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Conundrum about mixing 50/50 nic and flavour - 20% flavour must lower nic level

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Mrs. Nick Jonas <33, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Mrs. Nick Jonas <33

    Mrs. Nick Jonas <33 New Member

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    I have gone to several calculators but they don't seem to take into account 0mg nic flavor which can be 5 -20% of the final mix

    I have 100mg nic juice, which is 100% VG. I want to make 50 VG/50 PG 25mg strength in 100ml batches so I don't have to keep making small bottles.

    Ok simple 25 ml VG nic 100mg, 25 ml VG 0 nic, 50 ml PG 0 nic. Now I have a 50/50 100ml 25mg base.

    But what calculators don't compensate for is the flavour PG % or weakening the strength of the nic level.

    So if I dump 30ml of the 50/50 premixed 25 mg nic into a bottle and add 20% flavour (more PG) won't it lower the nic level as the flavour is 0 nic and also raise the PG level by 20%.

    Does this make sense?
  2. chav0gm1za

    chav0gm1za New Member

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    if you are using a 50/50 mix of unflavoured it will be 70/30 when you add flavour at 20%. Make a 70%VG 30% PG unflavoured when you add your 20% flavour it will be 50/50. Also increase your nic level by 20% to get your required amount.
  3. eratShoth

    eratShoth New Member

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    Yes it will, why not add some direct nic to your 100% pg flavour to get 50mg nic 50/50 pg /vg in your flavour and then just add an equal amount of 50/50 0nic pg vg?
  4. ashli1394

    ashli1394 New Member

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    Thanks arth_d, yes of course making it a 70/30 mix is the solution, but sometimes the flavour % may vary, it may be only 5% sometimes depending on the intensity of the brand. I have seen people mix in vape stores here in the US and they just bung in the flavour and then the 50/50 of the mg requested, so really you are getting more PG and less nic in this equation!

    So I should really make 30mg 50/50 not 25mg, this also would be dependent on the % of PG flavour to make true 50/50 and I could end up with 28 mg which is too high. Then I guess I would have to fiddle with adding more PG!

    I don't know why the calculators ignore the 0 nic/PG flavour component !
  5. cabvafviask

    cabvafviask New Member

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    Sorry, off topic. T7x I love your signature! I'm still not convinced you're vaping the same stuff as the rest of us though...whatever it is, I want some. :D
  6. mscoggs12

    mscoggs12 New Member

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    Another great idea, alas I am not experienced with flavours at present, so I am loath to make up bottles of the stuff with nic, plus I already have a million bottles of stuff already!

    I might try it with small bottle, like 10ml - 2ml flavour 3ml PG 5ml VG - but then the flavour would be diluted so I'd have to put 4 times as much in.
  7. Spowlrudat

    Spowlrudat New Member

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    I wish the manufacturers of pre made juice stated the PG/VG level on the label, as some liquid I have purchased have been more to my taste than others. I have seen recipes from suppliers that also add distilled water

    At the moment I buy 100% VG and it's gumming up my coils..another thing I have taken on, recoiling, the kanga coil is $3-5 in some stores, I can use three a week, it's more expensive than smoking here $4 a pack!

    I understand the different hit and taste you get from percentages of PG and VG, I guess I'll just muck about and find the right combination. The bottom coil on the Kanga protank is a flavor killer for sure, but it's so easy to fill and rebuild the coil. I'm trying to save money here hahah, already spent enough to keep me in fags for 6 months!
  8. Jaimy

    Jaimy New Member

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    What I mean is mix your concentrate into 100% pg at 4x strength then add the same amount of nic vg, then the same amount again of pg/vg blend. Then steep and vape.
    If it's not a concentrate and is infact just a doubler in 100% pg why not just add 50% nic vg, 25% plain vg and 25% plain pg together, then add it to an equal amount of doubler.

    Thanks Jenj :3
  9. tera_duke

    tera_duke New Member

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    If all you are worried about is the PG to VG ratio just deduct the amount of flavouring from the amount of plain PG/VG in the mix, then when you mix up the final product it should be balanced

    for simplicity I used to count flavouring and plain PG as the same base ingredient(my flavours were all PG based)
    so my mix would be nic PG based + plain PG(swap some PG out for flavouring) + plain VG

    If you want to get super picky you can calculate how much plain VG to omit too but to be honest the ratio of PG to VG is more of a guide than a strict rule. There are 2 main components in e-liquid those that contain nicotine and those that don't, its the ratios between those two components that is important. What goes into the components that do not contain nicotine is yours to play with as long as the numbers add up to the amount needed to give you the correct ratio of nic when you come to mixing. Just label the bottle saying that it still needs however many mls of flavour to be added.

    Personally I used to just mix everything I needed for the coming week all on the one day and put it away to steep. Just mix up as many complete bottles as you want to use/try and put the rest away so there can be no confusion.

