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Oil concentrates! Advice/suggestions?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Anomuumi, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Anomuumi

    Anomuumi New Member

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    Hey guys! So I've been vaping for a few months now and I've recently ditched the ciggies for good! I've been making my own liquid from the get-go by diluting some 36mg nic-liquid down to 18mg in a 70/30 pg/vg mix and it's actually pretty satisfying plain tbh. I've been working with a couple different oil extracts that I picked up from my local chemist fairly cheaply, but they're somewhat limited in the range of flavours they have, and I would rather make my own. So my question is; how would I go about extracting my own oils and what kinds of things can I do this with? I've had a little experience extracting some very lovely oil from a very special flower by double boiling it down in vg for 6 hours as it wasn't soluble in the pg, and the vg actually lowers the boiling point of anything you add it to, resulting in a lower stove temp and no chance of actually destroying the goods haha. I would definitely love some advice here! :)
  2. alienist

    alienist New Member

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    Just keep slow boiling stuff in vg or pg, or you can do the steep method, throw stuff in a glass vial with pg / vg and leave for 6 weeks, shake it once per day and strain at the end, a mix of the two is good aswell.
    Grinding stuff up before you do this makes the flavour much better.
  3. Reetjike

    Reetjike New Member

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    what other kinds of things could I extract a nice oil for vaping from though? my immediate thought was that maybe I could somehow extract some sort of awesome chocolatey oil from cacao beans or some sort of fruit seed?
  4. Coosque

    Coosque New Member

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    Try some flavor concentrates designed for vaping, such as vendors sell.
    Oils can be harmful if inhaled & usually wear out your coils faster too, meaning more expense to replace them.
  5. WIL

    WIL New Member

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    I actually found a nice little cake store today that retails oils that dissolve in pretty much anything, and actually don't seem too harsh on the coils. I'm currently vaping a hazelnut/caramel blend at 18mg and my fridge is now lined with an array of 50ml oil varieties. Seems like a problem solved, but, it's still missing that satisfaction of extracting it myself. from what I can gather I would pretty much have to set up half a meth lab in order to do absolutely minimal yields which totally outweighs the cost I guess.
  6. shbhren5b

    shbhren5b New Member

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    I love that you've got straight into homebrewing, watch out with using them in clearos though, some may disintergrate or crack.

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