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Which brand is better

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by jjonhenry, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. jjonhenry

    jjonhenry New Member

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    diced to open up an big can of worms hear but what are people op's

    Flavor Apprentice
    Capella Drops

    witch is better
  2. naci1966

    naci1966 New Member

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    I use one you have not listed - Lorann
  3. tadeka

    tadeka New Member

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  4. charlottevo1

    charlottevo1 New Member

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    I use mostly capella and flavour west brands, as well as Juice Factory super concentrates, all good quality. Lorann are also good quality, but you need to know which ones can be used for vaping as many of their concentrates contain oils and gums, which cannot be used for vaping.
  5. ehnsccglcpud

    ehnsccglcpud New Member

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    flavour apprentice for beginners (usually 10-20%)
    capella for your normal intermediate users (5-15%)
    flavourart for more advanced users as it isnt as forgiving and only small quantities is required. (2-5%)

    These are just my opinion and experience on these concentrates. Correct me if i am wrong and please do not bomb me for you more advanced diyers
  6. MM01

    MM01 New Member

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    Its a tough question as they are all different. The one that you like the taste of is the best for you.
  7. riont

    riont New Member

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  8. bmaximussift3267

    bmaximussift3267 New Member

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    No bombing :) Just curious, as there are no standard percentage rates for any of the flavour concentrates, only very general guidelines. I have one TFA concentrate that can only be used at the rate of a couple of drops per 10ml, and others that can be used at 15%. Same for Capella and Flavour Art.

    Different recipes also require different % rates, so I wonder if a newbie would be better following the recipe % rather than the general guidelines??
  9. Cowboy Neal at the Wheel

    Cowboy Neal at the Wheel New Member

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    My 2c

    Mixing a vapable eliquid is difficult. Most single concentrates are not very nice and it takes patience and practice to blend multiple flavours. If you are doing this to save money it can be a false economy with a lot of wasted mixes. If you are doing this to find a flavour you like I would recommend you find a doubler that is ok to tide you over while you play.

    My .comtion would be all about your tastebuds. As a new vaper they are still recovering from years of smoking and so even if you mixed up one of say spuds tried and tested recipes you may not have the same flavour experience
  10. bibeteedgitte

    bibeteedgitte New Member

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    That would be correct. My % are just in general taken from my faint memory of what Charlie from Vaping Cobra mentioned to me as he is the one that supplies these concentrates. Then again, i have been out of the diy section for quite a while as i have just been purchasing overseas premixed liquids.
  11. msiwowb

    msiwowb New Member

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    i was going to order about 20 to 30 different flavors from Vaping Cobra to play around with but i know a lot of flavors with the same name but different brands. so going by urecia comment would i be better to try and stick with the f/a flavors first time out to start with..
  12. Atronse

    Atronse New Member

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    Oxey just make sure you have at least some eliquid that you like before you start so you can vape through the process of steeping. That way you won't rush it and get the best taste.
  13. tannysyd89

    tannysyd89 New Member

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    Out of the three that you've listed, I like Capella the best, but I also have a few favourites which are in Lorann's range as well as some really yummy ones from Inawera. Inawera is the brand I actually like the best overall.
    Capella flavours are unsweetened unless they specifically label them as sweetened, so you might want to pick up some sweetener in case you find they aren't sweet enough for you. The VG does sweeten a bit, so go easy on the sweetener. Good luck and have fun exploring!
  14. bruifiene

    bruifiene New Member

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    Oxey, before you go buying a whole lot of concentrates, have a look at some recipes that you may want to make, there is a DIY recipe thread stickied at the top of this forum page, as well as some good sites where you can find good recipes, The Vape Book is one, and this is another e-Liquid Calculator there are also some recipes in the ejuice me up calculator, that are worth a try.

