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Mixing lessons????

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by bubblegum11, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. 7-4-09 baby lills here

    7-4-09 baby lills here New Member

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    Noe's right.. I was doing 80:20, be.comse that's how I mix.. try again, Domo.. and show your working :)
  2. Albuppy

    Albuppy New Member

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    My head hurts >.< Ok let me think!
  3. gregorybx16

    gregorybx16 New Member

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    There are three elements to mixing eliquid.
    1. The flavouring.
    2. The ratio of PG:VG
    3. The nicotine.

    When you mix a bottle of ejuice, you start by taking into account the things you can't change, be.comse they have to go into the bottle as they are.

    The nicotine:
    So if you have 36mg/mL nicotine liquid, and you vape 18mg/mL, then you know half the bottle you make is going to be nicotine liquid, in whatever ratio you've bought that in.

    The flavouring:
    If it's a doubler, you'll need 50% of the bottle to be flavouring. If it's a tripler, it will be 33.3% of the bottle.
    If it's a concentrate, it's going to take anywhere between 2.5% to 25% of the bottle.

    The PG and VG:
    These are the last things to factor in, to try to build the right ratio that you most enjoy vaping. You might be anywhere with the ratio between 100:0 and 0:100.
    You need to play around with that and find out what works best for you and your set up. 80:20 seems to be about right for us.
    We tried 50:50, but seemed to lose a lot of flavour, and get a lot of dry hits in the gear we have.
    This is all very much down to individual choice and vaping style.

    Ask lots of questions, and you'll get at least 3 different answers lol
  4. drabeabe

    drabeabe New Member

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    *strokes poor domo's brow* i feel your pain. my head hurt a lot at the start, too. you will get it though, don't worry.
  5. dp80

    dp80 New Member

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    Ok so the nicotine strength is the same so we start out with the same sum:

    20(mg/mL) x 30 (mL in my eliquid bottle) = 600 mg

    600 mg divided by 100 (mg per mL of concentrated nicotine in PG) = 6 mL

    We've got a tripler this time... So 10ml of that is needed. I've got so far 10 mL of doubler, 6 mL of nicotine liquid. Leaving me with 14ml to allocate.

    So i add 9ml of plain VG and 5ml of plain PG.

  6. Miss G

    Miss G New Member

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    He gets the brow wiping? I have to live with her.
  7. skylinne200

    skylinne200 New Member

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    Graded plastic bottles would be a good seller.

    The more I hear about mixing the more overwhelming the whole kit n kaboodle is.....time to depress the central nervous system, it begs the respite.
  8. fwruvbngyf

    fwruvbngyf New Member

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    She :p And you guys are a great team! She mixes, you build!

    :D Thank you. Just with a bit of practice i'm sure. It would be easier if i had the actually ingredients in front of me i think.

    Try out mrsGruffy's sums yourself bud. That way you can try to understand why you get to the end result. Just doing this has already made me get a better grasp of it.
  9. molly_m

    molly_m New Member

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    I'm almost scared to answer you, in case I get it wrong again myself, but YES, Domo.. I do believe you've got it right :) WOOT! Well done, Domo!!
  10. moxcjkx8n

    moxcjkx8n New Member

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    WOO :D Thank you for taking the time to explain all that to me!

    Once thing though, wouldn't adding extra PG and VG dilute the flavour?
  11. bobytts3939

    bobytts3939 New Member

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  12. sdhgvhbhtj

    sdhgvhbhtj New Member

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    Hahah you guys are the best
  13. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    The thing that worries me about people just relying on the calculators, is the PEBKAC factor. You've only got to add a 0 somewhere when you're entering that information, and you'll get it completely wrong. The calculators are great, no question, but not if you don't have any idea at all what sort of numbers you should be getting. If you can take an educated guess at roughly what should be coming out, then it's a great way to easily work out what you need to mix.
  14. tyroetv85n

    tyroetv85n New Member

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    No, they are an important part of your final eliquid. You already know how much nicotine and flavouring you need to put in the bottle.. It's like mixing cordial. One part of cordial to 4 parts of water.
    You may well find, after you experiment that you prefer your cordial with only 3 parts of water, so you'll then increase the %age of flavouring you use. You might decide to use a tripler as if it was a doubler, for example. When you start playing with concentrates, they might come recommended to be used at 10%, but you might prefer 15% or even 20%. There aren't really hard and fast rules about any of this. I usually google to find other people's recipes using concentrates to start with, and use that as a place to start, and then I alter it to suit my own taste. When I first stopped smoking, I needed much stronger flavours than I do now. So now I have a bottle of nicotine liquid made up at 20mg/mL and when something is too strong, I just add a bit of that to the bottle to dilute it a bit.. sort of like using it as a bit more water in my cordial.
  15. JefGlype

