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good better best pg vg

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Lendi85, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Lendi85

    Lendi85 New Member

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    Ok so I've been using pg and vg from vaping cobra and vapeking and both are good and I haven't had any problems. Vg is a little sweet which I understand is normal, from pg I'm getting a slight smell of iso propyl alcohol which I also understand is normal. I've been reading that there's different grades of both, cold pressed organic vg, certified hallal and kosher pg and vg, I've seen another post in this section which showed different colour juice after steeping with different brands of pg vg.
    I am asking the question, good better best?
    Has anyone done any work with this question?
    Even after a bit of reading, is is clear that not all pg and vg are equal and even though I am happy with what I'm using, I want to ask, can I do better?
  2. just wondering

    just wondering New Member

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    Well, it depends on the prercieved function you are after, is it a taste requirement, health concerns, religious restrictions etc.

    Some people say that VG with animal content tastes bad, has a fatty,oily tone to the vape. Fair enough vaping KFC is not on my bucket list. Both Halal and Kosher VG could have animal product in it if the processes were followed for certification with the intent of using animal products, although it would be simpler for Halal if it wasn't, and Kosher is about method, which I call bullshit on, the VG produced would be $1000 a liter if strictly observed.

    So to other gradings if you trust the pharmaceutical industry has your health as its primary concern and not its share holders then pharamaceutical grade PG, VG would be preferable.

    Lastly taste, if you are sensitive to the taste differences between brands and it meets your personal biases above then you have the PG,VG for you. There is I am sure psychosomatic relationships in some of the outlandish opinions especially regarding the most long lasting ancient civilization which has managed to exceed 1 billion people without the massive medical, hygiene blunders (black plague anyone) of the trusted western world.

    Ironically I find a lot of people put a lot more effort in searching for the hidden evils of PG,VG than they ever did with tobacco while using it long term, all while PG especially is in nearly bloody everything we eat or put on our skin.

    So far I haven't found something that taste wise was bad, and given the huge variation possible in the devices we use, the vast majority if not all of my bad flavour incidents are device setup, or poo flavour being added to perfectly good PG,VG. I haven't got the scientific method down to point where I could pick PG,VG as the culprit.

    My last cent....
  3. The Hand That Feeds

    The Hand That Feeds New Member

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    I see this written a lot, and the reason people are wanting to find out more about the product they are choosing to vaporise and inhale into their body is be.comse they can.

    It is a fallacious argument.

    Nobody had that luxury with cigarette smoking. When I started smoking there was no internet. Nobody gave a shit about anything. Not just smoking. The only thing consumers could change with smoking tobacco was the taste, and the strength. That was it. Info was not readily available like it is now. And the ability to share info was greatly reduced. And that has changed the way consumers buy, and led to more conscious choices about what we use. Be.comse we can.

    Different times, the argument that "nobody ever worried about tobacco" sounds eerily similar to all the lies about vaping we are fed constantly. Many of them are created on a fallacy too.

    Back to the topic. Bruce, as long as you buy BP/USP graded PG or VG, then the quality should stay the same.

    Taken from Wikipedia:
    Pharmacopoeial standards are compliance requirements; that is, they provide the means for an independent judgment as to the overall quality of an article and apply throughout the shelf-life of a product.

    There are a couple of good informative threads on here already about it, just do a search for PG or VG in the search tab up the top on the right.
  4. cantcu

    cantcu New Member

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    Absolutely not fallacious, and very sound people have been ingesting PG and VG for a long time and yet its not until they quit smoking and take up vaping it that they are curious as to its health effects, why now? When I started smoking yes there was no internet as well however I fully knew that Smoking most likely could result in a early death, which isn't in my opinion the worst side effect after all death is inevitable, the 30 years of stinking, lower fitness, shortness of breath feeling like crap on occasions and the gradual decline and amplification of other diseases as we dwindle towards the grave.

    Nobody gave a shit about anything prior to the internet, now truly fallacious.

