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How do you make a doubler?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by bmoretoga, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. bmoretoga

    bmoretoga New Member

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    Gday Guys

    How do you make a doubler?

    This is something I cannot get my head around. 8/

    I get how to get a mix for a taste, but how do you get double strength? If you double your ratios its the same flavour just twice as much liquid.

    My head hurts. 8(
  2. Syscore64

    Syscore64 New Member

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    Double of anything with flavour, same amount of anything unflavoured...I think I have never done it but makes sense to me!
  3. Gatrida

    Gatrida New Member

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    Think of the flavouring as cordial. The more cordial, the stronger the drink tastes. Is that what you're after?
  4. rukkit

    rukkit New Member

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    Ok just say I have a vapable flavour mix

    2 drops flav A
    3 drops flav B
    1 drops flav C
    5ml pg/vg

    If I double this mix, I have the same vapable flav mix but twice the amount.

    To create a doubler do I just halve the pg/vg in the mix?
  5. appalavar

    appalavar New Member

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    Im bad at this.. but my untrained opinion would be if you have a flavour concentrate that u mix %10 to a full mix.. then if you mix %20 relative to a quantity of PG/VG it would act as a doubler.. Likewise if you did your concentrate to %20 then you would mix %40 to PG/VG for it to act as a doubler..
  6. blopblop

    blopblop New Member

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    I can chip in a little here ... e-liquid manufacturers only use a very small amount of actual concentrated flavouring , which is usually incorporated into a PG or VG base liquid to thin it out and make it usable without overdosing . So product A might contain 1% of the actual flavouring compound in corporated into the base mixture , the doubler of this will contain 2% .

    So if in your mixing you incorporate X amount of flavouring which is pre-dissolved in a larger base liquid it will dilute your mix by the proportionate amount ... a doubler will introduce TWICE the flavour compound into your mix , WITHOUT increasing the dilution factor .

    If for instance you want a strong coffee taste in 100 ml of 18mg unflavoured juice , using a std flavourings for every 10 ml of flavouring compound added you dilute your nic content by 10% so if you want more taste you can add 10 ml of a doubler and it is the equivalent of adding 20ml of std flavouring but keeps your dilution of nic constant with that of adding 10%
    ( figures are illustrative only lol )
  7. velesytexxday8618

    velesytexxday8618 New Member

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    OK fatman /Rylee, ya just doing the same as I said but reverse. Keep the pg/vg in the acceptable vape mixture just double the flavors in the mix.

  8. TeenGirllol

    TeenGirllol New Member

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    Let's make things a little easier.

    Let's us say 20 drops = 1mL

    Suppose you make a 5mL vapeable liquid from concentrates and you add.

    10 drops of flavour A
    10 drops of flavour B
    4mL PG

    Now, if you want to make a doubler, you would do.

    20 drops of flavour A
    20 drops of flavour B
    3mL PG

    That's it. :)

    Basically, all you do is double your flavours and subtract the extra flavour volume (how many extra mL of flavour added) from your PG or VG.
  9. Barusesse

    Barusesse New Member

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    OK forget formulas for a second here.

    Lets look at what a commercial doubler actually is. It is a base juice that you mix 50/50 with unflavored nic base to get the final juice.
    So essentially it has double flavor right?

    When you mix up your own juice from concentrated flavor, PG &/or VG & nic base, if you mix the flavor PG &/or VG, without adding the nic base, you are essentially creating a doubler. Ok you may be making a 12 mg juice from 36mg, so then you are actually making something a bit weaker than a doubler but if you are making an 18mg juice, it is a doubler.
    I have found doublers & even tripplers that do not have enough flavor to my taste when mixing 50/50, so I mix in more doubler to get enough flavor but that means to get 18mg juice from my 36mg unflavored nic, is not possible, instead I can get 12mg strength adding 2 parts "doubler" to 1 part nic base. The alternative is to add my own flavor concentrates & boost the flavor, while retaining the 18mg strength (which is what I do).

