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Mixing lessons????

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by bubblegum11, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. Mierdaactiva

    Mierdaactiva New Member

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    Haha ask know!

    Actually noe, ive stepped up to working with 100mg nic, pg based. I usually vape 18mg, but want to up it a tad as im vaping a hell of a lot more. Can you quickly do the math on working with 100mg pg nic as opposed to 36mg

  2. gokarcarals

    gokarcarals New Member

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    I can answer that one though, just chuck 5ml nic in and that will get you 10ml of 24mg juice :)
  3. cpulhuoqlo

    cpulhuoqlo New Member

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  4. uksawatdii

    uksawatdii New Member

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    Nope as ive explained to people whove been around this thread for a while Saxien, I like to see things worked out on screen, understand the working so I can do it on paper myself rather than relying on devices to do the work for me. Its why I occasionally bump this thread, when im having mind blocks or tackling something new, rather than start a new thread.
  5. Hayden K.

    Hayden K. New Member

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    Thanks for that fithflo seams easy enough hahahaha
  6. sininju

    sininju New Member

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    If you want 24mg/ml juice, then do as fifth said.
    If you want a different strenght juice, then I'd need to know what strength you want & if you have a preferred PG/VG content, I'd need to know what the nic base & doubler base is.
  7. AdelaidaM

    AdelaidaM New Member

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    for 24mg/ml juice just use 2.4ml of your 100mg/ml per 10ml.
    So that would be an extra 0.6ml of nic & an extra 0.6ml of PG, since the nic is 100% PG based.
    So adjust the plain PG added by adding 0.6ml less.

    So if you are making 10ml juice using 80/20 doubler:
    5ml doubler = 4ml PG, 1ml VG
    2.6ml nic = 2.6ml PG
    to get a 70/30 ratio you need to add:
    0.4ml PG
    2ml VG
    Simple :)
  8. bdizzyctxaxd4289

    bdizzyctxaxd4289 New Member

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    I got the first sentence, I know how much nic to put in to achieve desired ratio at 10ml and 100ml

    What im getting at is I want to use this whole bottle of 'concentrate' im confused as I paid a similar price for an imix bottle of the same size and chucked the whole bottle in and I think I got 40ml. Maybe VK just charge a hell of a lot more than eciglife.

    So Noe my questions are:

    How many mls in total can I make from 10ml of this concentrate? (I want it to be strong so ill take the 1.5ml for every 10ml option to achieve 15%)

    How many mls 100mg pg based nic do I put in?

    How many mls PG do I put in?

    How many mls VG do I put in?

    So basically if you could write it like this

    24ml nic
    16ml pg
    24ml vg
    10ml concentrate

    = xxxml 20mg 70:30

    Then I can work it out backwards.
  9. hepAnype

    hepAnype New Member

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    If you took that 10ml bottle of concentrate & dumped it into a 100ml bottle, you could make 65ml (66.6666*ml actually) of juice.

    First I would do a 10ml test batch to ensure the flavor was not too strong or too weak.
    So for a 10ml batch:
    1.5ml concentrate for 15% flavor
    2.4ml nic for 24mg/ml
    3ml VG
    3.1ml PG
    gives you 10ml @ 24mg/ml, with 15% flavor & 70/30 PG/VG.

    Now if that works out to be the way you like it, then just multiply all the amounts by 5.5 to make another 55ml & you'll be good to go.
  10. snarks01

    snarks01 New Member

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    Awesome thanks!
  11. Dr. N. Das

    Dr. N. Das New Member

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    Okay so glad I asked first, mixed up 10ml last night (1.5ml concentrate) and man it has stunk out my bedroom lol it's far stronger than the 100ml of Krits stuff I mixed the night before, I think when steeping the final mix ill put it in a kitchen cupboard or some such, the smell will be too strong, but for now its like free aroma lol no oil burner necessary!

    Now I have a couple of questions.

    When steeping, is it better or worse to maximize the surface area exposed to air ie steep in a mixing beaker as opposed to bottles?

