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Best Tastes Without Nicotine?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Diet Guru, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Diet Guru

    Diet Guru New Member

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    Yes, folks, for those of us who don't use nicotine, there appears to be a different kind of challenge - Finding juices that taste good without requiring nicotine.
    I've only been vaping for a couple of months, but have found that some things either taste like crap, or don't taste of anything at all.

    If anyone would like to contribute to this, please go ahead. I'm aware that variables are endless in this, but any findings you arrive at in your own experience are most welcome.

    ****There are some products I'm not too enamoured with. But allow me to state at the get-go that this is about what things do to MY TASTEBUDS, rather than the overall quality of something or other.*****

    So far, the tastiest ones I've found are the Pink!; and Lime Spider, both from Vaping Mad. I won't risk putting the Lime Spider in a clearo, but I'm very happy with it in a Boge carto. On the other hand, Pink! in a carto isn't nearly as nice or tasty as in a Stardust.

    I've just got some new ones, and have tried Vape King's Musk Sticks, and Butterscotch. They're pretty tasty in a clearo.
    I also got some i-mix Licorice, which is very disappointing. However, it's only day one of it, so I may or may not alter my opinion in time. But today, my tongue isn't finding the right notes in this concentrate.
    Apparently, these findings may have been quite different should I have used nicotine in the mix. This is the challenge for me. Finding stuff that works without it.

    Cheers, and I look forward to hearing of others' experiences. :)
  2. penny

    penny New Member

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    I've tried a few without nic and so far the only one that I like that way is pinkspot's snowmans kiss - its a peppermint/menthol combo that goes alright. All the others I've tried nicless have been quite ordinary (Imho - I'm really still chasing the throat hit though)... :)
  3. 7890123 - longnname

    7890123 - longnname New Member

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    I like the JW maple rum tobacco, reminds me or Port Royale.
  4. jayb

    jayb New Member

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    Lime spider is safe in your clearo.
  5. mediasurfer

    mediasurfer New Member

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    Havent had a problem with lime spider in my stardusts :)
  6. Jonathan P

    Jonathan P New Member

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    That's very good to know. I'm just being .comtious, having read about citrus and cinnamon doing bad things to tanks.
  7. floatsam

    floatsam New Member

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    No problems using it in a DCT either, no clouding or cracking of the tank at all & the DCT had it sitting in it for a week of use, same with Comets, AKA CE3's.

    Another nice flavor from VK, that if you like lime spider you will probably like, is the Red Cola I-mix concentrate. It is more like the cola bottle lollies you can get than coke or pepsi but I have only used it with nic in it. However having tried both flavors I can say they are both equally good.
  8. Subhas

    Subhas New Member

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    Also apparently root beer flavor is known to .comse similar problems.
  9. Ms Take

    Ms Take New Member

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    Thanks for the input :) And I'll wishlist that cola one.

    I managed to try the Strawberry once I'd faffed around with filling a Boge. Yes, another very yummy one to add, and I can't wait to fill up a clearo with some.
    It's a couple of days on, and I still really like the Musk Sticks and the Butterscotch, so I can give those a definite thumbs-up, now.

    ETA bugger.. no Red Cola i mix.
  10. Camellia A

    Camellia A New Member

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    Righto. It's been a couple of weeks since I posted about these flavours.

    Still loving the Strawberry, Musk Sticks, Lime Spider, and the Pink!. All in Stardusts.
    The Butterscotch has thickened somewhat, and has a tendency towards that chemical taste. I don't use it much any more.

    The licorice has steeped for all this time.
    No change.
  11. ftehgh

    ftehgh New Member

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    I've added some Brain Freeze to the Butterscotch. It's usable again :)
  12. gosh137

    gosh137 New Member

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    Vk Red is nice :)
  13. yvwmgcmhxv

    yvwmgcmhxv New Member

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    I've not bought any more juices since the last lot mentioned, until this week.
    I've still got plenty of everything from VK be.comse I got the added convenience of their doublers which are in nice big bottles. Very happy with that. Their premium juices are still good (I'm not tired of them yet), and even the Butterscotch I have warmed to, once I chucked in a heap of Brain Freeze. Vaping Butter Menthols now LOL Of the VK, the Strawberry is still my favourite.
    I've been using the same Stardusts all the way through, and they're performing b.comtifully, even though I accidentally got some SR ones and was scratching my head as to why I wasn't getting much out of them. I do find, however that that Strawberry is very sensitive to heat, and it's very easy to get a burnt hit. But it's still my fave, be.comse I can baby it along with a 510 battery.
    Musk sticks is still lovely, too.

    Pink! and Lime Spider from Vaping Mad are still lovely, also. I ran out of both this week, so I had to order. The Pink! is so lovely, that I ordered more of that, as well as a couple more.

    I've just mixed them up and have had first puffs.

    Black Jellybean. O.M.G. Effing gorgeous! I love it! First day raptures for sure LOL

    Fairy Fluff. Different. So much going on in this stuff. The only flavour I can put my finger on is the watermelon. But it reminds me of Southern Comfort sloshed around a lolly shop. There is a b.comtiful aftertone of candy floss. But wow. Of all my juices, this one really packs a whallop on the throat. Big surprise. More first day raptures with this one.

    I've run out of Stardusts to test the Organic Passion with. So I've filled a carto and am waiting for the *^#$ thing to soak.
    Carto is soaked and I've tried the Organic Passion. I hope it's better in a clearo. It's not revolting, but not what I expected. Not that I really know what I expected. There is an 'oily' taste I don't like much. I'm waiting for new Stardusts, so I look forward to trying that.
  14. janam64

    janam64 New Member

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    I use very little nic these days and find that Lychee and Raspberry work pretty well.

    Have a bit of a thing for JW Raspberry Freeze lately
  15. hgcpoker

    hgcpoker New Member

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    As an ex Port Royale smoker, used to enjoy Kentucky Bourbon, what does JW stand for would like to get some! Cheers Vapers all!
    And I think your wife must be a great person!! Such can not be said for my husband!!! lol
  16. bandito47

    bandito47 New Member

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    Juice Whore

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