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Very vanilla icecram recipe

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by EloffDus, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. EloffDus

    EloffDus New Member

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    So here is a really nice vanilla ice cream recipe. Some might think it might have no body so you can add mts or koolada to it if you want.

    Either way it's bloody nice.

    Capella custard 5%
    TPA Vanilla bean ice cream 5%
    Bavarian Cream 1%
    EM 2-3 drops

    Let this steep for 3-5 days and enjoy
  2. Raien

    Raien New Member

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    Sounds good. I've been vaping just 5% Capella VC, and liking that. I reckon your recipe would have plenty of body. All I need is the TPA Ice cream.. Thanks for sharing :)
  3. Just Curious

    Just Curious New Member

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    Sounds good, steeping time is kinda short for my liking.

    will mix it up but leave for two weeks and try it.

  4. wladimimir

    wladimimir New Member

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    Don't treat this like grants custard etc it doesn't need to steep for 2 weeks or anything. You can if you want but try it 3 days in. Then again my house gets warm in the summer time and I steep with the lid off

    The Bavarian Cream gives it enough creaminess
  5. thematador

    thematador New Member

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    MOh forgot to mention that the koolada will give it a nice ice hit on the back of your throat similar to ice cream
  6. dingdang1980

    dingdang1980 New Member

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    Can't seem to find Vanilla icecream? Have French Vanilla. I can see Vanilla Bean Icecream.
  7. goodfella

    goodfella New Member

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    Yeah that's the one. It's by TPA

    I've only ever bought flavours from vaping cobra. He should have some in stock
  8. imin34

    imin34 New Member

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    Cool. Shall be mixing some of that up then :)
  9. creature666

    creature666 New Member

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    Mmmm ice cream hit does sound kinda cool, I have some of that Koolada must try two 10ml samples then.

    One with Ice one without, Thanks Neo.
  10. PeytonGoldeneez

    PeytonGoldeneez New Member

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    Oh it does too. Well I know many people who use this flavour and have for years and are still alive. Its really only a risk for long term exposure - 10 years + etc.

    From TPA
    "Acetyl propionyl and acetoin.

    Both of these ingredients are replacements for diacetyl, which is no longer being used by many (but not all) flavor manufacturers. There are some who still include diacetyl in their flavors, but it is not used as an ingredient in any of the flavors we offer. Athough acetyl propionyl and acetoin are regarded as safe for use in Food Flavors, there are studies being done as to whether there are problems with inhalation.........

    Any time you have a flavor that has a vanilla-custardy type note to it, it will have one or both of acetyl propionyl and acetoin. There is also the possibility that there will be Diacetyl as an added ingredient, (the flavor manufacturing company that we purchase our flavors from is restricted by their insurance from using Diacetyl as an ingredient, be.comse of employee environmental health issues, but this is not true of all flavor manufacturing companies).

    The flavor notes of diacetyl, acetyl propionyl and acetoin are rather obvious, and once a person learns how to recognize them, they are easy to spot. Just like once you know what cinnamon tastes like, you can usually tell if a cocoa recipe has cinnamon in it just by taste!

    Our vanilla custard is a good example. Pretty much by definition, a vanilla custard flavor, no matter who makes it, will have both acetoin and acetyl propionyl (or diacetyl) in it. Just like it would be hard to bake a cinnamon cookie with no cinnamon, it would be really hard (pretty much impossible) to create a vanilla custard flavor with no acetoin or acetyl propionyl (or diacetyl).

    If you would like to learn a bit how to tell the differences, you can compare our Vanilla Custard (which has both acetoin and acetyl propionyl), with our Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. The Vanilla Bean Ice cream does not have any acetoin in it, but otherwise is the same flavor as the Vanilla Custard. So by tasting the two, you can learn to taste the difference between them and learn what acetoin 'brings to the party'. I like to experiment by tasting flavors in Cool Whip.......

    Then you can taste our original French Vanilla Flavor, which has neither acetoin nor acetyl propionyl, and compare with our French Vanilla Deluxe, or the Vanilla Beach Ice Cream, or the Vanilla Custard, which has them. You can see how the flavors are different.

    By learning how to recognize these flavor components, you will be more able to recognize them in flavors by other manufacturers too!

    Sometimes only a little bit of these "custardy" notes are added, just as a subtle nuance. For example our waffle has a little bit, but not nearly as much as the Vanilla Custard......."

    So I guess grants vanilla custard will contain acetyl propionyl too.

    I also know of many other people who use flavourart butter and TPA butter which DO contain Acetoin and they seem fine

    I guess everything that tastes great is bad :( I personally don't mind if I vape a flavour with Diacetyl in it every now and then. I know I'm not going to die from it. If I vaped it every second of the day for 2 years then I might have something to worry about.

    If you're worried about anything you can substitute the vanilla icecream for French Vanilla @ 4% and up the bav cream to 3 drops. You're still left with Acetoin / Acetyl propionyl in the Capella Custard though.

    Several vendors are now hiding under "Diacetyl free flavourings" when they're now using Acetyl propionyl and Acetoin. Take Capella for example. When ever someone shoots them an email asking for information on this, they don't reply.
  11. Raquel

    Raquel New Member

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    I think almost all flavorings carry some risk when vaped, since there is no long term evidence they do no damage.
    Having said that, I am confident flavorings inhaled are far less damaging to my health than inhaling cigarette smoke or even 2nd hand smoke.
    It pays to be careful but do you want to vape unflavored juice or do you want flavor?
    I know I want flavor but flavors that come with warnings recommending not to be vaped I will avoid for the most part, there are enough safer alternative flavors that are just as good.
  12. Cersdeexhek

    Cersdeexhek New Member

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    So what's all this hype with grants Vanilla Custard. That will contain the same bad ingredients.
  13. Mealonelawn

    Mealonelawn New Member

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    Well I made up a new batch of this and I must admit, it's one delicious flavour. The vanilla flavour is just unbeatable, It's creamy and one of the best Vanilla icecream flavours I've tried to date. The sweetness is spot on and this could very well be most peoples ADV besides being 'bad to vape'

    In saying that though if you're vaping grants vanilla custard give this a shot and see how much better this tastes. You'll be impressed :)
  14. jdm

    jdm New Member

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    Probably just like everything else that really tastes good. Why are we drawn to enjoying the flavours of things that are bad for us?
    We tend to love salty, fatty, sugary food the best too. :(
    Oh how I wish I loved the flavour of lentils and cabbage as much as I love the flavour of a fresh chicken kebab.
  15. morbidus

    morbidus New Member

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    hehehe, be.comse it tastes the best :) Take mcdonalds for instance. It's just so damn good but so much sugar and fat inside it.
  16. czmvdqf7a

    czmvdqf7a New Member

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    TPA is the only flavour company who makes Vanilla Bean Icecream.

    Same goes for vapeking I think and I've vaped 3 x 120ml bottles of that.

    I REALLY want to get in touch with that Tim guy from Capella, pin him to a corner and and ask him about it as that company has avoided it since 2011. No one has had a reply from them yet when its a query about an order mis-hap they reply with in minutes. Capella is hiding something and It's now 2 years on and we want answers. Enough is enough. Over the next 2 days I'm going to wreack hav0k on capella and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

    I'm then going to release it publicly on ALL vaping forums, Vaporwall, UKV, Vapepit, ECF, Vapersforum, allaboute electronic cigs and several others.
  17. Ertyu

    Ertyu New Member

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    Neofelis, what was the outcome with this?

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