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Battening Down the Hatches.

本帖由 Themiatet2015-07-06 发布。版面名称:Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing

  1. Themiatet

    Themiatet New Member

    Well there hasnt been a nuclear war yet.. But i have just completed my goal of 'stocking the pantry' (hehehe). Along with another 2 SLB ego-v units (with 4.5ml tank and drip tip) I purchased some juice. Vk Royal Blend, VK5, VK supreme and Vk Green apple. 1.5hrs later (mixing, measuring and printing labels) I am done. (time to put these away to steep for a month).
    The mixing lab>>>

    The End result (I am very pleased)


    Does anyone know if i have to let the 'Green Apple' Steep as long as the 'tobacco based' juices. And FYI 'Royal Blend' smells absolutly delicious.. I sooooo cant wait to taste it.
  2. icoz6haubca

    icoz6haubca New Member

    lol god dam you have smashed that bottle of nic lol
    you should be right for a week or two :)
  3. Tetro

    Tetro New Member

    Apple should be fine to vape as soon as you mix it up, at least the HC apple is.
  4. johnb693

    johnb693 New Member

    your so clean and organized pro job well done
  5. algarvia

    algarvia New Member

    The thing about VK juices.. Is... To get the 'premium flavour' they HAVE to steep for a month (4weeks). There are vapers ofcourse whom like it otherwise, but i have tested this and for me.. 4 weeks minimum is required. So I thought.. i can buy the juice in dribs and drabs.... then sweat for a month while each one steeps.. or>>> I could do a bulk lot and know that once i have waited the 4 weeks I will have premium juice ready to go :). im sure



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    27-09-12, 03:09 PM

    +1 about the neat & tidy! (she says feeling quite ashamed of myself now.....)......

    27-09-12, 03:02 PM

    [QUOTE="Snip" FYI 'Royal Blend' smells absolutly delicious.. I sooooo cant wait to taste it.

    Hi Rylee74, I'm pretty impressed at the level of organisation you go to.

    You posted a photo some time ago and it was that photo that gave me the desire to improve the way I label my bottles now. About a month ago I went to Office Works and picked up a labelling machine for $40 and the end result is so much more professional, cheers.

    As for the VK Royal Blend, I think you'll find it quite pleasing. Somebody else here gave it a good rating and after trying a sample bottle I purchased a bulk bottle from MB and have really enjoyed it. I find it has a smooth vape about it, the maple is not overpowering and I find the vanilla & tobacco after taste just right. Like a few of MB's juices it is a slightly thicker juice composure about it and you need to take that into consideration with your mix to prevent dry hits.

    27-09-12, 01:41 PM

    Originally Posted by targaboy

    just my opinion - fruit flavours for me haven't changed a great deal with steeping but I don't use the creamy ones. I vaped another brand apple the day i received it and three weeks later on it is pretty much the same (not chinese juice)

    Agreed, the more complex a flavor the longer it needs to steep. Fruity flavors are usually pretty simple flavors.

    27-09-12, 07:53 AM

    Originally Posted by Rylee74

    i have OCD.. so sadly that was me 'midstream' notice in the pic that 1/3 are done (full) rest are flavour only. Was pretty easy. I tipped flavour into 10ml syringe (2 lots 1x 10ml 1x5ml) with my finger over the bottom. then plunged it into the empty 30 ml bottle. Repeated process with nic, washed hands thoroughly and was done.. I believe (due to 2-3 air bubbles) i lost 1ml of nic.. lol.. bloody 100vg is soo thick i had the odd one bubble up in the neck. Otherwise, was done how u see it.. Perks of being OCD.. hehehe...

    Well I hope you don't lose any shut eye tonight over that 1ml nic loss.
    Job well done.

    27-09-12, 07:50 AM

    i have OCD.. so sadly that was me 'midstream' notice in the pic that 1/3 are done (full) rest are flavour only. Was pretty easy. I tipped flavour into 10ml syringe (2 lots 1x 10ml 1x5ml) with my finger over the bottom. then plunged it into the empty 30 ml bottle. Repeated process with nic, washed hands thoroughly and was done.. I believe (due to 2-3 air bubbles) i lost 1ml of nic.. lol.. bloody 100vg is soo thick i had the odd one bubble up in the neck. Otherwise, was done how u see it.. Perks of being OCD.. hehehe...

    27-09-12, 07:45 AM

    How did you do all that in such a neat and tidy fashion? I always, without fail get crap everywhere and am constantly having to wash/wipe my hands and everything within a 4 foot radius!
    Or did you tidy up before you took the shot?