    I hope that helps simplify things for you :)
  10. Nathan R

    Nathan R New Member

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  11. NikoleusFC

    NikoleusFC New Member

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    Just replace the the pg amount. Ie if you are using 10ml of flavour, it would become 25/25/40/10. Most flavouring is pg based
  12. arcticjx

    arcticjx New Member

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    Yep I get that

    Typically the flavouring is a part of the mix not an afterthought so when the recipe/nic calculators work out the exact amount you require the flavouring comes out of(or is factored into) the total amount of PG/VG/water/vodka

    so for example you might start with

    50% nic liquid

    the other 50% may look like

    12% PG
    22% VG
    3% Vodka
    2% water
    11% flavour

    The reason why I wouldn't normally cut my nic to the required vaping strength prior to adding flavour is be.comse there are too many variables. It is much easier to mix a 5ml or 10ml bottle to try different combinations, once you find what you are happy with then mix up a batch of 30ml or 50ml bottles for the coming weeks.

    The reason people cut nic(in bulk) before mixing is typically be.comse they are either wanting to use it with a doubler or to reduce the nic to a safer level for handling and storage.

    If you cut all of your nic to the level that you want to vape at before you even start mixing you are already out of options for what you can use it with.

    The calculators factor in the variables they are given to give you the desired amount of nic in mg/ml across the whole recipe but are not really designed to reverse engineer the process

    I don't know what possessed you to start at 36mg/ml but I am very relieved to see that you have brought that down now. If you keep getting headaches from the nic I would look at dropping to 18mg/ml or even 12mg/ml depending on how long you have been overdosing with nic hehe. The dry mouth thing though is pretty normal just have lots of sips of water, it will eventually pass to a great extent with time.
  13. dtigrpnew

    dtigrpnew New Member

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    Thanks GP,
    What is a doubler?

    I'll will take your advice and only dilute a small amount first, and you are right, I did want to dilute it all to avoid poising myself with the 100mg nic. You are right too about leaving no options if I go gung ho with the diluting.

    Yeah the 36mg was an anxious attempt to stop smoking cigs, I tried a 12mg and craved cigarettes, so I thought hey a 36mg will mean I puff less and get a nic hit! Oh dear I have 10 bottles of the foul stuff, but can cut it now I have the flavours.

    My panic is that I am returning to canada after living in the USA where there is a vape shop on every corner, and knowing how Nanny canada is about anything vaguely enjoyable, I feared that I could not have the luxury of just popping down to the corner store and buying the stuff. There were so many articles about it being banned in.com etc..but now I read on this forum that vaping is alive and well in.com, so anxiety alleviated!

    I have a beaker now, so I can be accurate measuring.
  14. Hannah

    Hannah New Member

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    What flavouring are you using, what % are you using(of that flavouring), and what is the ratio of PG:VG in the flavouring?
    I think you might be better off counting your flavouring as part of the PG/VG in the initial maths.

    I'll give you an example of one of mine.

    Capella flavouring is usually pretty good at 20% concentration.
    They are pretty much all PG based.
    My nic is 100mg/mL 100%VG.

    If I wanted 25mg/mL nicotine in the stuff I vape, I would mix 10mLs of liquid like this.

    2 mL of flavouring (PG)
    2.5mL of 100mg/mL nic liquid (VG)
    3mL of PG
    2.5mL of VG
  15. Johnny D

    Johnny D New Member

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    If you are vaping 25mg/ml juice, it is the nic that is giving you the most TH, not the PG.
    However more VG will reduce the TH a little, a 40/60 PG/VG may be better for you.

    100mg/ml nic is very unlikely to give you poisoning, if you spill it on your hands just clean up the spill & wash your hands.
    I have deliberately dripped 100mg/ml onto the back of my hand & left it there for a good 10minutes, with no ill effects, I vape at 24mg/ml, so I have a better tolerance than someone that vapes 2mg/ml nic too but I don't think even they would feel ill effects if they washed their hands after spilling 100mg/ml on them.
    A baby with 100mg/ml spilled on them would be a HIGH concern for poisoning, a small child a moderate concern, a teenager a mild concern, an adult that never smoked or vaped nic a slight concern, an adult that smoked or vaped nic hardly any concern.

    Beakers are not as accurate as a syringe or a measuring tube(proper lab equipment for measuring), the tolerance of inaccuracy for a beaker is greater than the tolerances in the other two.

    A Doubler is juice that has no nic & is double strength in flavor. It is designed to be mixed 50/50 with doubler strength nic to make - single strength nic, single flavor juice.

    I think what you should be doing is, take your 100mg/ml nic make up 100ml @ 50mg/ml 100% VG, then the flavor concentrate you are using mix up by putting in the concentrate first, then add plain PG to make 30% or 40% of the total volume you are making, then add 10% or 20% plain VG then add 50% of the total volume of your nic base.

    So for a 10ml example:
    20% flavor = 2ml
    plain PG 1ml or 2ml (1ml will give you 30% PG ratio 2ml will give you 40% PG ratio) this + the flavor concentrate count as PG in the final PG/VG ratio.
    plain VG 1ml or 2ml, depending on how much PG & concentrate you added, to make 5ml in the bottle.
    5ml 50mg/ml nic 100% VG base.

    That will give you juice with either a 30/70 or 40/60 PG/VG ratio @ 25mg/ml.
  16. urFate

    urFate New Member

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