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Cola steep time

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by ShortcutHerbal Goody, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. ShortcutHerbal Goody

    ShortcutHerbal Goody New Member

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    I'm a baby when it comes to vaping, a week old in fact.

    Everything that I have seen on the net and from what I have been told has lead me to believe that as a general rule. The darker the juice, the longer you should leave it to steep for.

    I made my first batches of e-juice yesterday. Made peach tea, black briar and apple pie from vapebar doublers. I made the peach tea 50/50 at 12mg and the black briar at 60/40 at 9.6mg. At first I though the peach was a little on the weak side, tried it again today and it is almost perfect. Not sure if it was just in my head or the extra day made a difference, but I am very happy with it. The black briar was a nice strength from the start. Happy with the taste of both. No issues there. Will more than likely make them 60/40 in the future. Both juices were clear, similar to a slightly viscous water. So I assumed they were good to go straight off the bat, and the results would back this up. No dramas. The apple pie I have not tried yet as it was slightly darker than the other two so I figured I'd let her sit for a while (+ only so many new flavours I can handle in 24hours without confusing my taste buds). The apple pie I made at 66/33 at 8mg. So I made a few different combos to see what I personally like.

    I have however made my first mix using concentrates. The brand is LiQ e-juice. I figured I would experiment a little with this one. I have read contrasting things in regards to % of concentrate to use; and there was nothing written on the bottle to help me. Have seen everything from 5-20% recommended so I went with 15%. I used 7.5% Cola and 7.5% Cherry to combine to a total of 15%. The overall composition was 60/40 at 9.6mg (15% flavour conc'). The Cola con' was very dark, and subsequently the juice I have created is quite dark, darker than anything I have seen. So I assume this needs to sit for some time? As a general rule is it fair to assume that juice made with concentrates needs to steep longer than pre-made doublers? as it is my understanding that these doublers have already had some steeping time, in particular the e-.comldron doublers purchased from the vapebar? does this sound right?

    So far enoying vaping a lot, even got my best mate onto it quick smart. Always fun to have a mate to share a 'hobby' with.

    Great forum this, and cheers for any help that you guys can throw my way.

  2. canterbury10

    canterbury10 New Member

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    Onya Alex

    Front what I know of doubles, the darker the juice,the longer the steep.

    The steep referring to the length of time for all components to blend together.

    Doublers shelf time is not relevant

    No idea about concentrate, hoping you can tell me when you work it out haha
  3. notmine

    notmine New Member

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    Some people think that steeping is a load of bunkum.

    Personally, I let everything steep at least 2 weeks, preferably 3-4 weeks.

    I can taste the difference.
  4. TeenGirllol

    TeenGirllol New Member

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    Yep, everyone seems to have different opinions. I think my best bet is to try a few different things and see what works for me.
  5. ybbpyza8o

    ybbpyza8o New Member

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    That's the only way I guess ... Cherry cola sounds nice , be keen to hear how it goes for you
  6. bon3crush3r

    bon3crush3r New Member

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    Will let ya know how I get on scotty.

    Got anything interesting brewin'?
  7. SupremeVictory

    SupremeVictory New Member

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    Not really , I have most of the juices vapebar has to offer , but haven't really venture outside of that . Some I love , some not so much but I do find them all vapeable . I am keen to start trying different stuff but nothing has really jumped out at me yet
  8. sk1ppy

    sk1ppy New Member

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    I vape with cartos/tanks. And 90% of my juice are VK doublers/triplers. I have tasted and tried along the way but for my setup 4-6 weeks is the minimum for steeping. I don't regard colour at all, some of the juices don't turn, others quite a lot.
  9. SkifieS

    SkifieS New Member

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    Thanks for the reply Rylee.

    I tried the cherry cola concoction. Doesn't really taste all that much like cherry cola. More like medicine. The strange this is, I actually quite like it. I think it would be amazing with a bit of mint/menthol. Which is what I'm going to add to the next batch.
  10. meowglitter

    meowglitter New Member

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    cherry cola always tasted like med's to me anyway

    gives me an idea/question , anyone made/found a good root beer vape ?
  11. umlzgcmdbx

    umlzgcmdbx New Member

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    I think I agree with you Greeny, choc mint as been my favourite vape so far.
  12. Forlorn Hope

    Forlorn Hope New Member

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    How are you testing the juices? I found a big taste difference using cartos and dripping. In fact when I started I thought I found an all day vape until I started dripping then it was too sweet.

    Best of luck, I will be interested to see your results
  13. wo0kie

    wo0kie New Member

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    Fill a drilled carto up until it's soaked, then put some in a liquinator tank, and I vape away.
  14. Mj F

    Mj F New Member

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    you might want to consider a dripping atty Alex

    so you can just sample 5 drips at a time as you get your mad chemist on . saves you filling liquinator with arse juice

    now i have my carto punch i will sample new juices by filling cartos ( unpunch with no tank ) have a vape , if i like it , punch the carto install tank and fill
  15. anubis1003

    anubis1003 New Member

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    There are root beer concentrates & premade juice available, mostly from some US vendors but be careful with root beer, it is known to crack plastic tanks.
  16. ododing

    ododing New Member

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    Its true that different delivery systems will alter the flavor of different juices, some more than others but I have found that if I like a flavor, then I can use it in any delivery system.
    If it is too sweet, then reducing the amount of concentrate or doubler may help to get the flavor back to what you like.
    There are also flavor concentrates, that aren't really flavors in their own right but reduce the sweetness of juice, I generally don't use those & prefer to blend my juice to taste using a dripping atty to test with.
    Once I have the flavor I like in a dripping atty, then I'll test it in my clearos or genesis & generally for me the juice will be fine in those too but if I find it a little weak I will add a drop or two of concentrate to the juice to bring out the flavor more.

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