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Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by acmyrbckhpqnc, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. acmyrbckhpqnc

    acmyrbckhpqnc New Member

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    Does anyone remember the old Amphora pipe tobacco or port royal? I been trying lots of ejuice vendors inc pipe .comce, tried a dozen mixes of my own some of which are ok but I just cant seem to nail this old favourite.
    MMM I seem to remember something I just cant remember-hope it's not dementia.
    Any suggertions?!?!?!?
  2. RexHoles

    RexHoles New Member

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    My old man used to smoke Amphora red in his pipe before he gave up. Smelt great.
  3. arennaPlads

    arennaPlads New Member

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    Someone here mentioned a UK vendor who did a Port Royal juice.

    I'll try find who it was.
  4. Nathan R

    Nathan R New Member

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    Please do! I loved port royal rollies.
  5. jerry

    jerry New Member

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    I've tried jamacia rum in varying quantities with half a dozen tobacco flavours and I can get that reasonably balanced but I just cant nail the tobacco type. I've tried dk shade burley virginia and desert ship. I'm going to order some dark vapure and perique and give them a try. A couple of interesting flavours happening but I'm still nowhere near the mark. Some of the better experiments I have added a few drops of maple syrup which is quite nice. I will admit that I am lost and feeling around in ths dark, with an average of two weeks steeping per batch (I am making 3 experiments per batch) I am starting to feel quite frustrated. I have read that rum is a key component and maple syrup may be an element and have even had a failed try with raisin. Which tobacco? That is the problem...
    As a foot note and completely off the track, I made a very nice rum and raisin dark chocolate. Mmmm.
  6. XCal1bur

    XCal1bur New Member

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    Port Royal uses a virginia type tobacco, mainly.
    Now the problem is which virginia flavor/brand is going to be closest to that tobacco. It will be hard to nail, since the tobacco is laced with other flavors.
  7. catygopewex

    catygopewex New Member

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    it's the sweetness and aroma that is fairly hard to pin down. I have a little bit of VK red grape, and mixed a little bit with some VK sweet tobacco, it smelled VERY similar. Just the flavour wasn't there. There is a spiciness missing.
  8. rossiro

    rossiro New Member

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    Red grape makes sense since Port Royal is a wine flavored(port) tobacco, I would try mixing some grape & raisin flavors together to try to imitate the port, then mess with some cinnamon(real not the hot kind) or perhaps nutmeg(not sure if this is available) for the spiciness but don't use a lot of these flavors 1 or 2 drops per 30ml is probably plenty. Then add the virginia or VK sweet tobacco & you would be pretty close I think. It may even use a drop or two of vanilla as the spice.
  9. PepeGroot

    PepeGroot New Member

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    Om guys I will have to make another order with vaping cobra. I'll keep you posted, it may take a few weeks to get some results.

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