strength, running of standard eGo 650mAh batteries.

    The VM Mini has a smaller capacity than the Comet and is corresponding smaller in overall length: 38mm vs 52mm. It compensates for the smaller capacity by being easier to fill; pop the silicon cap off and fill with a normal dropper bottle.

    One thing to note here is that the cap is an integral part and cannot be replaced with a drip tip (not that I do anyway with a Comet). So far, VM Mini in front.

    The next thing to note is that be.comse there is no way to relieve any internal pressure as a result of pressing the cap on, there is some leakage out of the airtube at the connector end. With a tissue covering the end, blow the excess out, and a similar amount to when you condom fill a Boge is expelled. Occasionally, the Comet does this too but not every time. Back to a draw.

    Vaping them turned out to be a similar experience, with both displaying good taste, throat hit and vapour, with little to separate them. About 2/3 way through the tank, the VM Mini started to dry hit but I think this is typical of these things, and pulled it apart and dry-burned it.

    A couple of points, the air tube only goes on one of two ways and was a lot harder to remove than the Comet. Also, the coil appears to be more loosely wrapped around the wick, but it was easy to dry burn and reassemble. After the initial dry burn I have not received any more dry hits.

    Uptil now, it's approximately a tie.

    But ... one consequence of the shorter overall length and the ease of fill is that there is no juice trap and on several occasions I received juice on the lips. No big deal for me but for some people it is.

    To sum up, the Comet is the better clearo but only just – if you wouldn't try it be.comse you need to fill it with a syringe, try the VM Mini and throw the woolly tasting cartos away :)

    Thanks for reading people !
  2. VirgenBrooks

    VirgenBrooks New Member

    Nice1 I love the comments running 9 in rotation I find them easy enough to manage with syringe. I have read the 3ML eGo version is even better than the XL getting 1 tomorrow to try out.
  3. angelasyanexta1151

    angelasyanexta1151 New Member

    suprised to hear the "tidy" worked for u. I tried 2 with my iTaste and it was the worst flavour ever and such a tight draw!

    yours come in individually wrapped silver packaging?
  4. little_empress_girl

    little_empress_girl New Member

    Tight draw? Not the ones I tried (which I bought :hint: :)). But they did come in individual, silver-ish packaging.
  5. inquind

    inquind New Member

    I only just discovered the comets. The first run through was crap but every fill since has been good.

    I put in an order for 20 today that should arrive sometime early tomorrow morning.


    I have a long and colored history with clearo and clearo alternatives.

    ASIANESE New Member

    I think that Comets really need a dry burn after the first tank and then they're very good. There is a long thread under VapeKing that deals with some of the things that turn them into great :) The first one I got lasted 70ish days of continual use.

    The VM Mini's are almost as good (and seem to need that dry burn too), and may suit complete n00b's better (as in less scary) ;) Note this opinion is based on 4 days use though.

    Hope you're feeling better mate!
