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My first DIY :)

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by kazuyabo, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. kazuyabo

    kazuyabo New Member

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    Ok I watched some youtube video's and well I gave it a shot.
    First I went to the tobacconist and purchased 5 vanilla cigars and a pouch of Borkum riff cherry pipe tobacco that consists of 50% black Cavendish 50% Virginia combined it cost $62

    I also purchased a small SS pot, a SS strainer, 5 Small glass Jars with a small snapping locking lid from K-mart and a cheap bottle of $25 vodka from aldi .

    I first took a big pinch of of pipe tobacco and tossed it in the pot, then I covered it in vodka around 50mls and stirred it continuously on low heat until most of the liquid was gone around 15ml left, then I poured in some VG around 30ml and kept stirring it. once the vg was fully mixed, I strained it then sucked it up with a needle and poured it into a 50 ml bottle, then I added 9ml of 100mg nic and I had 50ml of 18mg pipe e-juice, I then shook it and vaped it, It vaped just fine but it was a bit weak on the flavour, so I poured it out of the bottle and into a jar, I then added the used pipe tobacco back to it and another pinch of fresh tobbaco. Sealed the container and away it goes for a week of steeping in the dark :).

    Next I did the same for cigar, but the cigar was much better in the flavour department, It didn't need steeping, It was very nice straight up. I might steep it, but really its pretty good.
    I'll let you all know how it goes :)
  2. shawnkaa

    shawnkaa New Member

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    jeff, do you think there was any nic extracted from the tobacco during this process?
  3. Kelly V

    Kelly V New Member

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    Well I have them both steeping in the jars now with tobacco's reintroduced, Currently I have the pipe tobacco in the jar sitting in the ultrasonic cleaner just shaking away, probably leave it for 2 hrs then I'll swap it to the cigar jar.
    To answer your question, yes a small amount of nic would of been transferred, but not a major amount. Next time I do this, I'll vape it before adding nic and see what its like. Also It is a real dark brown colour. eliquid, I figure I can make around 500ml of pipe tobacco and around 250ml of cigar. from what I purchased from the tobacconist.
  4. alan_edwards1

    alan_edwards1 New Member

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    Oh ya if you try this at home, just remember vodka is very flammable, It actually .comght fire so I lifted the pot of the stove and just blew it out.
    Simple just remember not to freak out, I then placed the pot back on the stove and continued heating it :)
  5. hislittleprincess

    hislittleprincess New Member

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    I'll be interested to see how this goes :) while still new to vaping, and on a very strict budget, I have yet to get some unflavored nic on order - only ready mixes. I'm not afraid to have a go and diy either.

  6. wag mayonsE

    wag mayonsE New Member

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    Here's a pic of what it looks like :)
    When I ordered my first nic about a month ago I order 500ml of 100mg nic and 1000ml of VG from the USA.
    It around a 2 yrs supply of heavy vaping.
    Cost around $90-100.
    View attachment 13387
  7. Zitlemia

    Zitlemia New Member

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    fascinating really, would you consider tweaking by adding some sweetener/caramel, maybe it doesn't need it.
  8. Boomer Wisdom

    Boomer Wisdom New Member

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    I would say if you want a very good cigar vape, this is it, It taste just like a good cigar, even the vapor smell nice. It doesn't need anything, But the pipe tobacco does need some good steeping. I also have 5 cans of snus in the mail coming from Sweden, I purchased them to do this method also, so probably sometime next week I'll be adding more to this thread :) .
  9. moxie

    moxie New Member

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  10. Faith S

    Faith S New Member

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    canukvapes - I'm presently selling all of my proper pipe tobacco but I have some that is not in good condition for sale. It's dry so it wouldn't make much difference to you. I'd be happy to post it to you to try. Sorry, I don't mean to be a snob but IMO BR is really not the greatest - unless you were specifically after the cherry. I've got some "Frog Morton" & "Frog Morton over the pond". Check it out on TobaccoReviews.com - The largest collection of pipe tobacco reviews on the internet for a flavour profile.
    PM me if you are interested.
  11. alienist

    alienist New Member

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    Have you ever tasted snus canuk? Not sure it's a vapable flavour though it might be a good source of nic if you can extract it.

    Might be nice if the flavour of anchovies marinaded in furniture polish appeals. :D
  12. nike air max 90

    nike air max 90 New Member

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    I purchased the USA blends that I had before in Canada when I was a kid, They aren't like the Swedish ones, more like regular tobacco, The site was just in Sweden selling Swedish and USA Snus.
  13. tqthtij89y

    tqthtij89y New Member

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    I'll Use it and if it works out well, I'll send you a some :) I also have a few more ideas on ways to extract essences, The more supplies I have the more test I can do and it will further/refine the results :)
  14. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    freaking me out canukvapes - that sounds great!

    it occured to me as i was reading and picturing what you were doing that you could put something in with the vodka and tobacco as well - i mean if yer after cherry flavour couldnt you also put some real cherries into the mix as well?? or other fruits? banana for example - or would that not work?
  15. kumarbstt

    kumarbstt New Member

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    yes that would work but first we need to perfect the process before adding to it :)
    And yes I love cherry pipe tobacco, later on I'll experiment with cherry's but for now I just want to get it right :)
  16. Edoro

    Edoro New Member

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    Let us all know how it goes Jeff will be very interested in the end product, may have another one selling their wares on here.
  17. vzsy8mgstde

    vzsy8mgstde New Member

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    I started another one today also, basically added pipe tobacco to one of the jars and covered it with around 70ml of vodka, This one I'm going let steep without cooking for 1-2 weeks just so I can see how it either breaks down the tobacco or pickles it, Then I'll cook of the vodka and add vg and resteep it again. So I can see the difference with steeping methods.
  18. Advance

    Advance New Member

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    Definetly points for effort there Jeff:) But are the results so far better than a good tobacco concentrate or tobacco premade that youve bought? Just curious as it seems expensive.
  19. Betty

    Betty New Member

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    Well It was too early to tell for the pipe, It needs steeping and I'll try it next weekend after 1 week of steeping, The cigar on the other hand tasted like a real cigar almost instantly, Really I've tried 20 plus kinds of tobacco's and only one or two were good, but they still weren't the real thing, I just liked the flavour. Its actually fun experimenting, I'm going to have to buy another bottle of vodka soon :) I used about 1/4 of a bottle and drank 1/2 the bottle of vodka with orange juice with my wife:), benefits of using vodka :), The hardest part is having pipe tobacco and cigars in the freezer, I keep thinking about having a cigar, It really plays on me and I'm showing a lot of restraint.
    Hmmm I also was thinking maybe try the pipe tobacco with scotch? Scotch has a good woody flavour I could see complementing the pipe flavour. But this will be after the vodka test :)
  20. fedia

    fedia New Member

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    Interesting, post the results will be interested too see how they turn out. Good work mate :)

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