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First Timer Questions.

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by MrRawr, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Luke (willows hubby)

    Luke (willows hubby) New Member

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    I'm going to order 5ml of sweetener when ordering from Vaping Cobra Spud. I think this is going to be a real big trial and error trip:redface::redface::redface:
  2. Cgbsdh B

    Cgbsdh B New Member

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    lol, yep it will be that :) It is a lot of fun though, I pretty much vape my own juices exclusively now, be.comse they are good, (not empty bragging here), and be.comse I know exactly what I like, and can make my juice to suit my tastes. This is probably the best thing about DIY other than the fact that it saves you a lot of pennies once you have a good stock of concentrates and other gear. I also love the variety, I'm a chronic juice switcher, (I can vape up to six different flavours in a day, depending on my mood), and with DIY the choices are endless :)

    If you come up with some good recipes, pop them in the DIY recipe thread, its a great way to spread the joy :)
  3. BVB Chrissy

    BVB Chrissy New Member

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    Thanks I will definitely be doing just that:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  4. gestype

    gestype New Member

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    Yep Spud,
    Have to agree with you about Flavour West. I've got quite a few concentrates now and as I muck around more and am starting to lean more so towards Flavour West and Capella over TPA and FA. I suppose we are splitting hairs on some of the concentrates but as time goes on and my taste buds start to come back the difference is becoming noticible. Juice Factories alcohol based tobaccos really are quite good, I prefer them over the FA/TPA ones. A big surprise to me was the alcohol based Desert Ship, a lot of people reckon it should be Desert "Shi#" but I don't think they have steeped it long enough (a good 3-4 weeks at maximum of 5%).

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