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Just A Dash Of Vodka

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by varepsilon, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. varepsilon

    varepsilon New Member

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    Hey people I'm trying to get a bit of a better TH in my mixes. I've found a thread about it and in that thread it also mentions T.H.E. (Throat Hit Enhancer). Now do I get me some of this or can vodka produce a good TH, or is it used specifically as a thinning additive???
  2. pubommenteero

    pubommenteero New Member

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    T.H.E. Throat Hit Enhancer | Ecig Life

    rossco i was going to get some a while back but i saw nothing but terrible reviews on youtube so i gave it a miss - apparently it does bugger all

    as for using vodka ive read that you need the really pure stuff otherwise the sugars (or something - cant properly remember) in the vodka gunk up yer coils
  3. Keith Stoneback

    Keith Stoneback New Member

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    I use vodka as a solution to dissolve menthol crystals, but never enough to gunk up a coil, it is possible I guess, the T.H.E. has a bit of a negative rep, but I can't comment as I never used it, it does have a negative reputation on some forums.

    All I can suggest is to vary your PG/VG, I run at 50/50 and get an acceptable throat hit for me (everyone is different though) one other I have read about is "Tobacco Alkaloid", I don't know much about it but someone on AVF might have.
  4. chillz02

    chillz02 New Member

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    Thanks avtec I'v taken the nic level up in the new mixes, so that may help a bit. It may also stop me from chain vaping:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  5. garlo7

    garlo7 New Member

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    Thanks Richo I might have to do a bit of research into T.H.E.
  6. Geancenup

    Geancenup New Member

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    Only if you drink it
  7. Krystal

    Krystal New Member

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    Vodka doesn't enhance throat-hit, it's used more for making thick liquids more miscible for blending,
    particulary when working with high-content or all VG. The ideal option for thinning is Ethanol (ethyl alcohol)
    but it is expensive, so home brewers tend to use Vodka, of which Absolut is the best to work with as it's
    low in sugar content and only requires 4% in an all VG mix to help the flavours blend with the VG.

    Throat-hit is a different issue and one that is important to many vapers as it acts as a psychological reassurance to smokers; you feel the hit
    and your brain knows everything is okay as Nicotine is on its way. Stand outside an airport, or anywhere where smokers have had to go without
    for several hours, and watch what happens; mad rush for the exit, ciggie out, light up, take a big drag, exhale, and ohhhhh god I needed that!
    The wave of relief ripples through the body and all of a sudden everything seems good again. However, that pivotal moment occurs before the
    Nicotine has had time to circulate to the brain (around 6 or 7 seconds), it happens on the exhale right after the throat-hit.
    I have studied this effect since late 2008 when I first started vaping and it's an undeniable phenomenon, try it and see.

    It's possible to replicate the throat-hit by using just 1% of a plant extract (approved by the EFSA, The European Food Safety.comthority).
    I trialled this back in 2009 and commissioned production in 2010, since when it has had considerable success.
    I was also involved in the development of ECOpure, an all VG juice, that is now sold in up to 4.5% (45mg/ml) strength; that strength being based on
    blood plasma trials conducted over a three year period and which found 4.5% in a standard small ecig delivered very close to the same amount of Nicotine
    as an average ciggie. It's not just the amount though, it's the manner in which it is delivered, ie T max and C max - time to reach maximum concentration and the amount,
    that closely replicate the delivery method of a cigarette and which give a very similar satisfaction.

    Comparing smoking habits to vaping habits is interesting as most of us would smoke a ciggie then have a break of around 30 to 60 minutes on average; not a coincidence
    as Nicotine remains at a fairly high level in the bloodstream for that same amount of time, after which it degrades very quickly and thus triggers the craving associated with smoking.
    If it degraded gradually, shown as a 45 degree line on a graph, the craving effect would not be so noticable.
    Many vapers do not use their devices in the same manner as cigarettes and often take more drags more frequently, which prompted the question 'why?' to me. Some prefer to use
    low Nicotine strengths and vape away all day enjoying the flavour and experience, but others do it be.comse they are not getting the same effect, as mentioned above, as they did with smoking.
    I have spent three years informally testing this with friends and customers to see if it made a difference and overall the answer was yes, certainly when using 4.5% (45mg/ml).
    The tendency is to take a few drags then put it down for 30-60 minutes, until the craving kicks in again just like with ciggies. The daily intake of Nicotine can often be less than with
    using say 1.8% (18mg/ml) as liquid consumption is greatly reduced.

    I'm not recommending 4.5% for everyone, that would be crazy; but for those who feel they are missing the effect or maybe work in an environment where they can't vape to their heart's content,
    or when you know you're going to be deprived for longer than you would like, it is a workable solution. I've just taken a drag of 4.5%, 35 minutes since my last one, which is great be.comse my
    typing is slow enough without having to stop every minute for a toke!

    The first licensed ecig in the UK is not far away and it will use 4.5% Nicotine strength be.comse it has been tested to be effective. The EU propose to limit open sale to 2.0%, I believe be.comse
    higher levels would have a negative impact on the big corporations' monopoly of the most incredible invention in the field of harm reduction.

    The link below takes you to a review on the VTTV (Vapour Trails TV) site on 'Dave's Tackle Box' programme. The review of the 4.5% comes in around 44 minutes into the show and is well worth
    a look if only for Dave's reaction! The sample was BiteXtra at 4.5% which was the liquid with the added throat-hit, I did warn him not to vape like normal but to take shorter, gentle drags!
    Thanks Dave, it was most entertaining :)

    Dave's Tackle Box 3rd June 2012

    There is also a discussion on the 4.5% which you might enjoy watching.

    Dave's Tackle Box 22nd July 2012


  8. warmintermissio

    warmintermissio New Member

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    Wodka .... 2 billion russians cannot be wrong :)
  9. Volleyballcutie2009

    Volleyballcutie2009 New Member

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    And keep away from capsicum, I tried it, ( a mate from the UK sent me some ) its strong as being hit in the throat with a steel pipe, its another one with a wide list of pros and cons,, vodka though, at least you get a drink while your mixing.
  10. baogaumaarley5373

    baogaumaarley5373 New Member

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    Funny thing is Richo I don't drink.

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