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Flavour Mixing Mistakes

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Jetz, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Jetz

    Jetz New Member

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    Woke up to try yet another choc chip flavoured ejuice. I'm not going mention the vendor be.comse all vendors who sell choc chip cookie flavour have the same problem. And I think this is a common problem with mixing that I think DIY newbs should be aware of.

    The thing about flavours like choc chip cookie is that actual choc chip cookies are not a single blended flavour. Choc chip cookies crumble as you chew them, and so your nostrils recieve a repeating series of flavours. You taste a bit of cookie, then a bit of chocolate chip, then cookie again, then choc chip and so on, really quickly, giving choc chip cookies their unique overall flavour.

    When people mix things like chocolate and cookie flavours, they think they will get something that tastes like this:


    but be.comse the liquids blend, unlike a real choc chip cookie, what they end up is an ejuice that tastes more like this:


    The same is for other mixes.

    You mix to try to get something like choc chip mint iceream. But instead you end up with something that tastes more like choc mint milk.

    Or, You might do as I did and try to mix cookie with rasin, but instead you end up with something that tastes more like this.
  2. Emi

    Emi New Member

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    I keep waiting to see some brilliant person bring the idea of timed delivery to the manufacture of juice. A molecule that sits on your tongue and delivers the goods at random moments. Or something. My palate is crap compared to some of the reviewers I read. I hear talk of subtle flavours and I guess I can detect a hint of peach or a hint of melon in a mix but that is about it.
  3. djfalo

    djfalo New Member

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    Good point Mav - would you say the same holds true for blended tobacco? For example how about a virginia latakia blend?
    I suppose that if cut and blended in equal/uniform amounts the burning of the material would create smoke that would in turn mix and blend as it reached your taste buds. It may be that the CC cookie is a unique example being heterogeneous all the way into the mouth.
  4. BqdNYOMvnO

    BqdNYOMvnO New Member

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    My french vanilla has gone off or something, not sure if im sick of the taste/vaper tongue or mixed too strong or maybe it just steeps poorly. Trying some doublers just for variety and to take my measurements (mostly) out of the equasion. Even my backup, normally reserved for rare occasions musk candy is tasting like shit on a stick today. :(
  5. AlegeNerPlult

    AlegeNerPlult New Member

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    Ctclone - you may be experiencing vapers tongue.... an awful occurence where your tastebuds are not working properly.

    generally this will pass over a couple of days. suggestions to fix the situation are varied - drink lots of water, vape unflavored juice, right through to a tbs of vinegar to 'reset' the tastebuds. I'm sure some of the guys who have experienced this will chime in.

    sorry for OT Mav
  6. Yeah

    Yeah New Member

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    Some food/wine reviewers make me .comgh out loud, they seem so pretentious ... and some eliquid reviews have me pmsl ... for goodness sake, it's just a liquid concoction of flavours that various folk either like or dislike .. what I call delicious ... someone else may say is arse -juice ... one of those things people mostly have to try for themselves imo ... if it's popular and sells well ,then lots of people must like it. I hate when something new comes out and it's slammed on the opinion of so called experts ... many of whom have vested interests in the outcome of their 'opinions' :suspicion:
  7. apwvitadaixpz

    apwvitadaixpz New Member

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    Good point mav. Be.comse you can only replicate the flavours, and eating is a far more tactile experience than just the flavours.

    I think there will only ever be so far they can go with flavoured juices. But who knows? Better minds than me might be working on super creations that more properly replicate the eating process as we speak.

    The bigger the market gets, the more science types will get working on it.
  8. nlivemi0m

    nlivemi0m New Member

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    Very interesting Mav, I have found a few exceptions though, I make a hazelnut bicky recipe, where you can tell where the biscuit begins and the hazelnut ends, but this effect is made without using a "biscuit" flavour :) Some flavours will hold their own, where others will be melded and lost. Flavour enhancing and masking is a whole other area of interest, in itself. Its a fascinating area of research, and I would love to study it further.
  9. nike air max 90

    nike air max 90 New Member

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    Burn him, they are a Witch/Warlock! (They turned me into a Newt...):barbershop_quartet_

    VINTAGE MUSIC New Member

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    lol, newts are cute :) I've just finished making a weird juice that you can taste cheesecake on the inhale, but only taste mandarin on the exhale, it freaks everyone out when they try it :) I thought it was pretty cool :)
  11. FrokDutt

    FrokDutt New Member

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    Burn their juices!! They are definitely a witch/warlock!

    Love your work Spud.
  12. pdq

    pdq New Member

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    Dont know what the problem is? I wouldn't mind tasting :)
  13. RallundA

    RallundA New Member

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    very good suggestion about Mixing mistake flover. i will try it again..

    ATHEIST IS TRUTH! New Member

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    Here we go Maggie. I'm currently vaping an unflavored juice at 18mg. To begin. On the inhale is detected the very subtle hint of a shadow of a taste that is almost there; a fleeting wisp of well rounded nothingness redolent of the finest dearths among this flavour profile. Being mainly VG the texture is thick and cloying like a bumper fog met with in the Wannon valley on a late July morning.
    The exhale is where the real cream of the tasting is to be found, clean and crisp with hints of burgeoning sterility and a final lingering nonapparentness. Goes very well with anything at all or a matching nothing at all. Compliments water.

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