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Zero consistency - what am I doing wrong?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Bernie R, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. Bernie R

    Bernie R New Member

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    So a few weeks ago I finally got around to trying a new flavour that had been sitting in the bottle for 3-4 weeks and it was amazing.
    I then re-made another batch of it and let it sit for about 2 weeks but there's no flavour at all.

    Am I doing something wrong or do you legitimately have to wait close to a month before the flavour comes out, be.comse I don't know if I'm that patient.
  2. Domara

    Domara New Member

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    I'm guessing you made a booboo.. Two weeks is enough for flavour to come through pretty well..
  3. Tornedeaus

    Tornedeaus New Member

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    What flavor?
    Was it a doubler or DiY mix?
    When you made the new batch did you make it the exact same way?
  4. Littleboots

    Littleboots New Member

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    Strawberry Cheesecaker doubler DIY mix.
    Followed the exact same ratios.

    I'm guessing that it's be.comse I've been vaping a different flavour all week, other than that I'm stumped. Have made 3 more DIY doublers today so will try them in a fortnight, but I'm down to a single flavour that I can taste :(

    Edit: It's also in a different tank on a brand new coil, so it might just take a while to come through, I hope..
  5. Uki

    Uki New Member

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    I take it you used the full bottle first time and ordered another?
    The second bottle may not be as strong or really does require longer to Steep.
    There are Mint Slice flavours that require a Month Steeping.

    Having said that its Probably as you just said new Wick needs breaking in or
    the new Tank just does not give out the flavour the other tank did.

    Also are you running on the same Voltage/Watts is the coil the same resistance as previously?
    You should slowly raise the Volts on a new coil over at Least 30min period.
  6. *girlthatdances*

    *girlthatdances* New Member

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    Sometimes also get a similar problem, not really too sure what .comses it though.. using concentrates, though, rather than doublers.
  7. Noir

    Noir New Member

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    Old tank was a 3.5ml Vivi Nova, 3.8v @ 1.8ohms
    New tank is a Vivi Nova STV, 3.8v @ 1.8ohms.

    Both came from the same bottle of flavour. I don't know what's happening be.comse I also ordered a Mini vivi nova and put some juice in and it tasted flavourless other than a slight burning taste. Left it in the tank over the weekend and vaped it again last night and it tasted nice, no burning.
  8. Wyldout

    Wyldout New Member

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    Sounds like the wick just needs breaking in

    Sent via smoke signal with my provari using a KFC refresher towel
  9. FerieBarn

    FerieBarn New Member

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    Been vaping it all day and had to switch back to my other juice as it was tasting horrible.
    My only thought process is, it was 16mg and over the christmas break (2 weeks) I switched to a 12mg juice. Now I have 3 juices, my 16mg DIY and 2 pre-mixed 12mg and I can only vape the 12mg juices (albeit one doesn't taste that great, but it still tastes, just not a highly enjoyable flavour.

    Is there a chance that in 2-3 weeks I've become accustomed to lower nic level and 16mg is now too much, .comsing the burning/acid feeling in my throat?
  10. Starkissed

    Starkissed New Member

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    It is possible the TH from 16mg is a bit stronger but that shouldn't affect the flavor. You could grab some PG & dilute the 16mg/ml down a bit in a 3ml test batch to see if that makes it better.
  11. baogaumaarley5373

    baogaumaarley5373 New Member

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    In 5 months vaping, I've found the biggest consistency is the inconsistencies.

    Could be your juice, delivery method or tastebuds.
  12. blackavaritia

    blackavaritia New Member

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    Will leave it for a while and see if it gets better. Otherwise, just to be certain I'm going to make up a batch of 12mg juices tonight to let them steep.
    Tell you what, at least cigarettes were consistent :p
  13. debkkd

    debkkd New Member

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    I imagine you didn't stick with the first brand of Ciggy you tried either? ;)
    You will get more settled as you go. Your taste buds will be changing all the time. My Favourite flavour (Caramel Fudge) Tastes nothing like Caramel at the moment. Seems your taste buds get used to a flavour. I like to have a few different one's loaded up to change it around. Vape a different flavour for a while, then you will taste the difference.
  14. julienvince

    julienvince New Member

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    Davee makes a good point, You are New to Vaping you are getting back your sense of Taste and Smell.
    As these improve to will require stronger flavour and Palette cleansing flavours also (arse Juice)
    Switch S#it up, try other flavours, friuts, deserts,beverages whatever sounds good.
    Also try out various venders, Spread the Love around you will find stuff you love and some not so
    Keep the Not so's for cleansing and also to see how they fair after more steeping time.

  15. Tom&Jerry!

    Tom&Jerry! New Member

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    If by consistent you mean consistently bad for you & tasted & smelled consistently bad, while consistently costing a small fortune, then yeah you're right ;)
  16. Murairricenus

    Murairricenus New Member

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    I did actually :/

    As for switching flavours, that's my plan. Have a Caramel Fudge steeping at the moment :)

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