    When washing wicks if you put cold water on them does it seal the flavour in? (Yea a bit out there maybe, but cold water locks some stains in, flavours could be the same?

    When washing wicks of BCCs (Noe I should've listened to you and started using these months ago, warm vape pfft - who cares!) how do I clean the wick properly? I dabbed at one with a cotton pad and vinegar and the wick just came off! Well maybe I agitated it a bit but how do you get them properly clean without being a bit vigorous lol.

    Thank you in advance, I know most of these aren't mixing questions but I can derail my own thread.
  12. TupstusA

    TupstusA New Member

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    I think if you have more surface area exposed to air, the juice should steep faster.
    I base this off of my limited knowledge of aquariums, where the surface area, rather than the volume of water, determines the amount of fish that can be kept in the aquarium, due to the transfer of oxygen on the surface of the water.
    Yes, what I just said is hypothetical & may sound confusing but to me it makes sense.
    Basically, in an aquarium if you have 30cm square of surface area & 20L volume you can keep XX number of fish, if you have 60cm square surface area & 20L volume of water you can keep 2x XXnumber of fish(of the same size).
    To my understanding, when steeping juice it is largely the transfer of oxygen & aromatic carbons behind the idea of steeping juice in air with the lids off.
    So increasing the surface area should, in theory, speed up steeping times.

    I don't believe washing a liquid through wicking material will leave aromatic esters imbedded into the wick, stains are .comsed by pigments, which are solids, not by gases or liquids.
    Cold or hot water should make no difference to the residual scent left behind on a wick IMO.

    To clean most BCCs, rinse well with water, then dry burn the coil to remove the water & turn any gunk left behind into ash, then blow the ash off the wick. At this point you can, if you want, rinse & dry burn just until the water is gone again or simply put your clearo back together, fill & vape.
  13. riddick3580

    riddick3580 New Member

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    Thanks heaps Noe! I knew you'd get here eventually!

    Yep makes sense re the steeping. I thought I was onto something. I like to mix one flavour each night and leave it in a beaker/jug and then bottle it the next night. I love the smells and theyre only tobacco flavours!

    Ok im really lazy with dry burning, all I do is dry the wicks really well with tissues then refill the clearo then just press the button about 20 times till the sound changes then I vape, if its shit ill keep pressing for a while till it tastes fine. I worried that dry burning without liquid in there might overheat the coil and kill it?

    Thank you!
  14. pascuero4

    pascuero4 New Member

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    Ok Noe and anyone else following my mixing adventures.....

    I want to start working with concentrates, where's a good place to start bearing in mind I like tobacco flavours....
  15. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I don't use tobacco flavours at all, but I have found ecigmodshop's super concentrates to be very good. Also very reasonably priced, since you won't need any more than 2.5% flavouring. That's 0.25mL in a 10mL bottle and 0.75mL to make a 30mL bottle. You'll definitely need to get some 1mL syringes for measuring these, if you decide to try them. Each 10mL bottle of concentrate will make you 400mL of eliquid.
  16. Unlikigelef

    Unlikigelef New Member

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    Thanks MrsG, I was wanting to give Simon some business but am not much into 'mods' good to know :).
  17. Nick

    Nick New Member

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    Try some super concentrates, Blackfire, Black & mild or Black Cigar, Tobacco, Golden Virginia & any of the others that you like the sound of.
    VZ has a bigger range than ECMS & they are the same concentrates, they also have vaper's reviews, which may help you decide which to choose: DIY-Flavoring-Alcohol Base | E Liquid Flavoring-Alcohol Base - E Cig : Best Ejuice | Joye eGo & eGo-T | Boge Leo | Cartomizers | E-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes
    Also JF has the same concentrates locally & a few that ECMS doesn't stock : Juice Concentrates - Alcohol Based Super Concentrates - Juice Factory
  18. lizaleong

    lizaleong New Member

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    Wonder if JFs 'white wine' will make me salivate.

    Excellent links, feeling stingy this minute but that will change...

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