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Pre-mixed Juices -- Lowering Nic Percentage?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by 69way, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. 69way

    69way New Member

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    I've ordered some pre-mixed Apple flavour e-juice with 18% Nicotine from OS.

    Was wondering what the procedure is for lowering the Nic level if it turns out too strong? In "analogs", I used to smoke at 8mg level. Obviously, I won't know until I try it, but suspect it's going to be a bit strong :rolleyes:

    I've also ordered straight 48mg Nicotine from NZ & will be having a go at mixing some of that this weekend with the assistance of Vaping Cobra's calculator.

    If this question has already been asked, my apologies - I searched but couldn't find it ;)

  2. born2ski1

    born2ski1 New Member

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    18% = 180mg/mL

    I don't know of any place that sells that concentration of nicotine, so I'm going to assume that you meant 18mg/mL which equals 1.8%.

    Place 5mL of your ejuice into a bottle.

    Now think of this:

    If you add 5mL of 0mg nicotine liquid, you will have a total of 10mL ejuice at the level of 9mg/mL. (that is you halved it with an even 50:50 split).

    If you dont want to dilute it so much, you could instead only add 2.5mL of 0mg nicotine, you would get an ejuice of 12mg/mL.

    Just remember that when you dilute nicotine, you're also diluting the flavour.
  3. mechmaster958

    mechmaster958 New Member

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    Hi Dave,

    I think you will find 18mg/ml is fine but you could easily drop it down to 12mg/ml by mixing 10ml juice & 5ml PG &/or VG together.
  4. thulley

    thulley New Member

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    Hi DaveA and Welcome.

    I know it's hard to get your head around but with vaping you cannot 'compare' the mg strength of analogues with the mg strength of nic juice. I'm told that the main reason for this is be.comse it takes around 3 times as long for the nic in vaping to get into your system than that of an analogue that seems to get into your system instantaneously.

    I only smoked 4mg and I'm vaping 24mg mostly and sometimes 18mg but then again I was a very heavy smoker. You will be able to judge for yourself but do give it a chance. I always seem to have a couple of coughs on the first few vapes and then it settles down nicely. You can always cut the nic down later as a lot of people on this forum have. It's just a bit tough sometime when you're first starting out.

    Noes the man. He has helped me immensely on my journey. Don't be afraid to ask any and all questions if you're not sure about something. This forum has a lot of great people on it and they are more than happy to help when they can.

  5. raimen

    raimen New Member

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    Before the question gets asked, 0mg nicotine liquid, in an unflavoured form, is simply PG/VG. As in what Noe said. Just to head off confusion. Nothing wrong with what Marty said, it's just that could get confusing for newbies.
  6. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    hi-jacking a bit .comse I didn't want to spam the threads anymore than I already have.

    Has anyone tried cutting down Gorilla Juice/Boba's nicotine level? About to receive some GJ and it's at 18mg which may be a bit uncomfortable so thinking of dropping down to 12mg. Would it kill the flavour if I added 1:3 VG to the mix?

    Okay on topic now, I don't think the amount of nicotine in cigarettes affect the amount of nicotine you vape. I've read around that you only take in about 1mg of nicotine per cigarette no matter the strength of the cigarette. So if you were a pack a day smoker I think 18mg/mL of nicotine would do. Now the throat hit is hard to work out, at 12mg/mL I get a very solid throat hit but not getting enough nicotine, so I either go 18mg/mL and get a devastating throat hit to get my nicotine.. or chain vape on 12mg/mL. I have yet to try out 16mg/mL but it's on my to-do list.
  7. MathewGraham

    MathewGraham New Member

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    I did this too, read up on DYI, figured this would be my entry to it. I ordered 36mg premix flavoured WITH 2 extra shots of flavour, (you may need flavour concentrates if yours is weak) with the intent of adding VG and PG to make 18mg. I am completely underwhelmed by my skills and will never bother again for the minimal savings.

    If you're going to DYI from "scratch" with unflavoured nic etc, I think it is def worth it, this fiddle faffing about....notsamuch IMO ;)

    *and for my idiot statement of the day, I only learned a few months ago you can pop the stupid dripper things off bottles, I was cracking it big time trying to syringe VG into those bottles.
  8. HaroSleelaNap

    HaroSleelaNap New Member

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    Oh jen, I feel your pain! Another thing to consider when you're putting VG into things, is that a 1mL or diabetic syringe is so thin it will go into virtually any bottle opening, so it is possible to draw up VG accurately with no needle on a 1 mL syringe. Alternatively, for larger amounts, you can remove the plunger from a larger syringe.. 5mL or above, put your finger over the pointy end, and fill it that way. You can even keep plugging the pointy end with your finger and tip it the other way if you are putting it into a bottle with a reasonable sized neck. You can also gravity feed it (no need to use the plunger or the needle) by holding the syringe slightly at an angle and letting it drip into the intended bottle. VG usually takes too much time for me to mess around like that, so I'll tip it into the bottle carefully.
  9. Bo P

    Bo P New Member

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    Why does it have to be a compromise between nic strength & TH?
    Try a 40/60 PG/VG ratio, with 18mg/ml juice & I'm almost certain you won't get a savage TH from it. If you are already using high VG juice, then you could go a bit higher, say 20/80.
    Another thing to consider is, that as you get used to vaping at a particular strength , you will notice the TH less & less, until you almost don't notice it at all.

    When I bumped up to 24mg/ml from 18mg/ml, the TH was massive(probably be.comse I was using gennies) for about the first 2 days, after that for maybe 2 weeks it was big in the morning having my first vape but the rest of the day I'd hardly notice it.
    Now, I don't notice a TH at all, unless I bump my nic up a bit higher.
  10. GerIteby

    GerIteby New Member

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    Thanks for the responses everybody! The guys at Vaping Cobra said this forum was awesome, and they're right!

    Apparently, or so I read somewhere, you can add vodka for the Throat Hit?

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