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What do you store your liquids and other supplies in?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by msmonroe2003, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. msmonroe2003

    msmonroe2003 New Member

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    Just wondering what everyone is using to store their stuff in? I have a small, carved, lockable wooden box that I store my concentrates, syringes and spare parts in. All of my larger bottles are in a lockable briefcase.
  2. Trearne

    Trearne New Member

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    Errr, I may get shot for this, but oh well. In a drawer in my desk, scattered on my desk ... and in a pile on the end of a bench in the kitchen.

    I am so the worlds laziest and unsafest vaper.
  3. jer15811

    jer15811 New Member

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    I keep my mixes on a cupboard shelf and nicotine in the fridge ( no kids around) other stuff is in a multi layered/ compartmented kit box from Bunnings ..
  4. Tazzer

    Tazzer New Member

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    Ditto precisely.... I even have some on the dining room table and on my desk at work! I used to roll tobacco, oh boy the places i could get that stuff! At least vaping things are much larger than rolling tobacco stuffs.
  5. Guensubs

    Guensubs New Member

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    cool dark place is what's generally recommended - ive started putting my bigger bottles of juice in the fridge and having 10ml bottles on my desk for vaping - the rest are in a box
  6. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I'd get shot if it went in the fridge. Then again someone was happy when I tidied up the other day and there's now only a dozen bottles on the bench.
  7. bleatiept

    bleatiept New Member

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    Same as Avtek
    I've got 2 fridges, ones a 370L 15y/o cyclic defrost fridge freezer - that's for fresh fruit/vege as it keeps them crisper longer than a modern frost free fridge does.
    The other is a 200l LG ff more modern fridge that I bought s/h for $50. that's for drinks, cold meats, chillies (dries them out just like I want before drying them in the oven for flakes/powder), also use that fridge for .comces, seeds, and vape juices, and the freezer for ice or left over dinners.
  8. mmonya47

    mmonya47 New Member

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    i might be confused about this but i figure its best to let the bottles from the fridge come to room temperature before you open them - i read something re if u open them straight from the fridge then you get a moisture build up

    ive started storing the flavours in the fridge too
  9. siemekpower

    siemekpower New Member

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    This is so funny, I'd like to take a poll on how many respondents have children and/or pets, and safety pre.comtions taken, I'll start:

    I have one small but very curious, playful dog. So, being mindful of said dog's safety, all large quantities are stored in the fridge/freezer (where they can only damage me if I make a blue), and small quantities are stored in plastic bottles with childproof lids (would that be dog proof?), in a snap locked box. I'm sure the dog can't open this box, but a pillaging 2yo human might, should there ever be one in close proximity - in which case, said box can swiftly be moved to > 2yo child's height, or greater if need be (unlikely).

    My most concerning thought is "what is going to happen to this stuff, should I have an unforeseen accident and someone's got to empty my fridge" :hororr:!!
  10. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I had read it was bad to keep them in the fridge at 5 degrees. It is best to either keep them in a dark place closer to room temperature or freeze them to suspend them, putting things in the fridge slowly breaks down molecules or something...
  11. flameboy

    flameboy New Member

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    interesting - id love to find some more info about that - doesnt make sense tho - as all the individual ingredients in ejuice last longer in the fridge anyway

    also we've just been thru summer - hard to find a "cool dark place" when the weather is 30 to 40 degrees
  12. Ben Aqui

    Ben Aqui New Member

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    Purchased a small bar fridge with little freezer just for all the concentrates,juices and nic. Plus all the stuff leftover on my work table.no kids in this house !
  13. Lady M

    Lady M New Member

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    i remember u posted your "bar fridge storage porn" pics months ago olfella - made me drool at the time lol - that was a great thread too - but who can find it now?
  14. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Nic base gets stored in the freezer, behind other stuff so you wouldn't even know it was there unless you were rummaging, except for about 100ml that I keep in my vape room in a locked toolbox. Concentrates are all stored in two lockable toolboxes, and all juice is kept in my vape room which I can lock when the grandkids visit.

    One good thing about old houses is that they often have lockable internal doors, why did that go out of fashion I wonder :)

    I never leave juice bottles around where my puppy can get them, as she can chew through anything, lol, I now have no rubber thongs at all as she managed to get them down from the shelf of the patio, and they were in bits all over the yard this morning, so leaving something that could kill her, within her considerable reach, is a big no no.
  15. lil miss awsomeness

    lil miss awsomeness New Member

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    I have a large-ish 3y.o. human child who can't reach up to the top of the 7 foot bookcase that my boxes are sitting on. I'm considering a small lockable filing cabinet or something though for the future.
    A friend of mine's dog chewed his collection of small (PET?) bottles that he had his juices in. I think most of them were around 18mg. Thankfully the dog survived... not sure if it managed to quit the durries though.
  16. Wang Rita

    Wang Rita New Member

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    In this. It is an art box I picked up from Aldi for $18
  17. tfkmjqfqfq

    tfkmjqfqfq New Member

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    For juice i am using a large black tub from ikea which are kept in a dark cool area of the house. As for spares, hardware, wicking materials i use some smaller cases/tubs to spearate but recently i have purchased one of these from ikea

    HELMER Drawer unit on castors - silver-colour - IKEA (Pricey but cheaper in other states from ikea go figure)


    Alot of people who collect nail polish love these and can hold well over 100 polish bottles.
  18. vrkkfipojjpd

    vrkkfipojjpd New Member

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    Well assuming a person, not a toddler or dog is going to empty your fridge, just keep everything labeled, which you would do for your own benefit anyway. Add some skull and crossbones if it make you sleep better at night ;)
    You could always put in in a lock box in the fridge too.
  19. RamonaTho

    RamonaTho New Member

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    What is the Best Way to Store E-Liquids?

    interesting and informative thread above posted by avf member smokerainbow in another similar thread here on avf - in the thread above pay particular attention to the posts by kurt the chemist and sun vaporer

    i thought i would post it here as it now seems that ill be pulling my juices out of the fridge and storing them in a cool dark and "DRY" place - with some dessicant pouches sprinkled around the place

    would love to hear your thoughts fellow avfers
  20. Unlorgo

    Unlorgo New Member

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    Like I said in an earlier post, a modern single evap FF is definitely dry. High TD in the freezer, dry freezer air blown into the fridge, means a very dry refrigerator compartment, more so than a room with 50-60% Rh that is in a standard Perth house.

    I also don't have loose opening bottles in there, I put them in tupperware with the lid off to dry out the air in the tupperware, then after a few hours, put the lid on. If you put a sealed room temp container in a fridge, you will get condensation inside it as it has warmer, more moist air in it than the contents of a dry dry modern frost free fridge.

    Also as I have said, I'm not using a fridge which is the main food fridge which is full of breathing fruits and vegetables that breath and release moisture, I'm using a drinks/sealed container/seeds/ fridge (seeds are in there for the same reason, keeps them dry and stops them going mouldy/moist and rotting).

    As far as the separating of juices, can happen to a lot of things in the fridge, ones of the reasons why chilli .comces are generally not recommended to store in the fridge. Out of the 15 bottles (edit: of chilli .comces, various home made and internationally bought from boutique makers), that I have stored in the fridge, only one has separated and gone off in that way though, and that one I had the same .comce - same manufacturer and .comce recipe type, in another bottle that didn't, so it's a crap shoot/luck thing. I do know that over the summer, a lot of ejuices have gone off due to excessive heat in my room, and my choices in summer are either run air con just for ejuices when I'm not home, or chuck them in a fridge that is being used anyway.
    I'll probably take the juices out when the weather turns cold.

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