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Filberts Vaping Toolkit is gone?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Shawn, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. gkarnkn70u

    gkarnkn70u New Member

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    Hmmm, first time I've needed to mix since I went overseas and I discover Filbert's is gone :(

    The other calculators are fine if you are mixing with flavour concentrates but they just don't cut it with doublers. I loved the way you could put in the doubler ratio with Filberts. Can anyone help me out here.

    * I have some 80/20 (PG/VG) doubler
    * My Nic is all 50/50 @ 50mg
    * I want to end up with 70/30 juice @ 12mg
  2. Chepfeda

    Chepfeda New Member

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  3. maggie.

    maggie. New Member

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    You're a life saver GT!

    Many thanks
  4. EmiseeCen

    EmiseeCen New Member

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    No worries :)

    With that calculator, be.comse you are using doublers, put in 50% as the first and only flavour (if you were using triplers, put in 33.3%)
  5. Nathan

    Nathan New Member

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    I did it I think
    I never knew you could click on the ( set number of flavours) FFS
    Why didn't I figure that out ( been trying for 2 years to figure that calculator out )
    Please correct me if I did it wrong :):) GT?

  6. myrz 372

    myrz 372 New Member

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    Yep, you've got it :)

    I would have screen dumped for you guys but the tablet doesn't allow it :(
  7. Carton Size

    Carton Size New Member

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    lazy bugga :):)
    If I want to post a pic I get up off the couch if using my ipad and walk all the way across the room to the laptop to use photobucket
  8. ndnndn999

    ndnndn999 New Member

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    My laptop and desktop are in the other room, and the grandkids are usually using them (as they were just now) so I don't stand a chance :D Mostly, I just use my phone for viewing and if I have to respond to something, I pick up the tablet.

    But I take your point :D
  9. Kriky

    Kriky New Member

    Likes Received:
    thanks for posting have been looking for a good online calc just mixed my juice using it woo and to screenshot on an ipad quickly press the home and power buttons at the same time and it will take a screenshot of your current screen and save it to the photo app
  10. jjmichael

    jjmichael New Member

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    Sorry for being off topic but you are game GT letting grandchildren use your laptop and desktop in another room LOL:):)
  11. foobarman

    foobarman New Member

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    It's a Micro$oft Surface, not an iPad ...

    The grandkids are 21 and 19, they could probably show ME a thing or two :D
  12. biohazard

    biohazard New Member

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    that calculation does not look correct for a doubler, (keep in mind I have never made one, so I may be wrong) but based on the maths you would not double the flavor / use a 50% base of flavor but instead look at the double or 50% to be added, and using that calculator the two important numbers are the first 2 the % nic and desired nic, these two numbers can be any multiple of half for example - 48/24 or 36/18 or 24/12 and so on then your flavor strength should be as normal say 20 % from what I read or less for stronger flavors.

    once you have the first 2 numbers correct you should be able to calculate then the resulting answer less the unflavored nic is what you need to make your raw doubler, then the remaining part is just to add the nic base as that is if you read the sheet is equal to 50% and will complete the doubler to make the rtv version.

    the nic strength you use makes no difference to the doubler regardless of what you use to get your numbers, for example a recipe of 24/12 will still work with any strength nic and halve it after it is added. ? ready to look stupid if I have this wrong.

  13. princebroadsword69

    princebroadsword69 New Member

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    More input required here
    I am confused again :)
  14. Posleen Killer

    Posleen Killer New Member

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    Using a doubler means that it will be 50% by volume in a mix, so to make 10ml of liquid you will use 5ml of doubler and 5ml of nic/PG/VG.

    The doubler is 80/20 so contains 4ml of PG and 1 ml of VG.
    The nic is 50/50 and using 2.4ml so it contains 1.2ml of PG and 1.2ml of VG
    We are adding 1.8PG and 0.8VG respectively, so in total we have 4+1.2+1.8=7ml PG and have 1+1.2+0.8=3VG

    That gives us the 70PG30VG mix required.

    There is 2.4ml of 50mg/ml nic, total of 120mg of nic in 10ml, so it is 12mg/ml.

    The maths works for me ...
  15. ShennaNip

    ShennaNip New Member

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    yes the maths seems fine and the error is mine in that the calc to use 50% flavor was what I thought was wrong and to much / maybe skinning the cat 2 way for the same result. sorry.

    I agree with this

    and the rest if i have it right seems fine by adding the calcs you have to the calculator you have this


    and the resulting recipie is this, note the nic mix to be added is 50% (or 5 ml to make the 10 ml wanted finished product) so the remaining of the mix is the base for the doubler / 5 ml , maybe you do need to add 50% flavor ?

  16. tlohejunasyw

    tlohejunasyw New Member

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    If you are only using 24mg/ml nic base and want to end up with 12mg/ml, then you must use 50% by volume of your nic base. If you are also using doublers as your flavour, then that too must be 50% by volume. No plain PG or VG needs to added.

    To only use 20% by volume of your doubler flavour will mean the flavour will be weak.
  17. eszxiwf2c

    eszxiwf2c New Member

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    us pirie people have heads full of lead :peaceful:

    edit. I was all at sea I thought you wanted make your own doubler flavor, and not already had a doubler flavor that you wanted mixed down hence the confusion with the 50%, as you done / was instructed is correct, I should read slower.

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