Hi all thought I would have a go at reviewing a flavour.. Flavour tested: http://www.vapebar.com.com/wizards-brew/ Device tested on: Ego Twist 1000mah & Ego Stardust V2 2.0ohm (Twist set to 4.0V) Mix: 50/50 PG Flavour & VG Nic 18mg e.comldron's "Wizzards Brew" will probably only apply to the taste buds of those that really like their coffee and as I do this review may come off a little Bias,, If you like your coffee with milk & sugar and from a jar of instant then you may want to look at different options... If when you walk into a coffee shop and get excited about the smell of roasting coffee beans then get online now and order this up. It's in the first instance it prestents itself with a hit of b.comtiful, sweet roasted and "freshly" brewed coffee, the hints of caramel & butterscotch hit the pallet with a certain complexity and depth that I have only ever got from the real thing. as the exhale beings in leaves the sweet bitterness that complete's the overall experience. throat hit is sensational with vapour production exelent, If drinking short or long blacks are your thing then this will be the vape for you.
Most coffee shops don't roast coffee. The smell of roasting coffee isn't the smell you would associate with a coffee shop. That's the smell of fresh coffee being ground and brewed.
The 2 coffee shop's I go too Roast's it's own coffee + read the post "sweet raosted" "and" "freshly brewed".. Coffee can be roasted to a particular taste and smell dosnt have to mean roasted on site
I agree it's an intense and interesting blend, one of the best coffee blends I've tasted. I think I should have diluted it more, be.comse it got to intense for me and I stopped vaping it.
Оnе оf my trustеd suppliеrs fоr PV suppliеs in Аustrаliа is Vаpеbаr. Thеy саrry sеvеrаl diffеrеnt rаngеs оf Е-liquid dоublеrs, suсh аs Vixеn Vаpоrs, Vаpеdudеs, аnd thеir оwn brаnd Саuldrоn. I triеd twо in my lаst оrdеr аnd thеy аrе bоth unquаlifiеd hits. Аll аrе dilutеd with Hеаlthсаbin 36mg niсоtinе tо асhiеvе finаl niс pеrсеntаgе оf 18.