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New to mixing, advise is highly appreciated.

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Colkisy, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Colkisy

    Colkisy New Member

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    Hello fellow vapers, I have been vaping for well over a year now and decided its time to try out new mods and vapes. I have just upgraded from an ego to the vamo v2 and loving it.
    Now I want to try DIY flavours as I have read that by mixing your own, you can achieve better flavours than premixed blends.

    I ordered some 100%PG doublers from Vapeking and 26mg 100ml bottle 100% VG nic from inaweraflavours.
    So if i understand correctly for a 10ml mix at 50/50 PG/VG and 13mg nic, I would just add 5ml of nic and 5ml of doublers to create the juice? I have used Filberts Vaping toolkit to calculate this.

    I have also used the program Ejuice Me Up but am confused about the % flavouring column shown there.

    But if i were to go by Filberts calculator, is mixing it as simple as that?
    With this kind of mix what sort of things can I expect in regards to throat hit and flavour.

    I have also read that it is recommended that I leave the cap off the bottle after mixing and leave it in a dark place(my desk drawer) which is called steeping?
    Any recommendation on how long I should steep my juices for? I ordered Bullrush, Blueberry Ice and Cola if that helps.

    On a side note if anyone has ordered from https://www.inaweraflavours.com how long did it take your juice to arrive, from the date they shipped.
  2. R...

    R... New Member

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    Steeping is indeed leaving it to air out and blend on a molecular level and does definitely make for some great juice.
    Correct about the nic, it works directly to proportionate percentage, dilluted by half means half as much nic.
    The flavouring varies for every concentrate to be honest but there is a concentrate recipe thread around here somewhere to eliminate some of that trial and error :)
  3. barbarawood

    barbarawood New Member

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    Thanks for the reply T7x, my juice came in today and i just made my first mixes.
    Going to steep it for a week or so and report back.

    In the meantime I have been reading some posts and most recipes have flavouring at 15% or lower.
    I'm kind of scared of how mine will taste, since what I described earlier will mean my juice is at 50%.
    I'm guessing that if I take 5ml of my current mix and add to it, 2.5ml of 100%vg and 2.5ml of 100%PG(0nic) it would still give me 13mg nic and reduce flavouring to 25%? Does this make sense?

    If so, if I were to keep taking 5ml from the previous mix and diluting it with 2.5ml of VG/PG I would reduce the flavouring by half each time?

    Edit. I haven't been able to find recipe lists for Vapeking liquids, would it be alright to create a new thread in the Vendor forums to ask what they recommend?
  4. Stephanie S

    Stephanie S New Member

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    Doublers are made to be mixed 50/50 with nic as you have done. Concentrates are something different that you make yor own juice with.
  5. anedgids

    anedgids New Member

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    This shouldn't be an issue as you used doublers. Some flavours are sold as concentrates and can be added as low as 2.5%. However, your Vapeking doublers are exactly that, double strength flavours to which you ad an equal amount of unflavoured nic at double the mg strength you want in your final product. You have done it right. ;)
  6. calechna

    calechna New Member

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    Thanks for clearing that up for me 3C. The canuk vaping community is awesome, I'm honestly very surprised that both times I got an answer to my questions in only a few minutes. Thanks again 3C and T7x.

    *Edit and a thanks to you too caffeind, you posted while I was typing so I couldn't include you the first time :D

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