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New Directions VG/PG

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by heidigh, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. heidigh

    heidigh New Member

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    Had a read through some posts and can't seem to find anyone that has actually USED this stuff.
    I ordered a few kg of it recently but haven't used it to mix with yet.
    The PG appears to be fine judging by smell and texture, but the VG seems to have a different scent to what I'm used to working with.

    Can't really explain what it smells like, sort of floral, very feint.
    Not sure if this is usual for some VG, but all the VG I've had in the past I haven't noticed ANY smell.

    Can anyone confirm this is safe to use, well, without tasting like ass?
  2. rrrrr

    rrrrr New Member

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    Vape it and see. VG has a sweet taste to it naturally so could be just normal.
  3. Tooltime3572

    Tooltime3572 New Member

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    Hope its all good, ive got some in the post.....
  4. joecole

    joecole New Member

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    i tried new directions VG and binned it straight away, it had a tangy taste to it.
    escentials of canada have BP grade PG & VG, its brilliant
  5. JustinCider

    JustinCider New Member

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    As far as I can see from the web site if it's this stuff:
    then it doesn't say anywhere that it's food grade, and their own certificate of analysis for this product says that it is 99.5% 'glycerol'. It seems they may not actualy test for animal derived glycerols, and they don't identify the other 0.5%. It also states that it's the byproduct of the soap making industry and that the source is Indonesia.

    That's about four strikes, I think. It's probably safe to use, but whether you will want to or not...
  6. royall

    royall New Member

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    Quote from new directions product page:
    " Ingredients: Vegetable Glycerin

    A colourless sweet viscous liquid derived from vegetable fats. It is a by-product of the soap-making process, which separates the glycerin from the fatty acids in the whole oil. "

    Here's the COA pdf download link for it that I found in a search on their site : http://www.newdirections.com.com/cofa-view/download.php?id=27886
  7. ahjzsxzsom

    ahjzsxzsom New Member

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    Here's the situation with New Directions, and PG, as I was last aware of it.

    I am only going to refer to PG here, as that was what I found out about when I was looking for the cheapest possible I could find.

    For starters, there really is no "food grade" with PG. There is either BP/USP/EP grade, which signifies it is pharmaceutical grade. This is the only one you/we should use.

    The other grade is simply not marked with this. Means it is erm.. I forget the actual wording used, but more or less commercial grade. The main difference was in handling procedures, it all starts out as the same product. Pharma grade means best practice handling procedures, as it is used for foods, cosmetics etc. Sterile containers etc. However, non-pharma grade can still be used for a majority of b.comty products, like soap, shampoo, some creams etc, which is where New Directions comes in. The purity isn't critical, for the purposes they sell it for. Some of the stuff they sell is pharma grade, as you can look up the lot numbers on the site, and match it to their MSDS sheet. But not all of it is. And you can't match the MSDS sheet to whatever batch they are selling. It is simply a bulk ppol of MSDS sheets. Which is fine for their purposes. But not for ours, since we are inhaling it.

    So if you buy from them, there is no guarantee what you are getting is BP/USP/EP. They have confirmed this to me via email.

    The cheapest place I have found to buy 1 litre/1kg bottles of PG is ebotaniq.

    Propylene Glycol

    The site is a shocker, it doesn't always work, but if you email the guy with what you want, he will send you a Paypal invoice from memory. Quite a few people have bought from him, and I have not heard any complaints.

    As for his VG I just looked it up, and it says this:
    Whilst the product is a vegetable derived BP grade we do not supply certification and do not advocate use in food application.

    I don't think I would vape this VG.

    I did a lot of research into this not long after I started vaping, as I wanted to know what the deal was. Had people saying food grade, pharma grade, GRAS, etc. A lot of different rumours and suspicions, but no hard facts. I also thought the prices were a bit steep for what was essentially a very common humectant, and one of the cheaper components of many b.comty care products. So I did a lot of research, and the above was what I found out. In the course of my wanderings I also came across the ebotaniq guy, who was first found by a poster on Whirlpool.

