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Going backwards.

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by edgar morales 822, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. edgar morales 822

    edgar morales 822 New Member

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    Or should I call this thread "Keeping it Simple" ? Who knows.

    I have been on a path to try and get a vape that I enjoyed. It's a never ending path and each time I get to a certain point, I realize it isn't so good becomse I have only one mod and tank that is doing it for me. In a short space of 6 or so weeks I have reached a peak of istick 50, Smok GCT with RBA DIY coil. Now it's a really good vape, but when I try to get something else as a second setup so I can enjoy another flavour, it doesn't work out.

    So now it's back to basics and where I started for a second setup. Istick 30w with Silo tank.

    I just can't afford to be making this purchase, that purchase, to get to get to where I want to be. It's lucky I am vaping though, if I were still smoking I would be going cold turkey now as I wouldn't be able to afford smokes.

    So a question.

    Who has upgraded to whatever only to realize they want to keep it basic/simple and go backwards in their setups? Did it work for you?
    Liyah likes this.
  2. brentlove89

    brentlove89 New Member

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    Cams don't think of it as going backwards it's just the new gear doesn't fit in your vaping lifestyle.

    I am the ultimate in keeping it simple. Except for my billet boxes I am still 100% carto tanks (yes I have the Sophia's in there) and I suppose even the billet boxes are quasi carto tanks (with BVC coils) but that to me is absolutely simple. Vape everything at 1.7 - 2.1 ohms. Everything fires it. Mechs (by bod mecha), vv provari MVP spinners. Easy

    Top up tanks in the morning vape all day repeat tomorrow. Change carto/coil wick as needed
  3. Dasumu

    Dasumu New Member

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    Not really that it doesn't fit. I love the GCT with DIY RBA, but I only have one and I get sick of the one flavour. I can't get to having 2 or 3 at the moment. I thought I would be happy using the VCT with another DIY kit but the 30w can't run it. I find it isn't so enjoyable with the 0.5 standard coil, which the 30w can run. I can't afford another GCT and mod.

    I just vaped the Silo before, it wasn't so bad, less vapor, flavour was only OK, but it will have to do. Did I enjoy it, not really. That's how it is going to have to be. Think I might sell the Atlantis.
  4. fchl9ywpz

    fchl9ywpz New Member

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    Budget and spend is also part of the lifestyle. It comes down to what you want and can afford. Is there a cheaper alternative that works on your gear until you can afford what you want. Can you pick up anything second hand that fits in with your current kit. And of course are you willing to have a different set that allows you to vape different flavours.

    Not quite the same but in the same vein. For a while it seemed like every piece of my gear needed a different type of battery. Nipple top, flat top, protected and so on, that drove me insane so I switched to one type of battery mod and got rid of all the surplus batteries.

    Also don't get comght up in other people's hype. Work out what is best for you and stick with the plan.
  5. Greeng0

    Greeng0 New Member

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    Firstly - there is no such thing as the ultimate vape. You can drive yourself nuts searching for it, and spend a fortune in the meantime. If you need proof of this - just look at the classies.

    Secondly - if you've found something that is easy and works for you, then just stick with it. I am currently packing up to move back to Giru. So today I started on packing up my vaping gear, and more than once thought to myself WTF I am doing with all this stuff? And I don't have much gear at all compared to a lot of people. In fact it was enough for me to start contemplating getting rid of some of it and move back to super simple. One item I'm contemplating buying is a silo tank myself lol There is much to be said for simple.

    And just to add (just read what had been posting whilst I typed this) - there is nothing wrong with an ok vape. Vaping doesn't need to be orgasmic. It just needs to be enough to stop you reaching for a packet of smokes. :D
  6. Vegas Matt

    Vegas Matt New Member

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    Spot on Ingrid.
  7. ritaxe60

    ritaxe60 New Member

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    I don't get it, if you have one mod and tank that is doing it for you, as you posted then just buy another set of the same as backup. Why are you trying to find something different?
  8. aaldsqmnndeip

    aaldsqmnndeip New Member

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    I pretty much mirror Ingrid ( except I have waaaaay more gear lol ) I tend to collect stuff , just "becomse" these days ... but when it comes to actual vaping , I have slowed on the mythical "whatever" vape and settled into a quite happy "This'll do" scenario .... so while having a huge array of powerful stuff , I seem to keep falling into the 8-13W on a quality regulated device with one or two flavours ( and remember I dont taste most things lol ) and 70% of the time unflavoured ... I have made the brain click where vaping fills the gap nicely and enough to make me not even want to go near a smoke ... so technically that's job done for me :)

    I think I will always wonder if something is a better vape , but I can confidently say I dont have to prove it to myself with every new thing ( as much as I might want to , I dont NEED to )

    I think like anything , if it isn't comsing you grief then go for it , but if you find yourself going without food to buy the next "best" thing , then the addiction has well and truly swapped over into a shopping one ;)
  9. missvape

    missvape Active Member

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    Milk Man
    Well, for me, I only have one vaping device. For one, my budget doesn't allow me to buy more than one device. Second, well priorities, even though I have some extra money sometimes, I just tend to save it rather than buy something for myself. Third, I am quite okay with my device. As long as it stops me from smoking cigarettes then it's done its job well.

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