    27-09-12, 07:14 AM

    thanks for the heads up re steeping 'Fruity flavours'.. might give the apple a go tomorrow. But the 'tobacco' flavours definatley have to be 'steeped' properly to get the 'best' flavour.

    27-09-12, 07:09 AM

    just my opinion - fruit flavours for me haven't changed a great deal with steeping but I don't use the creamy ones. I vaped another brand apple the day i received it and three weeks later on it is pretty much the same (not chinese juice)

    27-09-12, 07:00 AM

    The thing about VK juices.. Is... To get the 'premium flavour' they HAVE to steep for a month (4weeks). There are vapers ofcourse whom like it otherwise, but i have tested this and for me.. 4 weeks minimum is required. So I thought.. i can buy the juice in dribs and drabs.... then sweat for a month while each one steeps.. or>>> I could do a bulk lot and know that once i have waited the 4 weeks I will have premium juice ready to go . im sure

    27-09-12, 06:47 AM

    your so clean and organized pro job well done

    27-09-12, 06:37 AM

    Apple should be fine to vape as soon as you mix it up, at least the HC apple is.

    27-09-12, 06:31 AM

    lol god dam you have smashed that bottle of nic lol
    you should be right for a week or two

    27-09-12, 06:18 AM

    Battening Down the Hatches.

    Well there hasnt been a nuclear war yet.. But i have just completed my goal of 'stocking the pantry' (hehehe). Along with another 2 SLB ego-v units (with 4.5ml tank and drip tip) I purchased some juice. Vk Royal Blend, VK5, VK supreme and Vk Green apple. 1.5hrs later (mixing, measuring and printing labels) I am done. (time to put these away to steep for a month).
    The mixing lab>>>

    The End result (I am very pleased)

    Does anyone know if i have to let the 'Green Apple' Steep as long as the 'tobacco based' juices. And FYI 'Royal Blend' smells absolutly delicious.. I sooooo cant wait to taste it.

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  6. mxxoxoxo

    mxxoxoxo New Member

    just my opinion - fruit flavours for me haven't changed a great deal with steeping but I don't use the creamy ones. I vaped another brand apple the day i received it and three weeks later on it is pretty much the same (not chinese juice)
  7. Shim

    Shim New Member

    thanks for the heads up re steeping 'Fruity flavours'.. might give the apple a go tomorrow. But the 'tobacco' flavours definatley have to be 'steeped' properly to get the 'best' flavour.
  8. gladewalker69

    gladewalker69 New Member

    How did you do all that in such a neat and tidy fashion? I always, without fail get crap everywhere and am constantly having to wash/wipe my hands and everything within a 4 foot radius!
    Or did you tidy up before you took the shot? ;)
  9. starcraft2

    starcraft2 New Member

    i have OCD.. so sadly that was me 'midstream' notice in the pic that 1/3 are done (full) rest are flavour only. Was pretty easy. I tipped flavour into 10ml syringe (2 lots 1x 10ml 1x5ml) with my finger over the bottom. then plunged it into the empty 30 ml bottle. Repeated process with nic, washed hands thoroughly and was done.. I believe (due to 2-3 air bubbles) i lost 1ml of nic.. lol.. bloody 100vg is soo thick i had the odd one bubble up in the neck. Otherwise, was done how u see it.. Perks of being OCD.. hehehe...
  10. tempOver

    tempOver New Member

    Well I hope you don't lose any shut eye tonight over that 1ml nic loss. ;)
    Job well done.
  11. lucky one

    lucky one New Member

    Agreed, the more complex a flavor the longer it needs to steep. Fruity flavors are usually pretty simple flavors.
  12. pallo78

    pallo78 New Member

    Hi Rylee74, I'm pretty impressed at the level of organisation you go to.

    You posted a photo some time ago and it was that photo that gave me the desire to improve the way I label my bottles now. About a month ago I went to Office Works and picked up a labelling machine for $40 and the end result is so much more professional, cheers.

    As for the VK Royal Blend, I think you'll find it quite pleasing. Somebody else here gave it a good rating and after trying a sample bottle I purchased a bulk bottle from MB and have really enjoyed it. I find it has a smooth vape about it, the maple is not overpowering and I find the vanilla & tobacco after taste just right. Like a few of MB's juices it is a slightly thicker juice composure about it and you need to take that into consideration with your mix to prevent dry hits.
  13. Peakimava

    Peakimava New Member

    +1 about the neat & tidy! (she says feeling quite ashamed of myself now.....[​IMG])......
