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First DIY trial

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by CapikPan, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. CapikPan

    CapikPan New Member

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    So ive mixed up a test 5ml batch.
    I used 2.5ml of 24mg/mL Nicotine 100% PG
    1ml of 0mg/mL Nicotine 100% VG
    1ml of 0mg/mL Nicotine 100% PG
    .5ml of flavour

    The question i have is, its not as viscous as pre made E juices ive bought, is that normal or am i doing something wrong?

    Thanx for your advanced patience on this DIY noob
  2. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I'm still a noob, but have done some mixing. I think that if you were buying 50/50 premixes, you may notice the difference, as you have mixed at 80PG 20VG. VG is thicker than PG so your mix is probably thinner. I use the ejuice me up tool and mix at 70/30 PG/VG and it is a little thinner than some of my standard premixes. Some of the experts on here may have other ideas.
  3. soymnnuh

    soymnnuh New Member

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    Are there any pros or cons of it being thinner/thicker?
  4. Posleen Killer

    Posleen Killer New Member

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    thicker juce will clog up your coiles quicker...
  5. agrenenk

    agrenenk New Member

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    sort of :) Sorry Oxey.

    It's the flavour that gunks coils. a flavour free juice - high in VG or PG - coils will last a long time.

    Having said that, thicker juices dont wick as well as thinner juices, so you may get dry hits a little more often depending on setup

    as for the OP question: DIY is up to you. If it's not viscous enough, you could try adding a touch or water or vodka. It really depends on your setup and how you like it.
  6. brattylilsis25

    brattylilsis25 New Member

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    So a thin juice is better?
  7. arropinia

    arropinia New Member

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    Depends on what gear you are using. Thicker juices take a bit more encouragement to wick.

    If you find your juice is giving you dry hits, you can try make it thinner. If there is no problem, dont mess with it ! :)
  8. pppasha

    pppasha New Member

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    hay u lern somthing new everyday i allways throught the thicker the juce the quicker you would clog the coils...
  9. denence

    denence New Member

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    hey bro , I am starting to get into this myself, there are some great tools out there that take alot of guess work out of it, I found ecigvape calculator a handy one, it has a handy value calculator and recipes there too.
    Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong but I have been reading the lists of the recommended % for different flavorings and then have been using that as a rough target for the total percentage of flavoring I am mixing at ie if I want to blend four concentrates and the max % for them are say 15 % then I might mix the predominant flavor at six % and the other three at three , the idea being to graduate the background flavors depending on the flavour bias that your looking for in the liquid ya hoping to concoct, with a total % of flavoring close to the benchmark recommended by the manufacturer.
    Not sure if this is how its meant to be done but its working for me, and it seems to be a simple place to start from .
    I think that if ya get too adventurous from the start and wind up making a heap of stuff that tastes like zombie vomit it would prob turn ya off the whole DIY scene prematurely .
    I am hoping that if I am sensible and for a start work around the recommended percentages The risk off producing unvapable liquid is substantially reduced lol and that means I havent blown 200$ on concentrates as an investment :), any way mate, this has been working for me and have made stuff that I am liking the taste off so thought ya might be interested.
    too all the experienced mixers out there that post in this forum and others a big thanks :) DIY is a whole new facet to the Vaping experience for us noobs and without your valued input it would be a much more .comnting experience than it currently is .
  10. baalexeytexxd9806

    baalexeytexxd9806 New Member

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    I found that once I knew what % of single flavours worked. Then try a mix. But - if it's working for you, then good on ya.

    I found If I was making a banana cream, which is my ADV at the moment, that I needed 5% banana and 2% bavarian cream. On their own, I needed far more bavarian cream.
  11. trieutonxn2

    trieutonxn2 New Member

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    thanx for the advice. This was my first ever batch and only used a single flavour. Havent even tasted it yet, letting it steep, as i have read in here. hope i can wait a week :)
  12. AntonetteChambers

    AntonetteChambers New Member

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    I too, have had a crack at diy this week. I poached some recipes off the Ecf with 5-6 flavours in them....the users were raving out them, but so far 'zombie vomit' hits the mark. Just tossed them and made up a couple of "simple" samples (1 or 2 flavours).

    Interested to hear how you go as well...
  13. Ahead by a Century

    Ahead by a Century New Member

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    i have yet to taste zombie vomit in my life, fingers crossed, i never have the honor to do so ...

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