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Single Concentrate mix %

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by cyberboyz, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. cyberboyz

    cyberboyz New Member

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    EDIT> Thanks to Ginar for finding a group that has already done this.
    Just remember to check against "Basis PG/VG/H2O". They are using average for calculations. Don't believe the average number.

    ok, I got a little distracted. Not sure if anyone will use. Probably not :D
    It's like a database for single mix concentrates. Uses mean average, percentile at 50% and also has min/max %.
    I'll populate it slowly.

    Anyone can add to this ;) Help for noobs. If you do actually enter something, you can add anywhere in the blank spaces on the right. (under %)

    Best concentration to look at is "range"(MinMax) and then "percentile50" column after there are at least 3 entries. Four would be better.

    Capella (mostly 10% except coffee flavours, maybe cola too)
    FA - Flavorart
    TFA - The flavour/perfumers apprentice (deserts/baked /I've tried seem to be %10. Fruits are less. Coffee flavours less)
    FW- Flavour west (deserts/baked /I've tried seem to be %10. Fruits are less?. Coffee flavours less)
    LA - LorAnn
    JF - Juice Factory ( most report 2.5%-3%)

    I've been using smell to work out concentrations so far. It usually works.
  2. ftehgh

    ftehgh New Member

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    Filled out TFA

    Capella and FW are usually 10.

    Will fill out FA next.

    If anyone uses this please add one percentage entry to help.
    New flavour NAME entries can be added to the bottom of the list. I'll sort the list from a-z once in a while.
  3. michelecz3

    michelecz3 New Member

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    LA is roughly 5% - put in a couple
  4. Mario Marietto

    Mario Marietto New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks. Most of LA is usually 5%?

    I locked the columns with formulas now :D
  5. ch33kz

    ch33kz New Member

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    I found this spreadsheet a while ago and am finding it is extremely helpful when trying to work out %'s.
    Dampfaromen-Prozente and they have covered every flavouring manufacturer.
  6. celticscorpio

    celticscorpio New Member

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    Thanks Ginar, that's just what I wanted. Seems I was not the first to thing this. Germans and their paperwork :D
    I knew it was a good idea.
  7. georrgescu

    georrgescu New Member

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    The ones I have tried, yes... however, some of them are less, some more. I have mixed up a couple of chocolate / chocolate mint where I needed up to 10%.....But I only put in the ones I have tried, and repeated with success.
  8. efe0135

    efe0135 New Member

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    Can someone set me straight here,
    I have some Capella concentrates, based on what I'm reading it should be set at around the 5%, does this mean then say to mix up a 30ml batch , 5% or 1.5 mil will be flavour while the remaining 95% or 28.5 mil will be vg/pig?
    Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    Thank you
  9. mccoyienni

    mccoyienni New Member

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    yes. use a juice calculator to remove any confusion.
  10. addicted2teens

    addicted2teens New Member

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    5% of 30ml is indeed 1.5ml

    With Capella concentrates, I usually start at 5%, but most need more like 10% except the fruit flavours. Use 10% at least if you are making single concentrate mixes, or the flavour will be too weak.

    The remaining liquid will be plain pg/vg + whatever level of nic base you want to use, + any other flavour concentrates you want to add.
  11. homerboy38

    homerboy38 New Member

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  12. katie.

    katie. New Member

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    Thanks guys,
    To be quite honest, the calculator confuses me a little.
    So if you all can bare with me here,
    First off I would mix the flavour concentrate ( 6ml concentrate to 27 mil vg/pig) this would then be considered as a doubler?
    Then to add 50mg nic to get a 18mg mix i would need to then add 10.8ml Nic to 4.2ml vg to 15ml flavour doubler mix?
    Thanks again
  13. palermo

    palermo New Member

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    Sushi's correct, its a good idea to spend a bit of time, download a juice calculator, and familiarise yourself with how they work. Most are pretty self explanatory, it just takes a little bit of practice. (a very little bit :) ). You'll find you will use it all the time if you are going into DIY, and it means you will make less mistakes. You can also save your mix recipes, and add notes, (again something that is very important if you are going to DIY your own juices).

    A doubler is a base mixture of the flavour concentrates, and either plain vg or pg, or a mixture of vg and pg, depending on your personal preference. Then you simply add the same amount of nicotine base in a pg/vg mix of your preference.

    If you are using the calculator, just put in how much flavour concentrate you are using, eg: 10% , then your nic base in mg, and your desired nic level, eg:18mg, and your desired pg/vg ratio. Then calculate. The calculator will tell you exactly how much of each component to use to get your desired result.

    The calculators are freeware, and some even come with a recipe data base that you can use to practise with, and to give you some ideas on what to mix.

    Good luck with your DIY :)
  14. ketikolos

    ketikolos New Member

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    ^what spud wrote+1

    I think you misunderstand > Doublers and triplers are usually bought only from stores who make them. People do not usually make these at home. They exist in canada be.comse we cannot sell nic.

    see here for terms. http://forums.canukvapers.com/new-vapers-forum/738-device-info-ecig-terms-thread.html

    Concentrates are what I use and what this thread is about.

    If you need help on mixing it may be better to start a new thread.
  15. John "THE GREAT"

    John "THE GREAT" New Member

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    After reading a lot here i now understand this, also got a calculator that i can understand, sorry for wasting everyones time, but i really do appreciated your imput all the same.
    Take care
  16. Imo

    Imo New Member

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    Glad you got a good calculator mick, makes it much easier for you. Questions are never a waste of time, as it all adds to the knowledge base, and your questions may be the same as someone else's so its all good :)

    Good luck with your mixing, and if you get into making your own recipes, don't forget to post them in the DIY recipe thread :)
  17. gikkes

    gikkes New Member

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    I always use 10% of Capeela & TFA, I haven't tried Flavour West. People have said FW has nice concentrates, anyone agree and what % do you use.
  18. Raga

    Raga New Member

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    Only got a few FW. most baked/deserts/snacks seem to be 10%. Thanks, updated first post.

    TFA have some that are not 10%. As usual coffee is less. Probably cola too. Black cherry is less( 1.5%). I imagine lime is 3%. Don't like any other fruit flavours so far. Maybe it's only the majority of desert/baked/snack flavours that are 10%.
  19. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I use mostly Flavor West and Juice Factory Super Concentrates these days. For the FW I use the same as I would Capella, 10% if it is the dominant flavour or a single flavour mix, (although I rarely do single flavours now). I find the FW concentrates are fantastic, and haven't had one I don't like yet. They also have a number of unusual flavours which I also enjoy.

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