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Making your own Organic eJuice's Q&A

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by mcj0423, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. mcj0423

    mcj0423 New Member

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    Heyo AVF,
    I'm looking to start making my own "Gormet & Organic eJuice" just for my own personal collection and experimentation.

    I've been researching MADLY about base ingredient extraction and thought why not ask the forums :)

    IE: I opened up a bottle of Thrilla in Vanilla last night (100% organic from Virgin Vapors) and saw little brown left overs of what I assume are vanilla beans they used to get the organic extract? I guess when filtering they missed a little left overs.

    My #1 Question: Does ANYONE have any advise/help/useful links or making my own organic ejuice from base ingredients? I want to start learning about getting organic/base/extracts of flavours that companies like Five Pawns & Virgin Vapers would use when making their ejuice.

    Looking forward to some creative replies!
  2. midnyghtcloud

    midnyghtcloud New Member

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    Well, if you're going down the concentrate route there are bourbon and whiskey flavours. Some premade concentrates use natural flavours (or flavours found naturally), but many use artificial, or a combination of both. You may find they taste just as good, better, or worse, but they will taste different.

    If you want to go naturalé with the bourbon flavour then bourbon will serve well. If you want the alcohol bite, simply use it straight. If you want only the flavour, you could reduce it over a low heat (a heated water bath would be best @50-60°c) until you achieve 2/3-1/2 its original volume, just don't use any open flames. You could scale something down for small quantities by using halfway boiled water from the kettle.

    From memory, it's semi-disabled here, unfortunately. You can give and receive rep, but it doesn't increase.
  3. Mary Jane

    Mary Jane New Member

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    1. Set the crock pot to low.
    2. Grind up your "substance" as finely as possible using the coffee grinder or blender.
    3. Place the v. glycerin and the "substance" in the crock pot.
    4. Let sit for 6 – 24 hours.
    5. Let cool.
    6. Strain with a cheesecloth (a paper coffee filter will not work!). This will be a long process be.comse the glycerin is very slow moving and sticky.
    7. VAPE!

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