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Mixing lessons????

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by bubblegum11, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. Kelly Kelly

    Kelly Kelly New Member

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    Smarter than us 'Turkeys'??? Sounds like the blue meanies never wore off. That's a big call professing to be smarter than a whole forum, I think your village is calling love.

    Why would I need to cook when I can pay someone to do it for me? Why waste my brainpower hovering over a stove when the worlds problems beckon my solutions hmmm?
  2. flicandro

    flicandro New Member

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    Oh this is awesome. Better than other calculators i've seen. Is this stickied? If not it should be!
  3. Whittles

    Whittles New Member

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    *gobble gobble*
  4. sara =)

    sara =) New Member

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    Wait, i don't get it though. Say i've got a 70PG/30VG nic liquid and a 80PG/20VG doubler...What would i have to do to get a result of say 70PG/30VG?
  5. dioftsot

    dioftsot New Member

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    i'm thinking you'd just have to put up with 75/25.
  6. Vengeance of God

    Vengeance of God New Member

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    I feel so dumb lol. How did you work out that would make 75/25?
  7. ineedbeer

    ineedbeer New Member

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    Come and sit next to me in the special needs corner ;).
  8. amoubmack

    amoubmack New Member

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    Domo, it depends on the mg of your nicotine. If it's more than double what you want in the vape, you'll need some PG and VG to mix in as well. The plain PG and VG is where you get to play around with the final ratios of your eliquid. It is only one of the many reasons it's a good idea to get more than a double concentration, once you're comfy dealing with the stronger nicotine liquids and using the calculator, or understand it well enough to work it out in your head.
    I use 100mg/mL nicotine and I get it all PG, be.comse I believe PG will outlast VG in terms of freshness, and this is really the most difficult thing to get our hands on in the bigger picture.

    So I generally mix to 20mg/mL, be.comse it's an easy number to work with.

    So when I mix a 30 mL bottle of liquid, the first thing I do is work out how much of my nicotine liquid I'll need.

    So I multiply the 20mg/mL that I want it to be in the end by the number of mL in the bottle I'm mixing, in this case, it's a 30 mL bottle.
    So I work it this way: 20(mg/mL) x 30 (mL in my eliquid bottle) = 600 mg

    I have 100mg/mL nicotine, so I will therefore divide the 600 mg by 100 (mg per mL of my concentrated nicotine in PG) = 6 mL

    Let's say it's a doubler we're using for flavour - In a 30mL bottle, we'll need 15mL of flavour doubler, and that doubler is 80:20 PG:VG
    That means I have now spoken for 21 mL of the 30 mL bottle I'm making.
    15 mL of doubler, 6 mL of nicotine liquid.

    Say I want my final bottle of ejuice to be 70:30 PG:VG?

    So far I have 6mL of PG (nicotine liquid)
    12 mL of PG (flavouring doubler)
    3 mL of VG (flavouring doubler)

    If I want my 30 mL bottle to contain a 70:30 ratio of PG:VG
    I need to have 21mL of PG and 9 mL of VG

    So if you've followed this far, tell me how much more PG and VG (out of my plain PG and VG bottles I would need to add)

    The Question is for the NEWBIES.. OLDBIES keep quiet please :)

    MrGruffy will be giving out virtual gold stars to newbies who get it right, and you just might learn something along the way ;)
  9. ds_india

    ds_india New Member

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    Another 12 ml of PG and 6 ml of VG?
  10. snorkyller

    snorkyller New Member

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    So what you are saying is, you have a Degree in washing dishes :D

    Great so should I be using Cussons or Palmolive or is there something better than both?
    Lemon or Orange or is Mint better?
    Or can I just skip the washing up liquid altogether & use vinegar?
    What about the PG/VG ratio in my sink, do I need to get special measuring equipment to measure the PH of the solution?
    Will the amount of bubbles on top of the liquid solution make a difference to how clean my plate gets?

    These are all serious questions, I am very distressed about the amount of science involved here.
    Please professor, I need your help to these life altering decisions!
  11. jacquelinexi2

    jacquelinexi2 New Member

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    Shh Noe! Mrs Gruffy is trying to school me. I barely passed maths, i don't need the .comghty kids distracting me :p
  12. ?? ??

    ?? ?? New Member

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    You only have 9 mL left of bottle space.

    You have 6mL of nicotine and 15mL of flavouring = 21 mL
    You have 18 mL of PG base liquid and 3mL of VG so far in that 21 mL.
    What are you going to do with the last 9 mL to make it a ratio of 70:30 PG:VG?

    hint: work out how much PG and VG you need for 70:30 PG:VG ratio in 30 mL and you will have your answer.. in every 10 ml, that would be 7mL of PG, and 3mL of VG.. multiply those by 3 to get what you want in a 30 mL bottle. I've all but given it away now :) I'll give you another one to work out on your own once you have this one sorted.
  13. mikmac2

    mikmac2 New Member

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    That's a half fail...
  14. X4life86

    X4life86 New Member

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    Send him to the Principal mrsGruffy.
  15. MegBaldwin

    MegBaldwin New Member

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    you have 70 parts of pg in your nic mix and 80 parts of pg in your doubler, so 150 parts pg althogether
    you have 30 parts of vg in your nic mix and 20 parts of vg in your doubler, so 50 parts vg altogether.

    150pg/50vg = 75pg/25vg
  16. pittymarleyay2708

    pittymarleyay2708 New Member

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    oh lol i forgot i only had 9ml to play with...so another 6ml PG and 3ml VG
  17. baalexeyrancesay5200

    baalexeyrancesay5200 New Member

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    Well done.. you get your gold star from MrGruffy :)
    More importantly, do you understand it a bit better?
  18. fryto

    fryto New Member

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    Here's one to try all by yourself.

    You have a tripler in 100% PG
    You have 100mg/mL nicotine which is 100% PG

    I have an empty 30 mL bottle which I want to be 20mg/mL nicotine and 70:30 PG:VG

    What do I need to put in that bottle?
  19. fbforexbroker

    fbforexbroker New Member

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    Except that now you are both wrong & need to go to see the principal.
  20. guawduawl

    guawduawl New Member

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    Yes, much better. I'll need to read your example over a few more times for it to really sink it but i grasp what you are saying. I just get confused with all the numbers, i'm very challenged when it comes to that :/

    So you reckon i should just go for 100mg/mL nicotine in all VG...However if you are having to add VG and PG into the nic and doubler, wouldn't that dilute the flavour? Is that why there are triplers?

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