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Exciting times ahead!! (First time at DIY)

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by tommie, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. tommie

    tommie New Member

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    So I've looked over my E-receipts that I haven't deleted, and in the last month (since starting) I've spent $538 in E-cig supplies / flavours. This is fairly consistent with what I would've spent smoking cigarettes in a month.

    Mind you, in terms of PV's, I've started with an Ego-T battery / Stardust combo and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon. This is the only battery I've tried. Personally, I'm content with the size of the device, the amount of vapour it produces with a LR, and the fact that replacement coils are so cheap that I no longer feel the need to dry burn. I will clean the wicks when changing flavours, but once my vape starts to taste burnt, out with the old, and in with the new.

    So here's what I have so far (not including my syringes, empty bottles, ego batteries - etc):

    250ml PG
    250ml VG
    250ml 36mg Nic
    8 x 5 ml doublers (as well as other standard flavours)
    8 x LR replacement coils
    8 x SR replacement coils

    If I vape an average of 3ml per day, 90ml will last me a month.

    *The below is simply an average of what I'll be using which may chop / change (50/50 to start off)*

    To make 90mls, i'll be using 30ml nic (100%pg) 25.5ml PG, 30ml VG and 4.5ml flavour.

    so on average, 250ml / 30ml (the portion i'll use of Nic / PG / VG to make a months worth) = 8 months!! (Please feel free to shut down my excitement if my calculations are incorrect)

    I'm hoping that after all of my supplies come through, I can finally let the Paypal account rest for a while. This may not be the case but I'm going to try to hold off as much as possible.

    I can't thank you all enough for the invaluable source of information you've provided me with. I lurk this board for at least an hour or two a day and I've managed to help quite a few friends / work colleagues get off the smokes and onto vaping which all of them now prefer.

    So to all of those that are into DIY; did you come to a halt with purchases after a bulk order, or did you continue to spend like crazy? In terms of spendings, I know that mine are minuscule when compared to what others on the board have emptied from their pockets, but i'm curious as to whether it comes to a point where you kick back and start counting the pennies that you save.


  2. naggisch

    naggisch New Member

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    Most definately you will be counting those pennies before you know it.

    I'm into my second year of vaping and my spend is looking like about 3-4 dollars per week.

    My orders have been gradually slowing down over time and I really look forward to placing an order as its a special event now and only happens every few months if that.

    Great to hear about your success and I'm sure you will be pleased with the financial results over time even if you decide on some big ticket items. Ya have to splurg every now and then.

    All the best
  3. Kesyutery

    Kesyutery New Member

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    The sig at the bottom of my post tells you how I have saved.
    I buy in bulk now and it's only every few months I need to top up.

    Go for it.
  4. Laufladia

    Laufladia New Member

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    I sat down the other day with all my receipts, and put them all into a bunch of tables in word. I now have everything I have bought itemised, including the supplier, the cost, the date etc. Put down small incidentals like plastic bottles and syringes, shipping, what flavours and the amounts.

    It makes it easy to see at a glance where I have bought things from and how much it was, so I can compare while I am shopping.

    Since September last year I have spent $353.19, with shipping of $92.26 on top of that, so a grand total of $445.45. I would have spent $1625.60 on smokes in that same period. It isn't as much as others have spent, but I always try to get the best price I can.

    But now I have enough nic to last me at least 8-10 months, and a bunch of flavour concentrates so I can make up what I want when I want it. I have an order of some extra batteries on the way, and a fake lavatube as well, so I should be right for equipment as well.

    Bottom line, from now on I don't have to spend anything more unless I want to. I will probably aim to keep my stick replenishjed to the level it is at now, so i don't run low on anything. But now I don't have to buy anything else, the amount I save against what I would have paid for smokes will really add up.

    What other hobby allows you to be healthier and save you money? Gotta love it.
  5. spacko2

    spacko2 New Member

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    I have spent a lot less on vaping than I would have on smoking, I used to keep track of what my costs/savings were but now I don't bother, since I know what ever I spend I am still saving $$$.
    I think after a while (maybe 12months or more), most of us stop counting the costs/savings & are happy to know they are saving money.

    I usually don't need to buy anything, I have enough unflavored nic to last me well over 6mths, I have enough different flavor concentrates to last beyond the time when I run out of nic, I have enough PVs & spare batts to keep going with, I am now into rebuildable gear & have plenty of wick & wire to last probably 2 years or longer, I have more tanks than I could need but I still want new toys LOL
    That is what it comes down to at some point, not buying out of need but buying out of want for new gear or new flavors to try.
    I plan on making a rather large order soon with a particular vendor but I am in no rush & I'm waiting for them to have a good sale/discount before I put it in. I am also waiting on the CVI mod from the co-op here but I don't really need it, although it has features none of my present PVs have.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is once you have all that you need, you will still have wants but compared to smoking, the cost of those wants will still be far cheaper than smoking ever was or if you decide to buy the most expensive vaping gear & become a collector of high end mods, then you might spend a little more than you ever would have on smoking but at least you'll be having fun & saving your health ;)
  6. AimundAid

    AimundAid New Member

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    i only just started and i want more toys :)
  7. FuryHUH

    FuryHUH New Member

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    THe missus just looks at all my bits, and shakes her head, but she would never complain. Wouldn't really matter if I'd spent every cent I would've spent on durries on more flavours/mods/tanks etc etc.
    The whole point is I haven't had one of those filthy things for 2 & half months so far :)
  8. zabog

    zabog New Member

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    Nice one Davee, great effort on that BTW.
  9. hollie

    hollie New Member

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    I'm trying to cut down on the bits, only keep what I know I'm going to use, I'm getting to that stage now after 8 months!
  10. rbabz

    rbabz New Member

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    If I spent the same amount of money on my vapeing as I spent on money it wouldn't bother me a bit, hell if I spent a bit more it still wouldn't, why?, I can see the practical benefits in my health and its not just a wishful thinking thing, I can jog further, I can taste food better, I can actually smell what smoking does on other people's clothing. I won't go down the path of other ex smokers and rant at those who do still smoke, I'll just tell those who ask all about vapeing my honest opinion,
  11. Dibicown

    Dibicown New Member

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    Personally if I spent all my money on money I would be very happy indeed!
  12. bdunc295

    bdunc295 New Member

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    I am starting a notebook on all websites that have what stuff Nd how much it costs (inc. postage). Have only just now started looking into making my own flavours, I've come across a place that does bacon and pizza flavours, so hey, might be able to keep to a diet too lol. Just saving some more money up so I can put in a few orders. Looking forward to urbanvapor order. As well as orders for DIY liquids. Considering learning on how to build my own coils. There is videos on youtube, but I'll be needing patience for that, which is one thing I do not have at the moment lol

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