    Go for one or two simple recipes, just 2-3 concentrates, and have a go at these first. Go for something you might like to try, like a vanilla custard, or a nice tobacco flavour like RY4, or whatever you like personally :)

    Have a go at this first, and if you find you like the mix, then try something a little more difficult. If you just go and buy a whole lot of flavours, you'll end up with ones that you will never use, or ones that only go well when mixed with other flavours, but taste pretty boring on their own. Take advantage of those that have gone before you, and use their knowledge to avoid a lot of newbie mistakes.

    Good luck with it all, and remember it should be fun :) but you gotta do your research first.
  15. Kipneups

    Kipneups New Member

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    Any I make and I don’t like I’m shore one day i could find something to do with them..(wink wink).....also it will give me something to do keeping my hand opcied.. Just at the point of trying to get as much info as i can before making my next order...

    on another note i used to smoke chop chop... and there horrible and very harsh... so there's not much that i wont just put up with and just push through.. I’m a stickler like that........

    Were just about finished moving the new kid's in so i can start work on converting my garage into a vaporing lar....

    And today i had one of the best incentives to keep off the cigs. i took the kids to the beach. And for the first time in about 5 year's i ran... now mind you it was only a short distance and at the end I was still out of breath.. But nothing like I use to. In the past if i ran like that i would need to of had a lye down for about an hour or so. but afther about 5 min or so i was right. i cant remember that since i was a kid..
  16. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Oxey, reconsider your response mate. This ^^^^^ is very sound advice. Start your process simple and then build on it. I ended up with too many random flavours that I didn't want. I was lucky that I picked the bulk up from a classies purchase that was an absolute bargain, if I had paid retail It would have been disaster. Get maybe 10 flavours to start with and ex.comst all possibilities with those before you move on. At this point you will have a clear idea of what you want. The concentrates that Ecigmodshop are what I started with and they are still my go to flavours. Good luck mate
  17. Tornedeaus

    Tornedeaus New Member

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    ty for the avice i'm taking everything into consdration... why i havent ordered yet.. at this stage the apple and cheasecake are the one i know i like....that why i was thinking vapor cobour ..be.comse i can get about 20 or so flavours for about $60. only two and a harth pack's of smokes...and i'm stubbon as an ox so i will push through it so stuff will not be wasted..
  18. Snituence

    Snituence New Member

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    We are very similar. I am currently making arse juice vapable so that I can start from scratch. I hate to waste anything but I really wish that I didn't have so much 5 out of ten on hand to get through. Hot tip of the year, menthol!!!
  19. Marijn

    Marijn New Member

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    Why I was only going to get the 6mil bottles it,s enough to play around with but it will keep the quintiles small. I made the first mastake when I ordered from health cabin. I liked the apple I had so I ordered a 50 mil bottle from them. And I had a friend that like mine and I got started on ecigs.so they ordered two 50mil bottles of apple. There not stubbon like me and it,s pretty much put them off ecigs. So for started in my order I will problem have apple from all 3 . and make the same till I get it where I like it and can tell the difference. Probly the only one I will order in a larger amount. I like the blueberry from the desbole CIG you buy from the servo. So I brought a 50mil of that.

    And that's right u guessed it I don't like it. But I,m purity shore it,s the pg/VG min. I have some VG and I have been adding it to my previous filled tips and it's making them a hole lot better.

    Anther mastake I made when my flavours came in I just hat to fill every tip I got and give as menny a try as I could. Grate way to get a vaping head ake

    And I am looking forward to day even what I,m doing now adding bit's of VG to get these pure mixes to where I can use them.

    And I got vaporing fever I just want to try them all every flavour every tip every mod.

    I could quite easily fall into the shiny trap but the wife has given me a monthly budget that that's all good and before my hobby was smoking. It cost so much that I couldent do anything else. And beening a tec geek this is right up my ally.

    And speaking of mastakes while wrighting this I had a tip that I had forget on that I had all ready added and added more. I finally made something even I can't vape. And I was beening so good with my leaving.
  20. Cardaba

    Cardaba New Member

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    Enjoy the ride mate. Hang on tight!

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