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Capella Custard

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by vioroca, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. vioroca

    vioroca New Member

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    I think I've fallen in love with Capella Vanilla Custard. I had it sent with a JF order I placed awhile back and have only just loaded it up, and boy is it smooth. I'm thinking of mixing it with some Dulce de leche with a touch of Vanilla swirl:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:. Does anyone else think this custard rocks???
  2. gprzlln8a

    gprzlln8a New Member

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    Very smooth and tasty! My looongtime ADV

    My recipe of custard is:
    15% Capella´s Vanilla Custard
    5% Capella´s Graham Cracker
    3% Flavour Art´s Wape Wizard
    3% Ethyl Maltol
    74% VG with your nic level

    I recommend to try :witless:
  3. gyperly

    gyperly New Member

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    Yep, big fan here as well, I like it mixed with a little bit of french vanilla or cinnamon roll, just purrrfect :)
  4. bluareochick8

    bluareochick8 New Member

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    It is real nice for sure. I like it at about %5 though, and just about anything goes with it. Caramel, Banana, Apple Pie. etc etc..
  5. MrRawr

    MrRawr New Member

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    I've found much the same with FW cheesecake, its a nice cheesecake flavour, not to overpowering at about 8%, and you can mix just about anything with it. I love it mixed with FW lemonade flavour, with a touch of sour added, or even koolada. Its also nice with just about any fruit, or caramels and toffees.
  6. Naturepants9

    Naturepants9 New Member

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    I've actually got 10ml of Koolada Spud but never used it as well. I've been meaning to try some of your recipes containing it. Is it like menthol???
  7. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I use it to make chocolate banana custard yum. But not an all day vape for me I like my fruits
  8. secrethq1

    secrethq1 New Member

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    Yep love the Capelle Vanilla Custard,its a must have and mixes well with heaps of things.
  9. halloim

    halloim New Member

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    Koolada is different from the usual menthols be.comse it doesn't really have a taste, so you get the coolness of the menthol but with no menthol or minty taste, this makes it really useful be.comse it can go with so many other flavours without adding a flavour to the mix. Very useful stuff :) If you're looking for a good minty menthol, FW Extreme Ice, is an excellent one.
  10. Horosh

    Horosh New Member

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    +1 for capella custard. Its my new evening vape! Shame about the acetoin, but im not letting that bother me at the moment!

    Awaiting some yaeliq custurd which is said to not contain acetoine... I hope it's just as good!
  11. acuieie

    acuieie New Member

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    It's complete arse juice don't buy it ever.
  12. adizzcpitta1281

    adizzcpitta1281 New Member

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    Shhhh :)........
  13. pouckyplemype

    pouckyplemype New Member

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    Each to their own... Maybe i should have ordered double? :D
  14. twistedfish

    twistedfish New Member

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    Definitely one of my favourites too! I like it with some banana in it... I'm still trying to figure out the best banana. Vapeking's banana split is a nice mixer in it, but not banana-y enough when added to capella vc. Fooling around with both super concentrated banana and inawera banana to get it right.. I've had to take a break from playing with it, be.comse I overindulged and lost the ability to taste it properly! I hate that when playing around with flavours!!
  15. nat

    nat New Member

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    Yep, Cap Vanilla Custard is a good one and you can add a lot of other flavours to it or use it as a secondary flavour etc. Please remember that the below is suited to my tastes and what may suit me, may not suit others, but it gives you a sort of guide.

    I mix it at 16%. What I noticed is that there is a "benchmark" with this juice which is 14%.
    (What I mean by a benchmark is the longevity of flavour if you are using it as a "stand alone" vape with no other concentrate additives. I have also noticed that there is a "benchmark" with other stand alone concentrates e.g. Jungle Juice (JF) is 8% and I mix this one at 10%. Overpowering at 13%+)

    Under 14% and CAP Vanilla Custard is a great vape for the first 2-4 days if you will be using all the juice you have made up within this time period. Vapable after 24 hours. If you leave some of this juice in the bottle you will notice that the strength of flavour peters off from 4-6 days (and you need to top up the flavour with more concentrate).

    14%-18% and this concentrate seems to be stable for an extended period of time. I've had it sitting as long as a couple of months and the flavour has not dropped off over this time period. However, this is a minimum 4 days steep before use. Starting at 14% you will notice a definite increase in strength with each % that you add up to the 18%, but with each % addition make sure you let it sit over night before trying.

    19%+ and I find it too overpowering for my tastes.

    On the flip side, it's very good as an addition to a recipe and can be used from 3% upwards.

    There are two "rule of thumbs" that I've noticed with more complex recipes which give a good starting point to put you in the ballpark, and I like to end up appx 20-23% for more complex recipes (tobacco recipes excluded). Once you have your starting point then it's a matter of fine tuning. It's only been in the last couple of months that I've noticed these rules and that they work very well.

    1. The "half rule" which is e.g.
    Main flavour 12%
    Flavour 2 - 6%
    Flavour 3 - 3%
    Flavour 4 - 1.5%
    Flavour 5 - 1%

    2. The "two thirds" rule, in which all of your additional flavours cannot exceed two thirds of your main flavour e.g.
    Main flavour 12%
    Flavour 2 - 4%
    Flavour 3 - 3%
    Flavour 4 - 1%

    Or e.g.
    Main Flavour 12%
    Flavour 2 - 8%

    You get the picture .........

    I do not consider additives such as sweetener, koolada, smooth, vape wizard, menthol etc as a flavour in the above calculations although I DO take them in to consideration in the final mix which involves the PG/VG and nic.
    Just my thoughts and the above works for me ........
  16. kqgwhhytkf

    kqgwhhytkf New Member

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    Mrs G, have you tried FW banana Foster??? Apparently its very nice. I dislike the taste of anything banana flavoured so have never tried it, but have heard that its good.
  17. yardwork

    yardwork New Member

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    Thanks for the info, Spud. I have yet to play with any FW (assuming you mean flavor west?) yet. I'll definitely give it a whirl!

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