    JefGlype New Member

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    Ok cool. I'll just start out with doublers and see how i go! Do you mind if i PM you? Got another question but i don't want take the thread off topic!
  16. weablexy

    weablexy New Member

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    Not a problem, Domo :)
  17. othrsks98s

    othrsks98s New Member

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    here's what i think you're not getting ... might be wrong, but i might just be able to help you understand.

    a doubler is basically double strength flavour, so it's meant to be mixed with and equal amount of something else (pg/vg/nic) to bring it down to "single" flavour. a tripler is triple strength flavour, so you mix it with 2 times as much of something else (pg/vg/nic) to bring it down to "single" flavour.

    if you have 36mg/ml of unflavoured nicotine liquid, it is really a mixture of 3.6% nicotine in pg and/or vg.
    if you have 100mg/ml of unflavoured nicotine liquid, it's really a mixture of 10% nicotine in pg and/or vg.

    lets say you have a bottle of 36mg/ml 100%vg nicotine liquid.

    you also have a 5ml 100%vg doubler that you want to mix to make 18mg/ml juice. be.comse you have 5 ml of doubler, you know you can make 10ml of juice. in 10ml of 18mg/ml of juice, you will have a total of 180mg of nic.

    the nic you have is 36mg/ml. you need to work out how much of that will give you the total of 180mg that you want. if you whip out your calculator, you will find that 36 goes into 180 5 times. therefore, you need 5ml of 36mg/ml unflavoured nicotine to make 180mg nic total.

    it just so happens, that 5ml is exactly what you need to add to your doubler to make it the flavour strength you want. so simply add 5ml of 36mg/ml nic to your 5ml doubler and you've got your 10ml of 18mg/ml juice.

    as your unflavoured nic is 100% vg and your doubler is 100%pg, your end result is 50pg/50vg.

    let's say now you have 100mg/ml 100% vg unflavoured nicotine.

    you have another 5ml 100% pg doubler that you want to turn into 18mg/ml juice. once again you are aiming to end up with 10ml of 18mg/ml juice, so a total of 180mg of nicotine.

    how much 100mg/ml unflavoured nic do you need to use to get 180? calculator out again ... 100 goes into 180 1.8 times, so you need 1.8ml of 100mg/ml unflavoured nic in 10ml of juice to make it 18mg/ml.

    so now we have 5ml 100% pg doubler plus 1.8ml of 100mg/ml 100%vg unflavoured nic, giving us a total of 6.8ml.

    in order to reach the required dilution for the doubler, we need to now add pg and/or vg to make the 6.8ml we have up to 10ml. for the sake of ease, let's say you want 50pg/50vg again, which means we need 5ml of each. we already have 5ml of pg from the doubler. we have 1.8ml of vg from the nic, so we just have to add 3.2ml plain vg. and there we have 10ml of 50pg/50vg 18mg/ml juice ready to vape :D
  18. christav.rodriguez

    christav.rodriguez New Member

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    In general, women don't get maths, that is why we have credit cards :p

    The thing with doublers is, it is double the flavor of the person who mixed it's tastes. For some this means a doubler isn't strong enough to mix 50/50 & for others this means a doubler is too strong to mix 50/50. This also applies to tripplers when mixing 1/3 to 2/3, that is not always strong enough & sometimes too strong.
    The best method of mixing is REAL DiY , IMO, where you mix with concentrates to your own tastes but not everyone is as good at knowing how to mix & blend complex flavors or even simple flavors, that's where classes would have some real benefit.
  19. levilasselle655

    levilasselle655 New Member

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    Hi Flithflo, I find this calculator pretty good with lots of recipes.

    eJuice Me Up - Best eJuice Calculator

    Once you've installed, go to the pull down menu "readme" and there are some tutorials in there that might assist you.
  20. zhxhfseyps

    zhxhfseyps New Member

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    Thanks Kay, that's great! Understanding this a whole lot better! I think once I've got it all in front of me and can physically see how it works, that will really make it click 100%

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