    Back to your point, you suggest that not taking into account the fact we eat, drink, bath and cover our bodies in products which contain PG/VG as not a very good reason to not use the internet to research the best PG/VG and yet you point out Pharmaceutical grade PG/VG is the way to go, again for those who want to cover their ears and yell I am not listening for most of our lives we have all been consuming food grade PG/VG hand over fist. That is not a fallacy that is a fact, and something people need to take into account before going on a wild goose chase looking for something that won't make a damn difference to their overall PG/VG purity intake, if they choose to vape or not. Sure get curious, get information, but do not forget to look at all the facts when making a informed decision a narrow window of research especially on this topic adds to the fallacy's that you have already stated about the anti's

    You could pick up sticks and go live in the Wilderness somewhere and avoid it all, of course we have the Organic rubbish making a new market for itself, again its key messages, however chemical processes are chemical processes whether it be ma and pa making glycerol in a shack or Dow pumping it out by the tonne. Endstate is you end up with a purity of a compound, the .5 or 2 percent left over is if anything going to shape peoples opinion on taste etc.

    Back to my original point with the OP which started out as a question of the reasons they wanted to know, taste, purity etc. I believe using the Internet to increase ones paranoia is a bad psychosomatic side effect, just be.comse there is an internet doesn't.comtomatically mean people are more informed, many are those who hold a Masters in Wiki and yet don't really understand what they are reading.
  5. spanky

    spanky New Member

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    The key is the V in the VG :) If it is just called Glycerine (like the .comldings stuff) it is likely to be from animal fat.
  6. lutalica

    lutalica New Member

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    This got me thinking, I wonder if it is it still Pharmaceutical grade after it has been repackaged or whether the packaging and sealing process is part of the whole "pharmaceutical grade' certification thing??
  7. kdoulos

    kdoulos New Member

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    Yes that has been said before, the resulting compound is the same, Glycerine is still Glycerine. As I said, is it taste etc etc
  8. riches no butler

    riches no butler New Member

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    Glycerin or Glycerol is the same thing essentially. The source material for obtaining it is what makes the difference & the extraction process used IMO.
    USP/BP grade is what we should be using but different brands may taste different & that is be.comse even in USP/BP grade there are impurities within the Glycerine, which are a byproduct of the extraction process & the source material.

    Glycerin derived from animal fat(such as the .comldings brand) can still be USP/BP grade, yet has a different taste & feel to Vegetable derived Glycerin.
    I have tried VG from several different suppliers & there is a definite difference in the taste between them, some are sweeter than others. My guess is that these used different vegetables as the source material or used a different extraction process or a combination of both.
    Either way they are USP grade & fine to use.

    What it comes down to is taste, I prefer the less sweet VG, since I want a neutral tasting base material for my juice. Some people may prefer the sweeter tasting VG, be.comse they like sweeter tasting juice, personally if I wanted a sweet juice I would use a sweeter VG base, rather than adding drops of sweetener to make the juice taste sweet, if I could.
  9. Chia Obama

    Chia Obama New Member

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    Yep I realise that, I was just referring to how you mentioned "Some people say that VG with animal content tastes bad" in that it is probably not very likely USP Grade Vegetable Glycerine would be derived from animal fat, but "Glycerine" would.
  10. Massivekiller

    Massivekiller New Member

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    Roger that understand
  11. taxIrobiaxton

    taxIrobiaxton New Member

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    Be.comse we are now inhaling the shit straight into our lungs and not eating it, drinking it, bathing in it and covering ourselves with it. Completely different application. And the application is what's important.

    People are a lot more health conscious these days. Obviously people did give a shit about stuff, but nowhere near to the extent that they do now. You only have to look at the number of gyms that have sprung up over the last 20 yrs to know that.

    Which is what I have been doing. No narrow window here. I only wish there was more information about the product we are buying. Due to the general lack of information about vaping PG, it has been a task to try to sort the relevant info. And one thing I do is look at all the facts. I have only written down what I have found out so far. And so far the only facts are PG comes in two grades..pharma and non pharma.

