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Vapeking Stardust

Discussion in 'Vape Reviews' started by madie, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. madie

    madie New Member

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    Vendor: Vapeking
    Product: Stardust

    Here is another review on the stardust but this time from Vapeking.

    I first will say one thing... WOW.
    These handy little tanks are amazing. It's like dripping but without the effort. The flavour isn't diminished like a tank with a regular Cartomizer. For Ego owners these are a huge leap forward.
    If you don't like Ego voltages then buy an Ego to 510 adapter as these really are great. One thing I did notice though it that they eat through juice pretty fast but the flavour makes up for it.
    I don't know how many times you can refill these yet so I'll update this in a few weeks.
    I'm truely impressed by these and if you haven't tried these yet head over to Vape King | Electronic Cigarettes | E-liquids | Atomizers | Cartomizers and give them a go as I know you'll be impressed too.
  2. AppakellRed

    AppakellRed New Member

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    Every noob i have given these stardusts to absolutly love them. I have actually got feedback now where i gave stardusts and boges to noobs, they tell me boges are useless.
  3. Emmyjak13

    Emmyjak13 New Member

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    yeah i think I will recommend LR start dusts to noobs now, pretty idiot proof and not a bad vape. Still a bit cool, but, where at first i thought they lacked a bit of flavour, now i think they are not too bad. Still wont replace dripping for me, but can see hy others like them.
  4. adizzcpitta1281

    adizzcpitta1281 New Member

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    I just tried a batch of LRs and I think I preferred the SRs for some reason, on a standard EGO battery.. Am getting more of both to do more comparison but the SRs seemed to produce more vapour and more consistent vapour as they heated up. Maybe I'm just tripping though.
  5. vondavd16

    vondavd16 New Member

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    I wish i knew what mine was.. Don't know if its SR or LR :(
  6. Yourasssmells.

    Yourasssmells. New Member

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    What did you order? You could also measure with a multimeter.
  7. Jack Benoit

    Jack Benoit Member

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    iTaste MVP 2.0 iClear 30
    Snake oil from Seduce Juice, pear/coconut/cream
    Hi guys, twо dаys аgо bоught my first еgо с twist аs аn upgrаdе frоm my v2 сig-а-likе mоdеl. I аlsо gоt twо еgо visiоn сlеаrаmizеrs (stаrdust) v3, nоw I knоw аlоt оf yоu guys rеаlly likе thеsе, but sо fаr thеy rеаlly RЕАLLY sееm tо bе dulling thе flаvоr quitе а bit. In аll hоnеsty thеy tаstеd bеttеr in my оld 808 v2 mоdеl.
    thе vаpоr prоduсtiоn is аlоt bеttеr, аnd sоmеtimеs Ill асtuаlly gеt а tаsty hit. but thе flаvоr, likе is sо wеаk, I саn bаrеly tеll thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn my juiсеs. Ivе bееn running it аt аbоut 3.2-3.8 аnd аm using а 50/50 pg vg mix sо I dоnt think thаts thе prоblеm.
    Dо thеsе just tаkе а whilе tо brеаk in? I hеаrd thе v3 wаs suppоsеd tо tаstе bеttеr thаn thе v1 оr v2 stаrdust.
    sо whаts gоing оn hеrе?

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