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Question about flavouring essence PG for mixing

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by NoOne, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. tooon68

    tooon68 New Member

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    Mike, not that Im against questions that benefit us and ensure we don't vape something that may be harmful, but seriously, are you just trying to shout out that your smarter than everyone else, it seems like some others that joined in recent times you can answer your own questions and do so with some heavy research of your own, so, my question is just a simple one , why do you ask questions you seem or think to know the answer to and reject others opinions without reserve? Is it really an attempt to find an answer or just a attempt to cast doubt on Vaping and or some of the members here? It does seem a bit strange to me, but whatever, just thought id ask, i will refrain from further comments but will watch for your response with simple curiousity .. Good luck too ya.
  2. Marian

    Marian New Member

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    This is.comng's thread.... lets just focus on helping.comng and stop feeding the bears.
  3. royall

    royall New Member

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    (This is a group message)

    No Mick77, you and others here misinterpret me and my communication style. Please learn to make the distinction between what is a defensive attack and what is a predatory attack, and to separate passion and self–assertion from trolling/baiting/bearing etc. Once you’ve done this, check your new found understanding of these concepts against the content of my posts and you might just find that my tone reads a little more justified, and my character presents as less threatening.

    I could just as fairly say there are behaviours and attitudes I’ve come across on this forum that I too find strange. A certain lynch mob type mentality better suited to the Salem witch trials than (what's meant to be) a friendly online community in the 21st century.

    A rational way to explain this breed of newcomer (that you and others have noted with suspicion) is to simply accept that as vaping grows and becomes more mainstream, the demographic of people it attracts will grow too. The cultural vibe might change over time. More people>different people> different interests, backgrounds, skill sets, learning styles etc. Maybe some, like myself, are quick and self-led learners and are not here to play some people-pleasing game of 'newbie'. Maybe vaping information has become more widespread and readily available, meaning there are now fewer information gaps to 'stumble' over.

    Or maybe, just maybe, no one here has managed to bridge the really important info gaps, given that a bit of googling for 'what to avoid when vaping' checklists and learning some new lingo does not constitute 'research'...much less does the mindless parroting of this easy-found 'research' make one a vaping or health expert. That's be.comse long term safety studies - the kind that would grant the sort of.comthority on vaping some speak with here- do not take place on internet forums.

    Maybe some new folk have prior understanding of this and see all this pretending and play acting as industrial chemists and health law experts as a bit silly. Maybe some just want a safe consumer product. Ever consider any of this? Anyone?.

    Not likely. What fun is logic when there are bandwagons to jump on? It seems every new member who arrives here with anything more than skerrick of confidence or background knowledge is met with this kind of snarly wolf pack wariness. And any question born of critical thought, or that addresses blind faith safety claims, is promptly hushed, seen as a suspicious disturbance of the status quo and surely a sign that AVF is under threat from an invasion of anti-ecig spies and tobacco industry insiders...there's misfiring all over the place and from my angle it looks really quite nuts.

    Anyone who doubts my stance as being pro-vaping ought to do some 'research' of their own and look through ALL my posts and see that I clearly and obviously on the affirmative side. My questioning style is simply thorough, and I check for credibility, and that seems to confuse some minds.

    Anyway, I don't have much time anymore to post here anyway, but I'll visit every so often...to 'spy'...lol. Enjoy your tin foil hat party peeps, and your 'bear' hunting. Just be careful to watch out for those bears in your own backyard ;-)
  4. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

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    Just made up a 5ml of 70/30 with 4% Queens Natural Peppermint Flavouring Extract @12mg, and, YUM!

    So, very successful and I also have lemon, vanilla and orange to play with.
  5. EatATaco

    EatATaco New Member

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    I have seen tons of commercial vape flavors listed as natural and artificial flavoring. many have alcohol in them.

    Business is business and if people are convinced vape flavours are some how "special", then vendors can charge 4 times the price for it.

    Making tinctures is an easy way to get flavours, plenty of vids about it, especially in the health food/ homeopathic area.
  6. SoSkibelfAmbilku

    SoSkibelfAmbilku New Member

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    I've just been making some juices using LorAnn emulsions and oils. The difference over the Queen flavours is amazing! Works out so very cheap as well. I have a few flavours left to try but I can't put this cinnamon down...

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