    But since I also want the cheapest option, I have found some anomalies. Be.comse the stuff being advertised as pharma quality may not necessarily be that. And my problem is more with misrepresentation than any quality issues of the stuff. Hell, I have been putting all sorts of crap into my body since my teens. My body is definitely not a temple, if the PG has been decanted into a container that wasn't sterile per se, I couldn't care less TBH..but since I am buying a product based on certain claims, then I think any consumer would want that product to live up to those claims.

    I think this is correct CMB. It all comes down to the packaging and sealing process.

    What I think..you could call it a "as yet" untested theory.. is PG is made in a factory. Under sterile conditions. It is bottled in that factory into ready for sale bottle/drum sizes, sealed and marked BP. Premium product, pharma quality, premium price. Would go to medical facilities, chemists, labs, hospitals etc. We buy that end product for between $25-$35 for 1kg.

    At the same factory, the same PG is also poured into bottles and drums for distribution to wholesale customers like health and b.comty suppliers, fog machine makers, the food industry,.comtomotive supplies manufacturers etc. That product is cheaper, due to less stringent protocols at the factory, and we can buy that product for around $12-$17 for 1kg.

    Like I said, untested theory, but so far haven't found any other evidence that anything different is going on. Yet.

    I have purchased PG from two suppliers of the cheaper stuff so far. One of them tells me it is BP, yet it is not labelled as such, with no batch number, nor is the bottle sealed, as it has been decanted into their own bottle. The other supplier has a batch number, the bottle is not sealed, and is also decanted into their own bottle, and they say they do not recommend it for vaping.

    And just so I don't get accused of vendor bashing, I believe the stuff our vendors sell and use is the BP stuff. They no doubt buy the stuff in wholesale amounts, and bottle up an amount of it for sale to us as a raw ingredient. Be.comse they know how important it is to keep the stuff clean, I imagine they use exemplary methods of handling and storing it. So while it may not "technically" be BP, it would be just as good as. I would prefer to buy from a vaping vendor than someone else that may not grasp the significance of hygiene standards for vaping.

    And the only reason I am looking into this so deeply in the first place was due to the miniscule amount of actual facts about it, and when it was mentioned the amount of misinformation that just kept getting repeated about it. Nobody really knew what was what, and since it is a major component of juice, it seemed like a bit of an oversight. Not a minor one either.
  12. James Louis

    James Louis New Member

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    PG is made by companies like Dow Chemical(who make probably more than 50% of the worlds supply) & the grading would be done at their factories, the "bottling" into drums etc would also be done there under sterile conditions.
    For USP grade those conditions would likely be include a "clean room" with filtered air etc etc.
    For non-USP grade, the same barrels/bottles etc are likely used, with the same amount of hygienic handling but no "clean room", meaning less cost to produce & pour & that dust from outside air may get into the barrels at time of filling.

    The other difference in USP/non-USP grade is likely in the filtering process of the PG itself & in the decanting of the batch.
    If we consider wine making for instance, wine is made in barrels & the top part of the barrel is used in the most expensive wines the middle part of the barrel is made in less expensive wines & the bottom of the barrel is made into cask wines etc. It is all the same wine, just different grades, with different %s of impurities.
    I believe there is probably a similar thing going on with the manufacture of PG, it all comes from the same Vat/batch but the premium upper layer of the vat is used for USP & the lower layer is used for non-USP grades.
  13. Rachelle

    Rachelle New Member

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    Hi, I have to say that after vaping displaced smoking my taste started to come back and my throat started to heal and my chest started to clearl. I bet that's describing all of us. I don't know about anyone else but after all that, I'm feeling some kind of way about what's going into my lungs.
    The most relevant point to this post is that we live in a consumer society and I really would like ti know what else is out there. Oils ain't oils as the valvoline ad goes and I'm betting it's going to be the same with pg vg.

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