    So now everyone knows as much as I do, which isn't very much, but at least it is accurate, and could help you out a bit. Especially since his PG i/was around $13 or so for 1kg. Plus shipping.

    I can't find his email address on the site atm, but will find it tomorrow if someone doesn't post it in the meantime. I think kingsr bought some off him? He may have the email addy.

    Hope this helps and clears some stuff up.


    edit-when I said MSDS sheet I was referring to the COA sheet like Noe has posted. If a PG/VG is pharma grade, it will definitely have BP/USP/EP or some of those on it-usually at the top. If you go through all their COA's, you may find some that do. But like I said, they can't be matched to the specific product you are buying. Which is why they do not advertise it as pharma grade. I would only ever vape pharma grade stuff. Just in case. It may have been stored in some drum that formerly held something else, and that's perfectly fine for something not pharma grade. But you wouldn't want to inadvertently vape something shitty.
  8. gregorybx16

    gregorybx16 New Member

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    Thanks for the replies.. So it looks like I'm binning both the VG and PG.
    Where should I get bulk VG/PG from locally then? ebotaniq for PG? And VG from..?
  9. Nevyll

    Nevyll New Member

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    I find the ebotanic VG much sweeter than some other VGs I have used (all USP/BP grade) & I don't know why this is, perhaps some of the impurities in the refining process are sugars or sweeteners?
  10. kedaWara

    kedaWara New Member

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    You can get both from them, their VG is USP grade too.
  11. Broneeanegess

    Broneeanegess New Member

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    Noe, have you got a link to the ebotaniq sites USP grade VG? I was looking for it, and thought they had it, but the only one I could find didn't say it was USP/BP?
  12. patrickmteaxd4562

    patrickmteaxd4562 New Member

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    Yea I got my vendors confused, I ordered from ebotaniq, i got bottles from new directions.

    THis is what I got from ebotaniq, it says BP grade down the bottom

    Glycerine [Glycerol]
  13. pseutle

    pseutle New Member

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    That's the one I have, at the bottom of the page it says, " Whilst the product is a vegetable derived BP grade we do not supply certification and do not advocate use in food application."

    BP is the same as USP, different countries same standard, for our purposes. While they don't provide certification, they do say it is BP grade.
    Upon inspection & testing, I found it to be suitable to use, it certainly tasted better than .comldings & apart from being a little sweeter than other USP certified VG I have used, it was just as good to vape, IMO.
  14. baka105@hotmail.com

    [email protected] New Member

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    Aah I missed that. Teach me to look further. Cheers for that.
  15. Kaia

    Kaia New Member

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    Mine from ebotaniq just arrived, the VG is odourless but very sweet on the tongue, havent vaped it yet and I dont know what vg on its own is supposed to taste like when inhaled anyhow.
  16. carolinexdrofl

    carolinexdrofl New Member

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    Vg is sweet. Its actually used in the real world as a sweetener for diabetics! Who woulda thought?
  17. marxhsu

    marxhsu New Member

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    Looks like I'll be putting an order in at ebotaniq..
    Before I bin 3kg of new directions vg/pg, is there any use for it apart from vaping?
  18. Brian

    Brian New Member

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    Good work suspect.

    I asked the compounding pharmacy in Nth Adelaide once, but forget what the price was. I can't even remember the ballpark figure. Didn't even think to ask about handling procedures back then, but I know more about the stuff now than I did too.

    I will ask at a couple of local to me chemists and see if they have anything to add.
  19. ?? ??

    ?? ?? New Member

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    yeah think im just gonna buy from VK rather give them lads my money, cheaper and get some flavours and stuff from them at same time. i just saw theirs was food grade so i though pharma would be better but hey food is good enough for terry white so why not me :). plus i never heard anyone say anything bad about VKs PG/VG
  20. Jekalend

    Jekalend New Member

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    Yes I've got some here and VapeKing's PG and VG seem very good. the VG in particular seems to have almost no odor to my nose.

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