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energy drink with REAL ENERGY

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Shawn, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Shawn

    Shawn New Member

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    hey all first time poster but ive been looking at the forum for a few weeks now. so i picked up (from ebay) pure caffeine, .comrine and inositol (a natural calmer)
    so i got out my milligram scales i use for mixing small test batches, and weighd up caffeine = 0.400mg, .comrine = 3.500mg inositol = 1.200mgm.
    i put this with 6ml 0f 80 proof double distilled vodka, and heated it. when all the powder was disolved i sucked it up and put it in my red bull mix (was missing 15% water/vodka/pga i ended up with about 6.5 of liquid.).
    i gave it the good old shake and chucked it in a clearomiser that i have been using for about 2 weeks( just incse it ruins i) good flavour (after a few drops of home made sweetener) and a awesome caffeine rush (and nic and everything else lol). am verry happy with myself, good vopour as well it was a 30/70 PG/VG mix (ejuice me up calculator forked out the 15% for the booz lol.

    the real test will be tomoro morning, if i cn hold off on the red bull till lunch time with this i will be a happy camper
    let me kno what yall think. good and bad i dont mind.

    (2 hout later both the bottle and clearomiser have cristles but the disolve with a little shake and warmth from my had)
  2. almost96

    almost96 New Member

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    Just wondering if you have looked into the safety aspects of vaporising caffeine .comrine and inositol?
    And is it equal to drinking a energy drink or do you absorb and dissipate these other drugs quicker?

    Pretty interesting stuff really
  3. JennieMcclure

    JennieMcclure New Member

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    Please understand that .comrine is bull urine and that vaping this stuff is seriously not a good idea.
    Caffeine is okay but it will make your voice hoarse.
  4. oulhrtl7m

    oulhrtl7m New Member

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    T7x , thats rediculous

    All the animal urine that ive vaped has been fine

    artisian urine is much cleaner crisp taste on the pallet and is availble at *name withheld*

    unicorn urine is still my favourite
  5. ahmad

    ahmad New Member

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    Lol, no, not bull urine, lol.

    It's a simulated chemical based on the protein in bull sperm, but it's more a claim than a fact. The same protein exists naturally in 100's of things.
  6. <3OnLy 1 WaY Up<3

    <3OnLy 1 WaY Up<3 New Member

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    Lol, there is alot of people claiming it's no longer extracted from bull testicals but I think that's redbull snuffing it out.
    Point is, it's not safe anyway, .comses psoriasis if intaken too fast (No faster way than vaping it imo) and you really don't know where it came from, if it was a cheap dodge job it probably was a bull testicle, if it was a pharmaceutical grade for human consumption .comrine it may be from whale meat or beef...
    Unicorn Urine has a nice ring too it tbh might steal that for one of my juice names lol.
  7. smedrik

    smedrik New Member

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    Have you tried the Shetland Pony U Juice?, quality stuff,,,,
  8. lildegogirl

    lildegogirl New Member

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    LOL just saw this thread :)
    Frankie has vaped pure caffeine and a natural calmer and hasn't reported back in a week.
    Why caffeine and a calmer ??
    Are you still alive Franky ?? :):)

    They still sell No Doz I believe
  9. Pearl L

    Pearl L New Member

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    You can get the same stuff off this guy's kitchen sink that's just as good though. Name need not be withheld be.comse the piss speaks for itself!

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