Hey guys, Just before I start, I'd like to say this ISN'T a cry for help and I don't expect charity, I just thought I'd document this somewhere. I also apologize if this isn't the right place to post this. The past Few weeks have been stressful and as my uni assignments fall due, and my spending habits aren't too conservative to throw that into the mix as well. It really is just common sense, but I assume there may be a few students/people on centrelink etc reading this, that may think that vaping is a healthier and cheaper option, the short answer is yes. but I've noticed as I've come from smoking cigarettes for the better part of 6 years Its not that easy to drop nicotine, and the cost and pain of having to import Nicotine can be too much for some people, me included. now I'm in a predicament where I cant afford nic juice and have to go back to bumming cigarettes from people, which isn't ideal at all. It also doesn't help that I have an addictive personality. So I think the moral of the story is BE PREPARED, and don't fall into the trap I have. I guess that's the end of this... public service announcement? cheers guys.
JUST... Keep going. Borrow money if you have to. Get organised and keep your gear simple. I was spending over $500 a month on smoke. With Vaping it would have to be less than $50 including the cost of the Nic!
Yeah, I can only try, on that note, aside from myfreedomsmokes any other nic suppliers that are cheap and quick to deliver? I also notice that nz cant export any more?
EMZY89, Go to my site and email me, okay? I may have something I can send your way once the next shipment arrives. Now, as for no Nic from canada... Just got some in last week, is this something that JUST happened?
It's very difficult and I commend you for even taking the step. i'm right there with you, I'm also still wasting money on cigarettes. Its just complete nonsense. There is a lot of good help here, and we will both get the support we need to break this awful habit. Best of luck.
Nobody said it was going to be easy to stop smoking, even with the support and help that vaping gives you. I've only been vaping for a little while, and I'm also spending money on cigarettes still, and I think I probably will be doing for a while yet aswell, just not as many as I have in the past. I think as long as your making progress, that's all you can ask for, and were the money is concerned, it's just a case of adding vaping to your monthly budget as an essential.
Don't give into your demons. Stay the course of trying to quit. Become more organized, more focused. The world is richer because of those efforts on your part. You have people here who will support you in this.
There a no doubt that trying to quit smoking is hard, and while I do think that vaping helps, people are starting to get funny about people who vape aswell now. I've heard a few comments off people recently, usually the non-smokers of course, saying all your doing is replacing one bad habit with another. I think some people just like causing trouble and objecting to everything in life.
Well I am sure that the whole addictive personality really does not help, because I am the same way and I know for a fact that it has cost me a lot of money that I did not need to spend. When it comes down to getting a certain dosage of something though, it seems physical and the body just craves it. I was in a similar situation when I tried to quit the first hundred times, because I kept finding myself with a cigarette in my hand regardless of how much I did not want to.
I know how hard it is quit because I have been there and I can tell you sometimes you get pulled back. Just don't give up.
You often find that people who have managed to quit smoking will have tried numerous times before they actually manage it. You often hear people say that giving up cold turkey is the ONLY way to do it, but I think that gradually cutting down can also work aswell. It's just a case of finding what works best for you.
Don't allow that to deter you from quitting. This with many other challenges may come your way, just stick to the plan and hopefully you will not even have the urge to Vape.
I think peer pressure or pressure from others is the key factor in a lot of people start in g to smoke again, it was in my case anyway. While you shouldn't blame others, it is a big influence but you just have to try and stay strong, and remember why your trying to quit in the first place.
I think the most important thing here is not to consider yourself a failure when you slip up. It's better to be prepared for the odd slip and start again, than to berate yourself and think you've failed, making you much more likely to go back to cigarettes. It really doesn't matter how often you fail, just pick yourself back up and start again. Next time might be the try that leads to success.
Your exactly right and I don't think many people will decide to stop and be able to without slipping up from time to time, I certainly don't know anyone who has anyway. If you are determined to do something, then no matter how many times you fail then you'll keep trying, that's the only reason I think people do eventually quit, by being persistent.
Keeping your gear simple and working is very important, I fell into the rabbit-hole of latest and greatest but now prefer some tried and tested RDA's and my subtank, why? They always work.
Well cigs cost an average of $2400 bucks a year for the light to average smoker. And I am being very conservative with that number. Vaping on the other hand costs much less. So, use that as a motivating factor. I think someone already mentioned that they were spending upwards of $500 on cigs and now they just spend $50 on vape. So, you can see the difference. Also, going back isn't the worst thing, as long as you are on the right path and you pull yourself back. It seems that since you have the realization, you are already on the right path. So, I wouldn't worry that much.