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Complex Mixing Calc - Excel

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by "vanpersie", Oct 9, 2015.

  1. "vanpersie"

    "vanpersie" New Member

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    I needed a calc that allows more freedom than calcs on the net for mixing multiple nicotine concentrations. So I made an excel calc. Very simple but saves time.


    You do not enter any target concentrations or volumes for this calc. You fudge the numbers yourself. Be.comse of that you can feed as little or as much data as you need into this and it will still work. If you are really bad at working with mixes, this may be annoying.

    Am I right that most standard flavour e-liquids are 20% flavour and the rest is PV/VG?

    EDIT> on the off chance someone actually downloaded this. I FORGOT TO DO TWO SUMS, so the original version will give wrong results. It's now fixed.
    I make stupid mistakes like this all the time now. Had a severe reation to a vaccine (within 15min) an hour later was almost a vegetable could barely move. Like this for months and never fully recovered( six years later.)
  2. C.A.S.

    C.A.S. New Member

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  3. Nancy U

    Nancy U New Member

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    Thanks, but that one, like all others I've found, don't allow you to calculate the mix of two liquids, both containing nicotine.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    I'm also one of those people who want freedom in calculations even if it means getting rough results.... and using drops, buckets or teaspoons as measurements annoy me :D
  4. NolaByrne

    NolaByrne New Member

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    I believe eJuicemeup has a calculator for just that. It's the [3x] button. Correct me if I've interpreted this function incorrectly :topsy_turvy:
  5. jamax

    jamax New Member

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    Thanks, I looked at the screen shots just now after you suggested eJuicemeup
    I'm on linux and not sure if it works on wine. Probably have to VM it.
    eJuicemeup, Good tool probably will use it too for when I need taget amounts.

    Still prefer to see all calcs at once without pop ups or separate windows. That's another reason for using excel.
  6. Hesham

    Hesham New Member

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    eJuice me up is cross platform IIRC

    EDIT: No it's not, must be another one I'm thinking of. I'm sure there was a Java-based one around?
  7. mib312

    mib312 New Member

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    :D Thanks.

    Yeh without .net it would be easy to get going. It's ok. Installed under win7 VM.

    ejuice me up is the only calc that comes close to being complete. Other useful info on flavour concentrations too. The link in the second post from SUCKITIN seems like it may be useful now and then.
    Still like my dodgy calc. They are all good for me for different reasons
  8. VamsEmberorab

    VamsEmberorab New Member

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    Thats a big old negative to working in Wine. I have no idea why considering its a VERY basic program, wine hates it. So does Cross Over. Probably be.comse its written in MS Vomit language like visual basic. It is an awesome calculator though, I have a Win7 Virtual Machine running any use it in there, worth the effort.
  9. ashleylik wah

    ashleylik wah New Member

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    roflol, Always nice to hear.
  10. Earl W

    Earl W New Member

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    Probably wouldn't be hard to knock up a calculator in Python or Java. Wine is great, but it can only do so much when dealing with closed source.
  11. zagaz

    zagaz New Member

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    Yeah for sure! I have thought about punching something out in Java, not my preferred language but it is nice for cross platform operability... Wine can be handy but seems to be getting increasingly picky with what software it will run and what it won't without any good reason...
  12. djbkifg3d

    djbkifg3d New Member

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    Sushiaddict, very few flavourings are mixed at 20% in my experience. Local flavours are bought generally as doublers or triplers, so either 50% or 33.3%, and concentrates range from 2.5% (super concentrates) through to 25%. If I was going to guess the average, I'd say 10%. Capella are 10 - 20%, Lorann the same, Inawera 5 - 10%.
  13. Stammany

    Stammany New Member

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    Not hard for some. My coding skills suck.

    @mrsgruffy Thanks. I was looking at getting some cinnamon roll flavour as a triple. I can enter that in the excel calc as 300, 3, 100 which should total 100, 3, 33.3 respectively.
    The thing that gets me, is super concentrates. I guess it's trial and error to adjust to taste. You gave me good numbers for concentrates as a starting point.
  14. fire f

    fire f New Member

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    You also have options on how you add the nicotine liquid. Firstly the mg/mL and then also the ratio of PG:VG. Once you've got the maths sorted, the most popular way to buy nicotine (arguably) is as 100mg/mL 100% PG. 100mg/mL nicotine is easy to calculate, and PG has some antibacterial properties inherent to it, which may mean it will "keep" longer. However, there's a curve ball, which is that some people really don't tolerate PG very well, so there's also those who will go with 100% VG mixes with a smidge of alcohol or distilled water to thin it out a bit.
  15. have_a_go_mate

    have_a_go_mate New Member

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    Thanks, I'm still trying to sort everything out.

    found on the forum 100mg 500ml 500ml 2mg-100mg Nicotine Extract

    also shelf life Nicotine Liquid Shelf Life

    canadan juice vendors top list http://forums.canukvapers.com/e-cig...quids/16415-canuk-top-5-vendors-e-liquid.html
    This looks(smells/tastes) good Flavor West Cinnamon Roll Flavour Concentrate - Juice Factory

    I added this to the first post>>>>>>>>>>
    on the off chance someone actually downloaded this. I FORGOT TO DO TWO SUMS, so the original version will give wrong results. It's now fixed.
    I make stupid mistakes like this all the time now. Had a severe reation to a vaccine (within 15min) an hour later was almost a vegetable could barely move. Like this for months and never fully recovered( six years later.)
  16. alekz

    alekz New Member

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    It's messy but I added something for nicotine price comparison. Estimating how many days it will last.

    Also a dodgy mix multiply that will help you work out how much vg and pg you will need.

    Power Volts Iurrent Resistance Calculator.


    I probably keep adding random stuff when I find I need to do something that I can't easily do on ejuice me up.

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