    So a "doubler" is, in theory, flavor, PG &/or VG mixed 50/50 with unflavored nic base, to produce a flavored juice with 1/2 strength of the nic base.
    So to make a doubler, all you do is find a recipe you like, then mix the flavor concentrate, PG &/or VG together, without the nic base being added. You now have a doubler, assuming the strength of your nic base will be halved when added to that doubler 50/50, if you change the strength of your nic base to say 48mg from 36 mg, then you will also need to add some extra PG &/or VG to make it a final 18mg strength juice.
  10. Balu

    Balu New Member

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    opinions are like arseholes. everyones got one.

    you guys are confusing me now.

    An canadan vendor selling a doubler HAS added double the flavour, so once nic is added its their intended flavour concentration. all oz vendors assume thats what is meant by the term.

    we are different from the US .. a doubler in the US appears to me normal strength, so it can be mixed with FLAVORED nic to obtain liquid with any diluted nic strength you wish.

    If you want to make a doubler from a recipe, you need all the flavour but only enough PG or VG to make half the. mix.
    so if recipe is 6ml assorted flavours and 24ml vg and/or vg to make a 30ml .. you need to use 6ml of asstd flavours but only 9ml of base so you end up with 15ml and can add the last 15ml nic later.

    I can't see the point in making doublers at hone though, its double handling (oo a pun).
  11. karyssa shea

    karyssa shea New Member

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    Normal = 20% concentrate
    Doubler = 40%... concentrate...:)

    mix doubler 50/50 with double strength nic to get single strength, single flavour.. :)
  12. peterba69

    peterba69 New Member

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    Use a juice calculator :)
  13. annaabdrash

    annaabdrash New Member

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    I received double strength pixie from vapebar, i took 2ml of pixi and added 4mg of PG. it tastes alright , but doesnt produce a very good vape ( need to turn the Ego up to max to see reasonable results.
    am i being stupid>?
  14. antiaaangel

    antiaaangel New Member

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    Perhaps you should have used 3ml PG 1ml Vg then you would see more fog but the flavor would be muted a little bit more too.
  15. jeffletro

    jeffletro New Member

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    Firstly, you've mixed a doubler at 1/3rd strength, not 1/2 strength. You should've mixed 2mL pixie dust to 2mL PG to get the intended flavour strength.

    Secondly, you probably have a 100% PG doubler which means the juice you've mixed is 100%PG and thus, there isn't much flavour.

    If you're wanting 0mg nicotine and you only want to make 4mL, add 2mL Pixie Dust doubler, 1mL VG and 1mL PG. This will give you a ratio of 75%PG/25%VG, a much better vapour producer and if you mix the doubler as intended, you will have a much more flavourful vape.

    If you like the flavour though, why not make 10mL of it up? Combine 5mL Pixie Dust, 2mL PG and 3mL VG. This will give you a mix of 70%PG/30%VG, which is a nice balance and the status quo of consistencies. :)
  16. Blubberfischlix

    Blubberfischlix New Member

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    my analogue smoking has reduced to zero but my panadol intake has quadrupled since joining this forum - see above ^^^^^
  17. aadoxbtuiftrr

    aadoxbtuiftrr New Member

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    above where ??

    nurofen are way better at nic headches than panadol btw ..

    knock em dead they do .. but not sure if thats what you are referring too.
  18. bvesgstgih

    bvesgstgih New Member

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    Seriously why mess wit doublers?? so totally 90s.......Quintuplers is where its at!!
  19. lynnezt60

    lynnezt60 New Member

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    Concentrates is where its at, skip the whole doublers, tripplers, quintuplers, sextuplers, thing & mix your own juice flavors ;)
  20. dickymint

    dickymint New Member

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    I think targaboy is saying that he's getting headaches from information overload. :)

    Agreed, Ibuprofen is a far superior mild analgesic and gets rid of headaches (can be nic induced) with ease.
    I don't even bother with paracetamol anymore, it just doesn't work for me. If I have a headache and somebody offers me panadol, I just go without. :)

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