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help me find my juice

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by yJosiahSandovalj, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. yJosiahSandovalj

    yJosiahSandovalj New Member

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    hi all

    i have been looking for an e-juice that is my fav adv called Tobacco-zero by i guess zero-cig

    i cant find a web page for it an can only sorce it from ecigforlife.com but at $35.00 for a 30ml bottle an no nic
    its way too much.. for me that is

    has anyone else found someone who stocks it an or is there anyone who has a recipe to make something as close as posible

    thanks in advance
  2. OliverKel

    OliverKel New Member

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    From what I can see you won't be able to find it much cheaper, it looks like it's just as expensive from zerocig before shipping costs.

    Someone else may know of somewhere cheaper but if you're finding it expensive (and it is expensive) you may want to explore some other flavours. You're bound to find something you like just as much and probably something you enjoy even more.
  3. Mierdaactiva

    Mierdaactiva New Member

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    Zero-cig juice has a very strong flavour and can actually be used as doublers. Slightly weaker on the flavour side than you have had already but still good. You can mix it with your own nic. It will reduce the cost but IMO it is still expensive. I have had tobacco-zero and to me it was almost fairy floss. Vapeking has some pretty sweet flavour doublers that you could try if you want to purchase locally. So far I have been happy with what I have from them. Otherwise look at US online stores. Just try a few others out. You will find something else you like that don't cost anywhere near as much.
  4. chokHoppy

    chokHoppy New Member

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    Hey VK are good but lay me down and kick me they are strong
  5. Frederick M

    Frederick M New Member

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    thanks kritikal an natstar

    yeah it is way to much to be buying all the time im looking at going into diy soon..
    with a bit of luck i can work out some flavours that i like just hard working out where
    to start with it all being so new to well every thing on the ecig market.
  6. Ropunumousa

    Ropunumousa New Member

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    A good place to start if you want to go DIY is to practice with a few recipes that others have come up with, then you can get an idea of what you like, and get a handle on how to mix with concentrates. The Vape Book is a great site for getting some ideas from
    The Vape Book

    There's these guys as well : E-Liquid Recipe's made by E-Liquid Calculator User's at EcigVape.com

    And this one: e-Liquid Calculator

    One of the best things about vaping is that we aren't limited to just one flavour e liquid.

    All the best with your DIY

    Addition, the e juice me up calculator is great, as is filberts, but there are lots of others you can use, and you can get concentrates at several good canuk vendors. Juice Factory and Vaping Cobra, as well as Vape King and quite a few others are great for DIY supplies.
  7. soheil89

    soheil89 New Member

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    man all you guys are a great help...

    one last thing (for now that is lol) where in the heck can i find some nic at a good price
    an that will let me pay via cc an will ship an except fron perth canada

    all the places i have looked at keep knocking me back at last min cos im in.comst...

    i swear there aginst us lol
  8. Mila

    Mila New Member

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    I've ordered from Mount Baker and Heaven Gifts, neither have knocked me back :) Health Cabin is also very popular, but I haven't bought from them yet, so I don't know from experience.
  9. miskdan

    miskdan New Member

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    I get mine from Health cabin, and have had consistently good quality product. Their postage is reasonable, although not always the quickest, and you can pay by CC, paypal, or even western union. I buy 110ml bottles of 36mg , which costs around $12-13.comD, postage is usually about $10.comD, unless you take the faster postage option.
  10. chelsea.divine

    chelsea.divine New Member

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    thanks everyone

    you guys have helped make this an easy time for me an given me heaps of info an feel as if i know what im doing

    i now have all my nic ordered an looking at the rest of it now..
    an the price is not such a shock too.. my juice i was getting was costing to much an was costing more that me old rollies..

    now i think i need to find my self some nice new shineys hehe :hypnotysed:
  11. Teh

    Teh New Member

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    After adding the nic, allow the juice to 'steep' for a sufficient period of time.
  12. Liazins

    Liazins New Member

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    Tobacco Zero is Bebeca from Atmos Lab!

    I agree that's too much to pay for 30ml. In fact, Peter Welst from ecigfrolife.com.com is now charging $36 for 30ml!
    Well, be ripped off no more!
    This is also my all time favorite flavour and it is manufactured by Atmos Lab in Greece under the name Bebeca.
    Atmos Lab can be contacted by emailing Panos Panayiotopoulos at [email protected]
    Visit Atmistique at https://www.atmistique.gr who stock Atmos Lab liquids including Bebeca.
    What's more, Atmistique charge only $15 for 30 ml and it comes in the original glass bottle with a dropper pipette cap.
    They ship with DHL for $20 to Melbourne. (even if buying just one bottle, is still cheaper to buy from Atmistique than ecigforlife)

    Another hugely popular ecigforlife flavour is their Grind Zero, which is in fact Coffee from Atmos Lab.

    I have bought both liquids from both vendors(and many more) and i can guarantee they are the same product.

    ecigforlife.com.com should be ashamed for changing the name of e-liquids, claiming them as their own and hiking up the price by more than double. They are nothing but greedy rip-off merchants.
    Also all of ecigforlife's hardware caries at least %500 mark up on RRP. Check out FastTech.com.

    Keep well clear of www.ecigforlife.com.com, they will rip you off with a smile and not a drop of conscience or shame.

    Spread the word!
  13. Curious gurl

    Curious gurl New Member

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