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Nicotine does it go bad???

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by ggtkhaspvc, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. ggtkhaspvc

    ggtkhaspvc New Member

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    Hi just a quick question, as above does nicotine go bad.
    I took some of my nicotine out of the freezer 48mg 200ml in brown plastic bottle.
    went to make some liquid and have noticed that it is really really cloudy ammonia cloudy should i throw it or is it ok.

    ps I have never seen my nic do this before.
  2. Lyna

    Lyna New Member

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    Nic will oxidize and turn a brown color, it'll also smell more like a dirty sock then fresh nic (although it pretty much all smells like a dirty sock at high concentration)

    PG (which usually is the liquid base for your nicotine) will go rancid, if it does so, it will smell rotten and taste like plastic. dont ask how i know. I just know ok. :p

    Oxidized nic, not ideal, perfectly vapable.
    rancid PG, not vapable, will make you feel sick.

    I havent seen nic to white cloudy before, NFI if that is whats happened.
    Usually clear or yellow/brown which is ok as long as it still tastes ok when mixed.
  3. viphanter

    viphanter New Member

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    sorry i should of said pale yellow cloudy
    cloudy as in you cant see through it at all
  4. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Never heard of it
    Nic turns yellow not cloudy.

    All Guesses. Really don't know.

    PG and VG are clear. Is it only PG?

    Gas being released from change of temp?
    China nic with PEG400? Don't know what happens to PEG400 when frozen.
    If there is no water in I don't think anything would grow.

    Ammonia cloudy makes me think gas or something in the original mix
  5. TaylaOQT

    TaylaOQT New Member

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    sounds like its oxidized, that is definitely the yellowing. not sure why you cant see through it, it shouldn't turn all that opaque, should still be sort of transparent.

    is it still super cold temperature? could it be crystallization making it opaque?

    I say, try a few ml mixed, it won't kill you, just to see if it tastes ok, I very much doubt the PG has turned bad considering you have had it in your freezer, and yellow nicotine is fine.

    like sushi said, I think its related to the thawing process maybe, it really shouldnt turn cloudy, ive kept 100mg PG based nic in my freezer many times, its oxidized (yellowed) a bit but never gone opaque.
  6. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Also, for it to be yellow or brown at all means that its either had exposure to oxygen or UV. nic is very sensitive so some color is to be expected.

    if its fresh out the freezer, put a little aside and wait for it to return closer to room temperature, I have a hunch that hopefully the opaque should turn back to transparent closer to ambient temps, and if so, it'll be fine, if not then its a gamble whether you should try some tbqh.
  7. wmai0zzmyuf

    wmai0zzmyuf New Member

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    has been defrosted for 1 day this is images smells weird well strong anyway

    all ready mixed with orange blast from vapingcobra but none of my other orange blast looks like this.
  8. thuctran1212

    thuctran1212 New Member

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    Personally I wouldnt vape it
    Send SS600 a pm or ring him on his mobile ( on ebay site) and show him those pics or link him to this thread

    Where did you buy the nic from?
  9. dexterlablab

    dexterlablab New Member

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    I got it from novocig, i purchased two, one i kept in my cupboard and the other i stored in freezer. the one in the cupboard was fine but this is just weird. I think i better do an urgent order for more nic.
    is RTS still the best or is there another one now?
  10. folder

    folder New Member

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  11. AfroSquare

    AfroSquare New Member

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    myfreedomsmokes or juiceray.

    If you need it quick, use myfreedomsmokes.

    juiceray seem to be having occasional problems with postage. 10offnext will give 10% discount.

    I'm still guessing. It contained PEG400 and that .comsed it to be cloudy when freezing. Probably never know.

  12. Zi777

    Zi777 New Member

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    so what is the bad thing about PEG, that is what's in PG i think.
  13. cfurbrvndd

    cfurbrvndd New Member

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    PEG 400 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    short polymer. Not same compound as Propylene Glycol.
    Not bad. Only thing I could think of that would show up after freezing. Even that is a guess.

    Other options suggested. Off PG
    other guess -
    -There is something in there that shouldn't be.
    -Absorbed water, which I doubt would make it cloudy.
    -Could go even further and say plastic container degraded. :D

    All huge guesses.
  14. mokeydluffy2014

    mokeydluffy2014 New Member

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    I don't mean to hijack the thread but I have a question, I found a PG supplier that has USP grade PG and PG with 400 PEG (I think) what is the difference?

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